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NPStat  5.10.0
emsunfold Directory Reference


file  AbsSparseUnfoldingFilterND.hh [code]
 Interface for smoothing filters representable by sparse matrices.
file  AbsSparseUnfoldND.hh [code]
 Interface definition for multivariate unfolding algorithms that use sparse matrices.
file  EigenParameters.hh [code]
 Parameters specifying how to search for eigenvalues/eigenvectors of covariance matrices using TRLAN.
file  pruneCovariance.hh [code]
 Prune small correlation coefficients in a covariance matrix.
file  SmoothedEMSparseUnfoldND.hh [code]
 Multivariate expectation-maximization unfolding with smoothing using sparse matrices.
file  SparseUnfoldingBandwidthScannerND.hh [code]
 Characterization of multivariate unfolding performance vs. bandwidth for unfolding classes that utilize sparse matrices.
file  trlanEigensystem.hh [code]
 Determination of eigenvalues/vectors of covariance matrices with TRLAN.