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NPStat  5.10.0
nm Directory Reference


file  AbsArrayProjector.hh [code]
 Interface definition for functors used to make array projections.
file  AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D.hh [code]
 Base class for classical continuous orthonormal polynomials.
file  absDifference.hh [code]
 Calculate absolute value of a difference between two numbers for an extended set of types.
file  AbsIntervalQuadrature1D.hh [code]
 Base class for quadratures on the [-1, 1] interval.
file  AbsMultivariateFunctor.hh [code]
 Interface definition for multidimensional functors.
file  AbsVisitor.hh [code]
 Interface for piecemeal processing of a data collection.
file  allocators.hh [code]
 Utilities related to memory management.
file  areAllElementsUnique.hh [code]
 A simple O(n^2) template function for checking if all elements in a container are unique. Works well with small containers.
file  ArrayND.hh [code]
 Arbitrary-dimensional array template.
file  ArrayNDScanner.hh [code]
 Iteration over indices of a multidimensional array.
file  ArrayRange.hh [code]
 Multidimensional range of array indices.
file  ArrayShape.hh [code]
 Utilities for defining shapes of multidimensional arrays.
file  bilinearSection.hh [code]
 Determine constant level contours in a bilinear interpolation cell.
file  BindKernel.hh [code]
 Special bind operation for two-argument functors which also converts them into Functor1<long double,long double>
file  binomialCoefficient.hh [code]
 Calculate binomial coefficients avoiding overflows.
file  BoundaryInclusion.hh [code]
 Enumeration of possible boundary inclusions for an interval.
file  BoxND.hh [code]
 Template to represent rectangles, boxes, and hyperboxes.
file  BoxNDScanner.hh [code]
 Iteration over uniformly spaced coordinates inside a multidimensional box.
file  cdKernelSensitivityMatrix.hh [code]
 Calculate kernel sensitivity matrix for KDE-like density estimation using the definition based on comparison density.
file  ChebyshevIntegral.hh [code]
 Integrate functions by representing them with Chebyshev series.
file  CircularMapper1d.hh [code]
 Linear transformation for circular topology.
file  ClassicalOrthoPoly1DFromWeight.hh [code]
 Orthogonal polynomials on an interval with an arbitrary user-provided weight function.
file  ClassicalOrthoPolys1D.hh [code]
 Orthonormal versions of some classical orthogonal polynomials.
file  closeWithinTolerance.hh [code]
 Determine if two doubles are within requested relative tolerance of each other.
file  CompareByIndex.hh [code]
 Compare subscriptable objects (e.g., vectors) by their k-th element.
file  ComplexComparesAbs.hh [code]
 Ordering extended to complex numbers by comparing their magnitudes.
file  ComplexComparesFalse.hh [code]
 Ordering extended to complex numbers by always returning "false".
file  ConstSubscriptMap.hh [code]
 A variation of std::map with const subscripting operator.
file  ContOrthoPoly1D.hh [code]
 Continuous orthogonal polynomial series in one dimension generated for a discrete measure.
file  ContOrthoPoly1DQ.hh [code]
 Continuous orthogonal polynomial series in one dimension generated for a discrete measure, using quadruple precision.
file  ConvolutionDensity1D.hh [code]
 Calculates densities of the kind f(y) = Int K(x, y) f(x) dx, where f(x) can also be an empirical density (collection of points)
file  ConvolutionEngine1D.hh [code]
 Fast one-dimensional convolutions via Fourier transforms (FFTW interface)
file  ConvolutionEngineND.hh [code]
 Fast multidimensional convolutions via Fourier transforms (FFTW interface)
file  CoordinateSelector.hh [code]
 Multidimensional functor which picks one of the elements from an array of doubles.
file  definiteIntegrals.hh [code]
 Formulae for various definite integrals based on exact expressions.
file  DiscreteBernsteinPoly1D.hh [code]
 Discrete Bernstein polynomials in one dimension.
file  discretizedDistance.hh [code]
 Utilities for calculating distances between two discretized functions.
file  DualAxis.hh [code]
 Represent both equidistant and non-uniform coordinate sets for rectangular grids.
file  EigenMethod.hh [code]
 Enumeration of LAPACK methods used to calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
file  EquidistantSequence.hh [code]
 Equidistant sequences of points in either linear or log space.
file  ExpMapper1d.hh [code]
 One-dimensional log-linear transformation functor (log in y)
file  fcnOrConst.hh [code]
 Templated utilities for use in various density estimation codes, etc.
file  FejerQuadrature.hh [code]
 Fejer quadratures in long double precision.
file  fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas.hh [code]
 Special copy of array data appropriate for reducing cell size in smoothing scenarios.
file  findPeak2D.hh [code]
 Peak finding for noisy two-dimensional surfaces.
file  findRootInLogSpace.hh [code]
 Root finding in the log space by interval division.
file  findRootNewtonRaphson.hh [code]
 Simple root finding when the derivative is known.
file  findRootUsingBisections.hh [code]
 Root finding with the bisection method.
file  FourierImage.hh [code]
 Memory manager for Fourier transforms produced by FFTW.
file  Gauss1DQuadrature.hh [code]
 Adaptation of Gauss-Hermite quadratures that works with Gauss1D densities as weights.
file  GaussHermiteQuadrature.hh [code]
 Gauss-Hermite quadratures in long double precision.
file  GaussianDip.hh [code]
 "Gaussian dip" function, intended for use in generating random numbers with acceptance-rejection
file  GaussLegendreQuadrature.hh [code]
 Gauss-Legendre quadratures in long double precision.
file  GaussLegendreQuadrature2D.hh [code]
 Tensor-product Gauss-Legendre quadratures in long double precision on rectangular regions.
file  GaussLegendreQuadratureQ.hh [code]
 Gauss-Legendre quadratures in quad precision.
file  GeneralizedComplex.hh [code]
 Typedef complex type if it makes sense (parameter is real); otherwise typedef the original type.
file  goldenSectionSearch.hh [code]
 Search for 1-d function minimum in log space using the golden section method.
file  GridAxis.hh [code]
 Non-uniformly spaced coordinate sets for use in constructing rectangular grids.
file  HeatEq1DNeumannBoundary.hh [code]
 Solution of 1-d heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions (no heat transfer through the boundaries). Useful mainly for generating doubly stochastic matrices.
file  interpolate.hh [code]
 Low-order polynomial interpolation (up to cubic) for equidistant coordinates.
file  Interval.hh [code]
 Template to represent intervals in one dimension.
file  isMonotonous.hh [code]
 A few simple template functions for checking monotonicity of container values.
file  KDTree.hh [code]
 k-d tree template
file  kernelSensitivityMatrix.hh [code]
 Calculate kernel sensitivity matrix for KDE-like density estimation.
file  lapack_interface.hh [code]
 Template interface to LAPACK (in its original F77 implementation)
file  LegendreCDTruncation.hh [code]
 Optimal truncation degree for OSDE by Legendre polynomials on [0, 1] (typical for OSDE of a comparison density)
file  LinearMapper1d.hh [code]
 Linear transformation functor.
file  LinInterpolatedTable1D.hh [code]
 One-dimensional linear interpolation/extrapolation table.
file  LinInterpolatedTableND.hh [code]
 Multilinear interpolation/extrapolation on rectangular grids.
file  LogMapper1d.hh [code]
 One-dimensional log-linear transformation functor (log in x)
file  LongerType.hh [code]
 Compile-time deduction of an appropriate numeric type for simple algebraic operations.
file  MathUtils.hh [code]
 Various simple mathematical utilities which did not end up inside dedicated headers.
file  Matrix.hh [code]
 Template matrix class.
file  matrixIndexPairs.hh [code]
 Utility for enumerating pairs on diagonals of symmetric matrices.
file  maxAbsValue.hh [code]
 Maximum absolute value in an array.
file  MinSearchStatus1D.hh [code]
 Summary status of a search for a function minimum of a 1-d interval.
file  modifiedGramSchmidt.hh [code]
 Numerically stable modified Gram-Schmidt procedure.
file  multivariateCosine.hh [code]
 Calculate scalar products of vectors whose length is normalized internally.
file  MultivariateFunctorScanner.hh [code]
 Adapts any AbsMultivariateFunctor for use with ArrayND method "functorFill".
file  opsRootsFromJacobiMatrix.hh [code]
 Roots of orthogonal polynomials calculated from corresponding Jacobi matrices.
file  OrthoPoly1D.hh [code]
 Discrete orthogonal polynomial series in one dimension.
file  OrthoPolyMethod.hh [code]
 Enumeration of methods used to create orthogonal polynomials with discrete weights.
file  OrthoPolyND.hh [code]
 Discrete orthogonal polynomial series of arbitrary dimensionality in hyperrectangular domains.
file  PairCompare.hh [code]
 Various comparison functors for std::pair and npstat::Triple.
file  PairCompareQ.hh [code]
 Comparison functors for quadruple precision pairs.
file  performSchultzIteration.hh [code]
 Schultz iteration for improving matrix inverses.
file  PointDimensionality.hh [code]
 Compile-time dimensionality detector for classes like std::array.
file  Poly1D.hh [code]
 Basic 1-d polynomials in the monomial basis. Various operations with monomials are poorly conditioned, so we need long double.
file  PreciseType.hh [code]
 Compile-time deduction of an appropriate precise numeric type.
file  ProperDblFromCmpl.hh [code]
 Compile-time deduction of the underlying floating point type from the given complex type.
file  quad_float.hh [code]
 Basic header to include for quadruple precision calculations.
file  rectangleQuadrature.hh [code]
 Gaussian quadratures on rectangles and hyperrectangles using tensor product integration.
file  RectangleQuadrature1D.hh [code]
 Trivial rectangle quadrature. Works well on certain functions.
file  rescanArray.hh [code]
 Fill a multidimensional array using values from another array with a different shape.
file  ScalableClassicalOrthoPoly1D.hh [code]
 Class for shifting and scaling classical continuous orthonormal polynomials.
file  scalesFromHessian.hh [code]
 Make a guess about local function scales from the function Hessian.
file  ScanExtremum1D.hh [code]
 Finding extrema of scanned 1-d curves.
file  SemiInfGaussianQuadrature.hh [code]
 Gaussian quadrature with weight exp(-x^2/2) on [0, Infinity].
file  shiftedLegendreIntegral.hh [code]
 Integrals between 0 and 1 of products of shifted Legendre polynomials orthonormal on [0, 1].
file  SimpleFunctors.hh [code]
 Interface definitions and concrete simple functors for a variety of functor-based calculations.
file  SimpleScalarProduct.hh [code]
 A simple code to calculate scalar products with unit weight function.
file  sineTransformMatrix.hh [code]
 Matrix for the simple sine transform on the [0, 1] interval.
file  SpecialFunctions.hh [code]
 Mathematical special functions.
file  StorablePolySeries1D.hh [code]
 Storable functor for orthogonal polynomial series.
file  sumOfSquares.hh [code]
 A simple code to calculate the sum of squares of elements inside a contiguous buffer.
file  SvdMethod.hh [code]
 Enumeration of LAPACK methods used to calculate singular value decompositions.
file  timestamp.hh [code]
 A time stamping routine for simple printouts. Uses hh:mm:ss format.
file  Triple.hh [code]
 A simple analogue of std::pair with three components instead of two.
file  truncatedInverseSqrt.hh [code]
 Utility for truncating square roots of symmetric positive-semidefinite matrices.
file  TruncatedLog.hh [code]
 Truncated log function useful in maximum likelihood fitting of densities for which positivity condition is difficult to impose.
file  UniformAxis.hh [code]
 Uniformly spaced coordinate sets for use in constructing rectangular grids.
file  unitMatrixDeviations.hh [code]
 Routines for finding deviations from unit matrix behavior as a function of submatrix size.
file  vectorAsText.hh [code]
 Utilities for reading/writing std::vector objects from/to text files.