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NPStat  5.10.0
rng Directory Reference


file  AbsRandomGenerator.hh [code]
 Interface definition for pseudo- and quasi-random number generators.
file  assignResamplingWeights.hh [code]
 Resampling with replacement which assigns weights to point locations.
file  convertToSphericalRandom.hh [code]
 Random numbers on the surface of N-dimensional unit sphere.
file  CPP11RandomGen.hh [code]
 Wrapper for random generators in the C++11 standard.
file  EquidistantSampler1D.hh [code]
 Make equidistant points in a manner that conforms to the AbsRandomGenerator interface.
file  HOSobolGenerator.hh [code]
 Generator of higher-order scrambled Sobol sequences.
file  MersenneTwister.hh [code]
 A wrapper for the Mersenne Twister generator of pseudo-random numbers.
file  permutation.hh [code]
 Utilities related to permuting a set of consecutive integers.
file  RandomSequenceRepeater.hh [code]
 Repeat a random sequence produced by another generator.
file  RegularSampler1D.hh [code]
 Regular interval sampling in a manner that conforms to the AbsRandomGenerator interface.
file  resampleWithReplacement.hh [code]
 Resampling with replacement from a vector of points.
file  SobolGenerator.hh [code]
 Generator of Sobol low-discrepancy sequences.