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NPStat  5.10.0
npstat Namespace Reference


struct  AbsArrayProjector
class  AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D
class  OrthoPoly1DWeight
class  OrthoPoly1DDeg
class  UnweightedTwoPolyProd
class  AbsIntervalQuadrature1D
struct  AbsMultivariateFunctor
class  MultivariateFunctorRef
struct  AbsVisitor
class  VisitCounter
class  ArrayND
class  ArrayNDScanner
struct  ArrayRange
class  BindKernelXHelper
class  BindKernelYHelper
struct  BoxND
class  BoxNDScanner
class  ChebyshevIntegral
class  CircularMapper1d
class  ClassicalOrthoPoly1DFromWeight
class  LegendreOrthoPoly1D
class  ShiftedLegendreOrthoPoly1D
class  JacobiOrthoPoly1D
class  ChebyshevOrthoPoly1st
class  ChebyshevOrthoPoly2nd
class  HermiteProbOrthoPoly1D
class  LessByIndex
class  GreaterByIndex
struct  ComplexComparesAbs
struct  ComplexComparesAbs< std::complex< T > >
struct  ComplexComparesFalse
struct  ComplexComparesFalse< std::complex< T > >
struct  ConstSubscriptMap
class  ContOrthoPoly1D
class  ContOrthoPoly1DDeg
class  ContOrthoPoly1DQ
class  ConvolutionDensity1D
class  ConvolutionVarianceFunctorHlp
class  ConvolutionCovarianceFunctorHlp
class  ConvolutionEngine1D
class  ConvolutionEngineND
class  CoordinateSelector
class  DiscreteBernsteinPoly1D
class  DiscreteBeta1D
class  DualAxis
class  EquidistantInLinearSpace
class  EquidistantBinCenters
class  EquidistantInLogSpace
class  ExpMapper1d
class  MultFunctor
class  DensitySquaredTimesWeight
class  FejerQuadrature
class  FejerQuadratureSet
struct  Peak2D
class  FourierImage
class  Gauss1DQuadrature
class  GaussHermiteQuadrature
class  GaussianDip
class  GaussLegendreQuadrature
class  GaussLegendreQuadrature2D
class  GaussLegendreQuadratureQ
struct  GeneralizedComplex
struct  GeneralizedComplex< float >
struct  GeneralizedComplex< double >
struct  GeneralizedComplex< long double >
class  GridAxis
class  HeatEq1DNeumannBoundary
class  Interval
class  KDTree
class  LegendreCDTruncation
class  LinearMapper1dTmpl
class  LinInterpolatedTable1D
class  LinInterpolatedTableND
class  LogMapper1d
struct  LongerType
struct  LongerType< T1, T1 >
struct  BiggerUInt
class  Matrix
class  MultivariateFunctorScanner
class  OrthoPoly1D
class  OrthoPolyND
struct  LessByFirst
struct  GreaterByFirst
struct  LessByAbsFirst
struct  GreaterByAbsFirst
struct  LessBySecond
struct  GreaterBySecond
struct  LessByThird
struct  GreaterByThird
struct  LessByAbsFirstQ
struct  GreaterByAbsFirstQ
struct  PointDimensionality
struct  PointDimensionality< CPP11_array< T, N > >
class  Poly1D
class  Poly1DShifted
struct  PreciseTypeHelper
struct  PreciseTypeHelper< T, 1 >
struct  PreciseType
struct  PreciseType< std::complex< T > >
struct  PreciseType< const std::complex< T > >
struct  PreciseType< volatile std::complex< T > >
struct  PreciseType< const volatile std::complex< T > >
struct  ProperDblFromCmpl
struct  ProperDblFromCmpl< std::complex< T > >
struct  ProperDblFromCmpl< const std::complex< T > >
struct  ProperDblFromCmpl< volatile std::complex< T > >
struct  ProperDblFromCmpl< const volatile std::complex< T > >
class  RectangleQuadrature1D
class  ScalableClassicalOrthoPoly1D
class  ScalableOrthoPoly1DWeight
class  ScalableOrthoPoly1DDeg
class  ScanExtremum1D
class  SemiInfGaussianQuadrature
struct  Functor0
class  Functor0RefHelper
struct  Functor1
class  Functor1RefHelper
struct  Functor2
class  Functor2RefHelper
struct  Functor3
class  Functor3RefHelper
struct  PairFunctor
class  PairFunctorRefHelper
struct  Same
class  Shift
struct  SameRef
struct  DefaultConstructor0
struct  DefaultConstructor1
struct  DefaultConstructor2
struct  DefaultConstructor3
class  ConstValue0
class  ConstValue1
class  ConstValue2
class  ConstValue3
struct  CastingCopyConstructor
struct  FcnFunctor0
struct  FcnFunctor1
struct  FcnFunctor2
struct  FcnFunctor3
struct  ComboFunctor1Helper
struct  Element1D
struct  Element1DAt
struct  assign_left
struct  assign_right
struct  pluseq_left
struct  pluseq_right
struct  addmul_left
struct  addmul_right
struct  minuseq_left
struct  minuseq_right
struct  multeq_left
struct  multeq_right
struct  diveq_left
struct  diveq_right
struct  diveq_left_0by0isC
struct  diveq_right_0by0isC
struct  scast_assign_left
struct  scast_assign_right
struct  scast_pluseq_left
struct  scast_pluseq_right
struct  scast_minuseq_left
struct  scast_minuseq_right
struct  SquareRoot
struct  InverseSquareRoot
class  DeltaSquaredFcnHelper
class  SeriesFcnHelper
class  DeltaSquaredSerFcn
class  FunctorPowerFcnHelper
class  FunctorPowerFcnCpHelper
class  MultiplyByConstHelper
struct  SimpleScalarProduct
class  StorablePolySeries1D
struct  Triple
class  TruncatedLog
class  UniformAxis
struct  AbsRandomGenerator
class  WrappedRandomGen
class  CPP11RandomGen
class  EquidistantSampler1D
class  HOSobolGenerator
class  MersenneTwister
class  RandomSequenceRepeater
class  RegularSampler1D
class  SobolGenerator
struct  AbsBandwidthCV1D
struct  AbsBandwidthCVND
struct  AbsBandwidthGCV1D
struct  AbsBandwidthGCVND
class  AbsBinnedComparison1D
struct  AbsCGF1D
class  AbsCompositeDistroBuilder
class  AbsCopulaSmootherBase
class  AbsCVCopulaSmoother
struct  AbsDiscreteDistribution1D
class  ShiftableDiscreteDistribution1D
struct  AbsDiscreteDistribution1DDistance
struct  AbsDistribution1D
class  AbsScalableDistribution1D
class  DensityFunctor1D
class  DensitySquaredFunctor1D
class  CdfFunctor1D
class  ExceedanceFunctor1D
class  QuantileFunctor1D
class  UnscaledDensityFunctor1D
class  UnscaledCdfFunctor1D
class  AcceptanceFunctor1D
class  InverseAcceptanceFunctor1D
class  AbsDistributionND
class  AbsScalableDistributionND
class  HomogeneousProductDistroND
class  DensityFunctorND
class  AbsDistributionTransform1D
class  ForwardDistroTransform1DFunctor
class  BackDistroTransform1DFunctor
class  TransformedFunctor1
class  AbsDistro1DBuilder
class  PolyFilter1D
struct  AbsFilter1DBuilder
struct  OrthoPolyFilter1DBuilder
class  AbsBoundaryFilter1DBuilder
class  AbsInterpolatedDistribution1D
class  AbsInterpolationAlgoND
class  AbsKDE1DKernel
class  KDE1DDensityKernel
class  KDE1DFunctorHelper
class  KDE1DFunctor2
struct  LocalLoss
struct  PointReplacement
struct  ReplacementBlock
struct  AbsLossCalculator
class  AbsMarginalSmootherBase
class  AbsNtuple
struct  AbsPolyFilter1D
class  ContribConstant1D
class  ContribVector1D
struct  AbsPolyFilterND
class  BasicPolyFilterND
class  AbsResponseBoxBuilder
class  AbsResponseIntervalBuilder
class  AbsSmoothGOFTest1D
class  AbsSymbetaFilterProvider
class  SimpleSymbetaFilterProvider
class  AbsTwoDistros1DFunctor
class  AbsUnbinnedGOFTest1D
class  GOFTest1DPVFunctor
class  AbsUnfold1D
class  AbsUnfoldingFilterND
class  UnfoldingFilterND
class  AbsUnfoldND
class  AllSymbetaParams1D
class  NtupleReference
class  ArchivedNtuple
class  ArrayMaxProjector
class  ArrayMinProjector
class  ArraySumProjector
class  ArrayMeanProjector
class  ArrayMedianProjector
class  ArrayRangeProjector
class  ArrayStdevProjector
class  AsinhTransform1D
struct  BandwidthCVLeastSquares1D
struct  BandwidthCVLeastSquaresND
class  BandwidthCVPseudoLogli1D
class  BandwidthCVPseudoLogliND
struct  BandwidthGCVLeastSquares1D
struct  BandwidthGCVLeastSquaresND
class  BandwidthGCVPseudoLogli1D
class  BandwidthGCVPseudoLogliND
class  BernsteinCopulaSmoother
class  BernsteinFilter1DBuilder
class  BetaFilter1DBuilder
class  BinnedADTest1D
class  BinnedKSTest1D
class  BinSummary
class  BoundaryHandling
class  CdfTransform1D
struct  CensoringInfo
class  CensoredQuantileRegressionOnKDTree
class  CensoredQuantileRegressionOnHisto
class  ChebyshevDistro1D
class  CircularBuffer
class  Column
class  ComparisonDistribution1D
class  CompositeDistribution1D
class  CompositeDistributionND
struct  CompositeGauss1D
struct  BetaGauss1D
struct  LogQuadraticLadder
struct  BinnedCompositeJohnson
struct  JohnsonLadder
class  ConstantBandwidthSmoother1D
class  ConstantBandwidthSmootherND
class  CopulaInterpolationND
class  GaussianCopula
class  FGMCopula
class  TCopula
class  CrossCovarianceAccumulator
class  CVCopulaSmoother
class  DeltaMixture1D
class  DensityAveScanND
class  DensityDiscretizationErrorND
class  DensityOrthoPoly1D
class  DensityScan1D
class  DensityScan1DTrans
class  DensityDiscretizationError1D
class  DensityScanND
class  DiscreteDistribution1DReader
class  DiscreteTabulated1D
class  Poisson1D
class  DiscreteGauss1DBuilder
class  DiscreteGaussCopulaSmoother
class  AbsScalableDistribution1DFactory
class  ScalableDistribution1DFactory
class  DefaultScalableDistribution1DFactory
class  Distribution1DReader
class  DistributionMix1D
class  DistributionMixND
class  DistributionNDReader
class  Uniform1D
class  IsoscelesTriangle1D
class  Exponential1D
class  Laplace1D
class  Logistic1D
class  Quadratic1D
class  LogQuadratic1D
class  Gauss1D
class  TruncatedGauss1D
class  MirroredGauss1D
class  BifurcatedGauss1D
class  SymmetricBeta1D
class  Beta1D
class  Gamma1D
class  Pareto1D
class  UniPareto1D
class  Huber1D
class  Cauchy1D
class  LogNormal
class  Moyal1D
class  StudentsT1D
class  Tabulated1D
class  BinnedDensity1D
class  ProductDistributionND
class  GaussND
class  UniformND
class  ScalableSymmetricBetaND
class  ScalableHuberND
struct  ProductSymmetricBetaND
class  RadialProfileND
class  BinnedDensityND
class  LinTransformedDistroND
class  DistributionTransform1DReader
class  DualHistoAxis
class  DummyCompositeDistroBuilder
class  DummyDistro1DBuilder
class  DummyResponseBoxBuilder
class  DummyResponseIntervalBuilder
class  EdgeworthSeries1D
class  EdgeworthSeriesMomentFcn
class  EllipticalDistribution
class  EllipticalNormal
class  EllipticalKotz
class  EllipticalPearsonTypeVII
class  EllipticalPearsonTypeII
class  ExpTiltedDistribution1D
class  TruncatingFilter1DBuilder
class  FoldingFilter1DBuilder
class  StretchingFilter1DBuilder
class  ConstSqFilter1DBuilder
class  FoldingSqFilter1DBuilder
class  ConstVarFilter1DBuilder
class  FoldingVarFilter1DBuilder
class  ConstBwFilter1DBuilder
class  FoldBwFilter1DBuilder
class  FoldedDistribution1D
class  GaussianMixture1D
class  GaussianMixtureEntry
class  GCVCopulaSmoother
class  GriddedRobustRegressionStop
class  GridInterpolatedDistribution
class  GridRandomizer
class  HistoND
class  HistoAxis
class  HistoNDCdf
class  IdentityTransform1D
class  InMemoryNtuple
class  InterpolatedDistribution1D
class  InterpolatedDistro1D1P
class  InterpolatedDistro1DNP
class  JohnsonSu
class  JohnsonSb
class  JohnsonSystem
class  JohnsonKDESmoother
class  JohnsonOrthoPoly1D
class  KDE1D
class  KDE1DLSCVFunctorHelper
class  KDE1DRLCVFunctorHelper
class  KDE1DHOSymbetaKernel
class  KDECopulaSmoother
class  KDEFilterND
class  KDEGroupedCopulaSmoother
class  KernelSensitivityCalculator
class  LeftCensoredDistribution
class  LegendreDistro1D
class  LogisticRegressionBase
class  LogisticRegressionOnKDTree
class  LogisticRegressionOnGrid
class  LocalMultiFilter1D
class  LocalPolyFilter1D
class  DummyLocalPolyFilter1D
class  LocalPolyFilter1DReader
class  LocalPolyFilterND
class  LocalQuadraticLeastSquaresND
class  QuantileRegressionBase
class  QuantileRegressionOnKDTree
class  QuantileRegressionOnHisto
class  LocationScaleFamily1D
class  LocationScaleTransform1
class  LocScaleTransform1D
class  LikelihoodPoint
class  LikelihoodSummary
class  LognormalTransform1D
class  LogRatioTransform1D
class  LogTransform1D
class  LOrPE1D
class  LOrPE1DCVDensityFunctor
class  LOrPE1DCVLocalizingWeightFunctor
class  LOrPE1DCVFunctorHelper
class  LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper
class  LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper
class  LOrPE1DCVResult
class  LOrPE1DFixedDegreeCVPicker
class  LOrPE1DFixedDegreeCVRunner
class  LOrPE1DFixedDegreeCVScanner
class  LOrPE1DSymbetaKernel
class  LOrPE1DFunctorHelper
class  LOrPE1DKernelISEFunctor
class  LOrPE1DVariableDegreeCVPicker
class  LOrPE1DVariableDegreeCVRunner
class  LOrPECopulaSmoother
class  LOrPEGroupedCopulaSmoother
class  LOrPEMarginalSmoother
class  LOrPEWeightsLocalConvergence
class  MatrixFilter1DBuilder
class  MemoizingSymbetaFilterProvider
class  ModulatedDistribution1D
class  MultiscaleEMUnfold1D
class  MultivariateSumAccumulator
class  MultivariateSumsqAccumulator
class  MultivariateWeightedSumAccumulator
class  MultivariateWeightedSumsqAccumulator
class  NeymanOSDE1D
class  GradientNeymanOSDE1DConvergenceCalc
class  HessianNeymanOSDE1DConvergenceCalc
class  NeymanOSDE1DResult
struct  NeymanPearson
class  NMCombinationSequencer
class  NonparametricCompositeBuilder
class  NonparametricDistro1DBuilder
class  NtHistoFill
class  NtNtupleFill
class  NtRectangularCut
class  NtupleBuffer
class  NUHistoAxis
class  OrderedPointND
class  OrthoPolyGOFTest1D
class  OSDE1D
class  PearsonsChiSquared
class  PLogliOSDE1D
class  PLogliOSDE1DResult
class  PolyFilterCollection1D
class  PolynomialDistro1D
class  PowerHalfCauchy1D
class  PowerRatio1D
class  PowerTransform1D
class  ProductSymmetricBetaNDCdf
class  QuadraticOrthoPolyND
class  QuantileRegression1D
class  QuantileTable1D
class  RatioOfNormals
class  RatioResponseBoxBuilder
class  RatioResponseIntervalBuilder
class  ResponseMatrix
class  RightCensoredDistribution
class  SampleAccumulator
struct  SbMomentsCalculator
struct  SbMomentsBy6Integrals
struct  SbMomentsGaussHermite
struct  SbMomentsMultiZone
struct  SbMomentsMix
class  SbMomentsFunctor
class  SbMomentsGaussFunctor
class  SbMomentsInvErfFunctor
struct  SbMoments0SkewBigKurt
struct  SbMomentsBigDelta
struct  SbMomentsBigGamma
class  ScalableGaussND
class  SequentialCopulaSmoother
class  SequentialGroupedCopulaSmoother
class  SequentialPolyFilterND
class  SeriesCGF1D
class  SineGOFTest1D
class  SinhAsinhTransform1D
class  SmoothCDGOFTest1D
class  SmoothedEMUnfold1D
class  SmoothedEMUnfoldND
class  SmoothGOFTest1D
class  LOrPEWeightsResult
class  StatAccumulator
class  StatAccumulatorArr
class  StatAccumulatorPair
class  StorableHistoNDFunctor
class  StorableInterpolationFunctor
class  StorableMultivariateFunctor
class  StorableMultivariateFunctorReader
class  SymbetaParams1D
class  TransformedDistribution1D
class  Trig2GOFTest1D
class  TruncatedDistribution1D
class  CdfDeltaFunctor1D
class  ComparisonDensityFunctor1D
class  TwoPointsLTSLoss
class  UGaussConvolution1D
class  AbsUnbinnedGOFTest1DFactory
class  UnbinnedGOFTest1DFactory
class  DefaultUnbinnedGOFTest1DFactory
class  KSTest1D
class  KuiperTest1D
class  ADTest1D
class  CvMTest1D
class  ZhangZKTest1D
class  ZhangZATest1D
class  ZhangZCTest1D
class  UnfoldingBandwidthScanner1D
class  UnfoldingBandwidthScannerND
class  UnfoldingFilterNDReader
class  UnitMapInterpolationND
class  VariableBandwidthSmoother1D
class  VerticallyInterpolatedDistribution1D
class  WeightedLTSLoss
class  WeightedSampleAccumulator
class  WeightedStatAccumulator
class  WeightedStatAccumulatorPair
class  WeightTableFilter1DBuilder
class  NonmodifyingFilter1DBuilder


typedef std::vector< unsigned > ArrayShape
typedef LinearMapper1dTmpl< double > LinearMapper1d
typedef LinearMapper1dTmpl< long double > LDLinearMapper1d
typedef LinearMapper1dTmpl< float > FLinearMapper1d
typedef std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > UUPair
typedef gs::StaticReader< DiscreteDistribution1DReaderStaticDiscreteDistribution1DReader
typedef gs::StaticReader< Distribution1DReaderStaticDistribution1DReader
typedef gs::StaticReader< DistributionNDReaderStaticDistributionNDReader
typedef gs::StaticReader< DistributionTransform1DReaderStaticDistributionTransform1DReader
typedef StorableHistoNDFunctor< double, DualHistoAxisDoubleHistoNDFunctor
typedef StorableHistoNDFunctor< double, HistoAxisDoubleUAHistoNDFunctor
typedef StorableHistoNDFunctor< double, NUHistoAxisDoubleNUHistoNDFunctor
typedef StorableHistoNDFunctor< float, DualHistoAxisFloatHistoNDFunctor
typedef StorableHistoNDFunctor< float, HistoAxisFloatUAHistoNDFunctor
typedef StorableHistoNDFunctor< float, NUHistoAxisFloatNUHistoNDFunctor
typedef StorableInterpolationFunctor< double, DualAxisDoubleInterpolationFunctor
typedef StorableInterpolationFunctor< double, UniformAxisDoubleUAInterpolationFunctor
typedef StorableInterpolationFunctor< double, GridAxisDoubleNUInterpolationFunctor
typedef StorableInterpolationFunctor< float, DualAxisFloatInterpolationFunctor
typedef StorableInterpolationFunctor< float, UniformAxisFloatUAInterpolationFunctor
typedef StorableInterpolationFunctor< float, GridAxisFloatNUInterpolationFunctor
typedef gs::StaticReader< LocalPolyFilter1DReaderStaticLocalPolyFilter1DReader
typedef ArrayND< double > PolyFilterND
typedef SampleAccumulator< float, long double > FloatSampleAccumulator
typedef SampleAccumulator< double, long double > DoubleSampleAccumulator
typedef gs::StaticReader< StorableMultivariateFunctorReaderStaticStorableMultivariateFunctorReader
typedef gs::StaticReader< UnfoldingFilterNDReaderStaticUnfoldingFilterNDReader
typedef WeightedSampleAccumulator< float, long double > FloatWeightedSampleAccumulator
typedef WeightedSampleAccumulator< double, long double > DoubleWeightedSampleAccumulator


enum  EigenMethod { EIGEN_SIMPLE = 0 , EIGEN_D_AND_C , EIGEN_RRR }
enum  OrthoPolyMethod { OPOLY_STIELTJES = 0 , OPOLY_LANCZOS }
enum  SvdMethod { SVD_SIMPLE = 0 , SVD_D_AND_C }
enum  EdgeworthSeriesMethod { EDGEWORTH_SEVERINI = 0 , EDGEWORTH_CLASSICAL }
enum  LikelihoodStatisticType {
  L_STAT_R_W = 0 , L_STAT_R_W2 , L_STAT_R_W3 , L_STAT_R_S ,
enum  {
enum  NeymanOSDE1DMinimizerCode {
enum  SampleSizeInterpretation { SIZE_IS_N_TRIES = 0 , SIZE_IS_N_GENERATED , SIZE_IS_KISHS }


template<typename T >
Private::AbsReturnType< T >::type absDifference (const T &v1, const T &v2)
template<typename T >
Private::AbsReturnType< T >::type absValue (const T &v1)
template<typename T >
T * makeBuffer (unsigned sizeNeeded, T *stackBuffer, unsigned sizeofStackBuffer)
template<typename T >
void destroyBuffer (T *thisBuffer, const T *stackBuffer)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void copyBuffer (T1 *dest, const T2 *source, const unsigned long len)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void transposeBuffer (T1 *dest, const T2 *source, const unsigned long dim)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void transposeBuffer (T1 *dest, const T2 *source, const unsigned long M, const unsigned long N)
template<typename T >
void clearBuffer (T *buf, const unsigned long len)
template<class Iter >
bool areAllElementsUnique (Iter begin, Iter const end)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, const unsigned *shape, unsigned dim)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, const ArrayShape &shape)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3, unsigned n4)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3, unsigned n4, unsigned n5)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3, unsigned n4, unsigned n5, unsigned n6)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3, unsigned n4, unsigned n5, unsigned n6, unsigned n7)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3, unsigned n4, unsigned n5, unsigned n6, unsigned n7, unsigned n8)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< Numeric > externalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, unsigned n0, unsigned n1, unsigned n2, unsigned n3, unsigned n4, unsigned n5, unsigned n6, unsigned n7, unsigned n8, unsigned n9)
template<typename Numeric >
CPP11_auto_ptr< ArrayND< Numeric > > allocExternalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, const unsigned *shape, unsigned dim)
template<typename Numeric >
CPP11_auto_ptr< ArrayND< Numeric > > allocExternalMemArrayND (Numeric *data, const ArrayShape &shape)
template<class Arr >
Arr::value_type arrayMin (const Arr &arr)
template<class Arr >
ArrayShape arrayArgmin (const Arr &arr)
template<class Arr >
Arr::value_type arrayMax (const Arr &arr)
template<class Arr >
ArrayShape arrayArgmax (const Arr &arr)
template<class Arr >
std::pair< typename Arr::value_type, typename Arr::value_type > arrayMinMax (const Arr &arr)
template<class Arr >
bool arrayIsNonNegative (const Arr &arr)
template<class Arr >
bool arrayIsDensity (const Arr &arr)
ArrayShape makeShape ()
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3, unsigned i4)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3, unsigned i4, unsigned i5)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3, unsigned i4, unsigned i5, unsigned i6)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3, unsigned i4, unsigned i5, unsigned i6, unsigned i7)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3, unsigned i4, unsigned i5, unsigned i6, unsigned i7, unsigned i8)
ArrayShape makeShape (unsigned i0, unsigned i1, unsigned i2, unsigned i3, unsigned i4, unsigned i5, unsigned i6, unsigned i7, unsigned i8, unsigned i9)
ArrayShape makeShape (const unsigned *indices, unsigned nIndices)
ArrayShape doubleShape (const ArrayShape &inputShape)
ArrayShape halfShape (const ArrayShape &inputShape)
bool isSubShape (const ArrayShape &sh1, const ArrayShape &sh2)
unsigned long arrayLengthFromShape (const ArrayShape &sh)
unsigned bilinearSection (double z00, double z10, double z11, double z01, double level, unsigned nPointsToSample, std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > *section1, std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > *section2)
template<class Kernel >
BindKernelXHelper< Kernel > BindKernelX (const Kernel &kernel, const long double x)
template<class Kernel >
BindKernelYHelper< Kernel > BindKernelY (const Kernel &kernel, const long double y)
unsigned long binomialCoefficient (unsigned N, unsigned M)
long double ldBinomialCoefficient (unsigned N, unsigned M)
template<class Fcn2D , class InPoly >
Matrix< double > cdKernelSensitivityMatrix (const Fcn2D &kernel, const InPoly &inputPoly, unsigned maxdegInputPoly, unsigned maxdegOutPoly, long double ymin, long double ymax, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D &xIntegrator, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D &yIntegrator, unsigned chebyshevDegree, bool normalizeKernel=true)
template<class Fcn2D >
Matrix< double > cdKernelSensitivityMatrix (const Fcn2D &kernel, const ContOrthoPoly1D &inputPoly, unsigned maxdegInputPoly, unsigned maxdegOutPoly, long double ymin, long double ymax, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D &yIntegrator, unsigned chebyshevDegree, bool normalizeKernel=true)
bool closeWithinTolerance (const double &a, const double &b, const double &tol)
template<class Kernel >
ConvolutionVarianceFunctorHlp< Kernel > ConvolutionVarianceFunctor (const ConvolutionDensity1D< Kernel > &conv, const long double sampleSize)
template<class Kernel >
ConvolutionCovarianceFunctorHlp< Kernel > ConvolutionCovarianceFunctor (const ConvolutionDensity1D< Kernel > &conv, const long double sampleSize)
double definiteIntegral_1 (double a, double b, double xmin, double xmax)
template<typename Numeric >
double discretizedL1 (const Numeric *a1, unsigned long length1, const Numeric *a2, unsigned long length2, double cellSize, bool normalizeAsDensity=false)
template<typename Numeric >
double discretizedL2 (const Numeric *a1, unsigned long length1, const Numeric *a2, unsigned long length2, double cellSize, bool normalizeAsDensity=false)
EigenMethod parseEigenMethod (const char *methodName)
const char * eigenMethodName (EigenMethod m)
std::string validEigenMethodNames ()
template<class Fcn >
double fcnOrConst (const Fcn &functor, const double x)
template<class DensityFcn , class Weight >
DensitySquaredTimesWeight< DensityFcn, Weight > make_DensitySquaredTimesWeight (const DensityFcn &df, const Weight &wf)
template<typename Num1 , unsigned StackLen1, unsigned StackDim1, typename Num2 , unsigned StackLen2, unsigned StackDim2>
void fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas (const ArrayND< Num1, StackLen1, StackDim1 > &from, ArrayND< Num2, StackLen2, StackDim2 > *to)
template<typename Num1 , unsigned StackLen1, unsigned StackDim1, typename Num2 , unsigned StackLen2, unsigned StackDim2>
bool canFillArrayCentersPreservingAreas (const ArrayND< Num1, StackLen1, StackDim1 > &from, const ArrayND< Num2, StackLen2, StackDim2 > &to)
bool findPeak3by3 (const double gridValues[3][3], Peak2D *peak)
bool findPeak5by5 (const double gridValues[5][5], Peak2D *peak)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
bool findRootInLogSpace (const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &f, const Result &rhs, const Arg1 &x0, double tol, Arg1 *x, double logstep=0.5)
template<typename Numeric >
bool findRootNewtonRaphson (const PairFunctor< Numeric > &f, Numeric rhs, Numeric x0, Numeric tol, Numeric *x, Numeric *deriv=0)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
bool findRootUsingBisections (const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &f, Result rhs, Arg1 x0, Arg1 x1, Arg1 tol, Arg1 *root)
void multiplyTransforms (const fftw_complex *l, const fftw_complex *r, fftw_complex *result, const unsigned long len)
void divideTransforms (const fftw_complex *numer, const fftw_complex *denom, fftw_complex *result, const unsigned long len)
void scaleTransform (const fftw_complex *l, double scale, fftw_complex *result, const unsigned long len)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
bool goldenSectionSearchInLogSpace (const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &f, const Arg1 &x0, double tol, Arg1 *minimum, Result *fmin=0, double logstep=0.5)
MinSearchStatus1D goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid (const Functor1< double, double > &f, const DualAxis &axis, unsigned i0, unsigned initialStep, unsigned *imin, double *fMinusOne, double *fmin, double *fPlusOne)
template<typename T >
interpolate_linear (const double x, const T &f0, const T &f1)
template<typename T >
interpolate_quadratic (const double x, const T &f0, const T &f1, const T &f2)
template<typename T >
interpolate_cubic (const double x, const T &f0, const T &f1, const T &f2, const T &f3)
template<typename T >
unsigned interpolation_coefficients (T *buffer, unsigned bufLen, const T &f0, const T &f1)
template<typename T >
unsigned interpolation_coefficients (T *buffer, unsigned bufLen, const T &f0, const T &f1, const T &f2)
template<typename T >
unsigned interpolation_coefficients (T *buffer, unsigned bufLen, const T &f0, const T &f1, const T &f2, const T &f3)
template<class Iter >
bool isStrictlyIncreasing (Iter begin, Iter const end)
template<class Iter >
bool isStrictlyDecreasing (Iter begin, Iter const end)
template<class Iter >
bool isStrictlyMonotonous (Iter const begin, Iter const end)
template<class Iter >
bool isNonDecreasing (Iter begin, Iter const end)
template<class Iter >
bool isNonIncreasing (Iter begin, Iter const end)
template<class Iter >
bool isMonotonous (Iter const begin, Iter const end)
template<class Fcn2D , class InPoly , class OutPoly >
Matrix< double > kernelSensitivityMatrix (const Fcn2D &kernel, const InPoly &inputPoly, unsigned maxdegInputPoly, const OutPoly &outPoly, unsigned maxdegOutPoly, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D &xIntegrator, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D &yIntegrator, bool normalizeKernel=true)
template<class Fcn2D , class OutPoly >
Matrix< double > kernelSensitivityMatrix (const Fcn2D &kernel, const ContOrthoPoly1D &inputPoly, unsigned maxdegInputPoly, const OutPoly &outPoly, unsigned maxdegOutPoly, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D &yIntegrator, bool normalizeKernel=true)
template<typename Numeric >
void invert_posdef_sym_matrix (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *out)
template<typename Numeric >
void invert_sym_matrix (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *out)
template<typename Numeric >
void invert_td_matrix (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *out)
template<typename Numeric >
void invert_general_matrix (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *out)
template<typename Numeric >
void gen_matrix_eigenvalues (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, typename GeneralizedComplex< Numeric >::type *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void sym_matrix_eigenvalues (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void td_sym_matrix_eigenvalues (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void sym_matrix_eigenvalues_dc (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void td_sym_matrix_eigenvalues_dc (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void sym_matrix_eigenvalues_rrr (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void td_sym_matrix_eigenvalues_rrr (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues)
template<typename Numeric >
void gen_matrix_eigensystem (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, typename GeneralizedComplex< Numeric >::type *ev, Numeric *rightEigenvectors, Numeric *leftEigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
void sym_matrix_eigensystem (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues, Numeric *eigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
void td_sym_matrix_eigensystem (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues, Numeric *eigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
void sym_matrix_eigensystem_dc (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues, Numeric *eigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
void td_sym_matrix_eigensystem_dc (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues, Numeric *eigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
void sym_matrix_eigensystem_rrr (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues, Numeric *eigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
void td_sym_matrix_eigensystem_rrr (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, Numeric *eigenvalues, Numeric *eigenvectors)
template<typename Numeric >
bool solve_linear_system (const Numeric *in, unsigned dim, const Numeric *rhs, Numeric *solution)
template<typename Numeric >
bool solve_linear_systems (const Numeric *in, unsigned nrows, unsigned ncols, const Numeric *rhs, Numeric *solution)
template<typename Numeric >
bool linear_least_squares (const Numeric *mat, unsigned nrows, unsigned ncols, const Numeric *rhs, Numeric *solution)
template<typename Numeric >
bool constrained_least_squares (const Numeric *mat, unsigned nrows, unsigned ncols, const Numeric *rhs, const Numeric *constraintMatrix, unsigned constrRows, unsigned constrCols, const Numeric *constrRhs, Numeric *solution)
template<typename Numeric >
bool gen_matrix_svd (const Numeric *in, unsigned M, unsigned N, Numeric *U, Numeric *singularValues, Numeric *VT)
template<typename Numeric >
bool gen_matrix_svd_dc (const Numeric *in, unsigned M, unsigned N, Numeric *U, Numeric *singularValues, Numeric *VT)
unsigned solveQuadratic (double b, double c, double *x1, double *x2)
unsigned solveCubic (double p, double q, double r, double v3[3])
bool parabolicExtremum (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *extremumCoordinate, double *extremumValue)
double ndUnitSphereVolume (unsigned n)
double ndUnitSphereArea (unsigned n)
template<typename Numeric >
long double polySeriesSum (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double x)
template<typename Numeric >
void polyAndDeriv (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double x, long double *value, long double *deriv)
template<typename Numeric >
void polyIntegralCoeffs (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, Numeric *integralCoeffs)
template<typename Numeric >
long double legendreSeriesSum (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double x)
template<typename Numeric >
long double hermiteSeriesSumProb (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double x)
template<typename Numeric >
long double hermiteSeriesSumPhys (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double x)
template<typename Numeric >
long double gegenbauerSeriesSum (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double lambda, long double x)
template<typename Numeric >
long double chebyshevSeriesSum (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double x)
template<typename Numeric1 , typename Numeric2 >
void chebyshevMonomialCoeffs (const Numeric1 *coeffs, unsigned degree, Numeric2 *monoCoeffs)
template<typename Numeric >
long double chebyshevSeriesSum (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double xmin, long double xmax, long double x)
template<typename Functor , typename Numeric >
void chebyshevSeriesCoeffs (const Functor &f, long double xmin, long double xmax, unsigned degree, Numeric *coeffs)
template<typename Numeric >
void chebyshevIntegralCoeffs (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double xmin, long double xmax, Numeric *integralCoeffs)
template<typename Numeric >
void chebyshevDerivativeCoeffs (const Numeric *coeffs, unsigned degree, long double xmin, long double xmax, Numeric *derivativeCoeffs)
template<typename Numeric >
Matrix< Numeric > diag (const Numeric *data, unsigned dataLen)
template<typename Numeric >
Matrix< Numeric > diag (const Numeric *data, unsigned nrows, unsigned ncols)
std::vector< UUPair > matrixIndexPairs (unsigned nDiagonalsToUse, unsigned nRows, bool remove00=false, bool addAllZeroPairs=false)
template<typename T >
auto maxAbsValue (const T *x, const unsigned long len) -> decltype(std::abs(*x))
template<typename Real , class SprodFunctor >
void modifiedGramSchmidt (Real *data, unsigned nVectors, unsigned dim, const SprodFunctor &sprodCalc, bool vector0AlreadyNormalized=false)
template<typename Real >
long double multivariateCosine (const Real *x, const unsigned long strideX, const Real *y, const unsigned long strideY, const unsigned long len)
template<class OPS >
std::vector< double > opsRootsFromJacobiMatrix (const OPS &ops, const unsigned degree)
OrthoPolyMethod parseOrthoPolyMethod (const char *methodName)
const char * orthoPolyMethodName (OrthoPolyMethod m)
std::string validOrthoPolyMethodNames ()
void performSchultzIteration (const long double *mat, unsigned dim, long double *inverse)
double rectangleIntegralCenterAndSize (const AbsMultivariateFunctor &f, const double *rectangleCenter, const double *rectangleSize, unsigned dim, unsigned integrationPoints)
template<typename Num1 , unsigned Len1, unsigned Dim1, typename Num2 , unsigned Len2, unsigned Dim2>
void rescanArray (const ArrayND< Num1, Len1, Dim1 > &from, ArrayND< Num2, Len2, Dim2 > *to, unsigned interpolationDegree=0)
void scalesFromHessian (const Matrix< double > &hessian, double negativeScaleLimit, double *scales, unsigned nScales)
Matrix< double > covmatFromHessian (const Matrix< double > &hessian, double negativeScaleLimit)
ScanExtremum1D findScanMinimum1D (const double *xcoords, unsigned long xLen, const double *yvalues, unsigned long yLen)
ScanExtremum1D findScanMaximum1D (const double *xcoords, unsigned long xLen, const double *yvalues, unsigned long yLen)
long double shiftedLegendreIntegral (const unsigned i)
long double shiftedLegendreIntegral (const unsigned i, const unsigned j)
long double shiftedLegendreIntegral (unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k)
long double shiftedLegendreIntegral (unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, unsigned l, bool memoize=false)
template<typename Result >
Functor0RefHelper< Result > Functor0Ref (const Functor0< Result > &ref)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
Functor1RefHelper< Result, Arg1 > Functor1Ref (const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &ref)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Functor2RefHelper< Result, Arg1, Arg2 > Functor2Ref (const Functor2< Result, Arg1, Arg2 > &ref)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 >
Functor3RefHelper< Result, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > Functor3Ref (const Functor3< Result, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > &ref)
template<typename Numeric >
PairFunctorRefHelper< Numeric > PairFunctorRef (const PairFunctor< Numeric > &ref)
template<typename Result1 , typename Arg1 , typename Result2 , typename Arg2 , template< typename > class Operator>
ComboFunctor1Helper< Result1, Arg1, Result2, Arg2, Operator< Result1 > > ComboFunctor1 (const Functor1< Result1, Arg1 > &f1, const Functor1< Result2, Arg2 > &f2, const Operator< Result1 > &op)
template<class F1 , class F2 >
DeltaSquaredFcnHelper< F1, F2 > DeltaSquaredFcn (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2)
template<class Poly >
SeriesFcnHelper< Poly > SeriesFcn (const Poly &poly, const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg)
template<class Functor >
FunctorPowerFcnHelper< Functor > FunctorPowerFcn (const Functor &fcn, const double power)
template<class Functor >
FunctorPowerFcnCpHelper< Functor > FunctorPowerFcnCp (const Functor &fcn, const double power)
template<typename Result , typename Arg1 , typename Numeric >
MultiplyByConstHelper< Result, Arg1 > MultiplyByConst (const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &fcn, const Numeric &factor)
Matrix< double > sineTransformMatrix (unsigned nTerms, unsigned nDiscrete)
double inverseGaussCdf (double cdf)
double incompleteBeta (double a, double b, double x)
double inverseIncompleteBeta (double a, double b, double x)
double Gamma (double x)
double incompleteGamma (double a, double x)
double incompleteGammaC (double a, double x)
double inverseIncompleteGamma (double a, double x)
double inverseIncompleteGammaC (double a, double x)
long double dawsonIntegral (long double x)
long double inverseExpsqIntegral (long double x)
long double normalDensityDerivative (unsigned n, long double x)
double bivariateNormalIntegral (double rho, double x, double y)
double besselK (double nu, double z)
template<typename Numeric >
PreciseType< Numeric >::type sumOfSquares (const Numeric *data, const unsigned long len)
SvdMethod parseSvdMethod (const char *methodName)
const char * svdMethodName (SvdMethod m)
std::string validSvdMethodNames ()
std::string timestamp ()
template<class First , class Second , class Third >
Triple< First, Second, Third > make_Triple (const First &f, const Second &s, const Third &t)
double truncatedInverseSqrt (const Matrix< lapack_double > &covmat, unsigned nEigenvectorsToKeep, double eigenvaluePrecision, Matrix< lapack_double > *result, unsigned *numEigenvaluesAdjusted=0, EigenMethod m=EIGEN_SIMPLE)
template<typename Numeric , unsigned Len, typename T >
void unitMatrixDeviations (const Matrix< Numeric, Len > &mat, std::vector< T > *result)
template<typename Numeric , unsigned Len, typename T >
void unitMatrixDeviationsFrobenius (const Matrix< Numeric, Len > &mat, std::vector< T > *result)
template<typename Numeric , unsigned Len>
unsigned deviationsRestrictedSize (const Matrix< Numeric, Len > &mat, double tolerance)
template<typename Numeric , unsigned Len>
unsigned deviationsRestrictedSizeFrobenius (const Matrix< Numeric, Len > &mat, double tolerance)
template<typename T >
bool dumpVectorAsText (const std::vector< T > &v, std::ostream &asciiStream, const unsigned long firstElementToDump=0, const unsigned long nElementsToDump=ULONG_MAX)
template<typename T >
bool fillVectorFromText (std::istream &asciiStream, std::vector< T > *v, const unsigned long maxElementsToFill=ULONG_MAX)
void assignResamplingWeights (AbsRandomGenerator &gen, unsigned long nPoints, unsigned long sampleSizeWanted, std::vector< double > *weightsToFill)
double convertToSphericalRandom (const double *rnd, unsigned dim, double *direction, bool getRadialRandom=true)
CPP11_auto_ptr< AbsRandomGeneratormake_MersenneTwister (unsigned long seed)
void orderedPermutation (unsigned long permutationNumber, unsigned *permutation, unsigned permLen)
void randomPermutation (AbsRandomGenerator &gen, unsigned *permutation, unsigned permLen)
unsigned long permutationNumber (const unsigned *permutation, unsigned permLen)
unsigned long factorial (unsigned n)
unsigned long intPower (unsigned a, unsigned n)
long double ldfactorial (unsigned n)
long double logfactorial (unsigned long n)
template<typename T >
void resampleWithReplacement (AbsRandomGenerator &gen, const std::vector< T > &from, std::vector< T > *to, const unsigned long sampleSizeWanted)
CPP11_auto_ptr< AbsBoundaryFilter1DBuildergetBoundaryFilter1DBuilder (const BoundaryHandling &boundaryHandling, const AbsDistribution1D *distro, double stepSize, const unsigned char *exclusionMask=0, unsigned exclusionMaskLen=0, bool excludeCentralPoint=false)
template<typename Numeric >
KDE1DFunctorHelper< Numeric > KDE1DFunctor (const AbsKDE1DKernel &kernel, const double bandwidth, const Numeric *coords, const unsigned long nCoords, const bool coordinatesSorted=false, const bool useReverseKde=false)
template<typename T >
bool dumpNtupleAsText (const AbsNtuple< T > &ntuple, std::ostream &asciiStream, bool insertCommasBetweenValues=false, unsigned long firstRowToDump=0, unsigned long maxRowsToDump=ULONG_MAX)
template<typename T >
bool dumpNtupleAsTextFile (const AbsNtuple< T > &ntuple, const std::string &filename, bool insertCommasBetweenValues=false, unsigned long firstRowToDump=0, unsigned long maxRowsToDump=ULONG_MAX)
template<typename T >
bool fillNtupleFromText (std::istream &asciiStream, AbsNtuple< T > *ntuple, bool hasCommasBetweenValues=false, unsigned long maxRowsToFill=ULONG_MAX)
template<typename T >
bool fillNtupleFromTextFile (const std::string &filename, AbsNtuple< T > *ntuple, bool hasCommasBetweenValues=false, unsigned long maxRowsToFill=ULONG_MAX)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3, const char *v4)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3, const char *v4, const char *v5)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3, const char *v4, const char *v5, const char *v6)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3, const char *v4, const char *v5, const char *v6, const char *v7)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3, const char *v4, const char *v5, const char *v6, const char *v7, const char *v8)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char *v0, const char *v1, const char *v2, const char *v3, const char *v4, const char *v5, const char *v6, const char *v7, const char *v8, const char *v9)
std::vector< std::string > ntupleColumns (const char **names, unsigned len)
std::vector< std::string > simpleColumnNames (unsigned ncols)
template<typename Real >
double amiseOptimalBwGauss (unsigned filterDegree, double npoints, Real *fvalues, unsigned long arrLen, Real h, double *expectedAmise=0)
template<typename Real >
double amiseOptimalBwSymbeta (unsigned power, unsigned filterDegree, double npoints, Real *fvalues, unsigned long arrLen, Real h, double *expectedAmise=0)
double amisePluginBwGauss (unsigned filterDegree, double npoints, double sampleSigma, double *expectedAmise=0)
double approxAmisePluginBwGauss (double filterDegree, double npoints, double sampleSigma)
double amisePluginBwSymbeta (unsigned power, unsigned filterDegree, double npoints, double sampleSigma, double *expectedAmise=0)
double symbetaBandwidthRatio (int power, unsigned filterDegree)
double approxSymbetaBandwidthRatio (int power, double filterDegree)
unsigned amisePluginDegreeGauss (double npoints)
unsigned amisePluginDegreeSymbeta (unsigned power, double npoints)
unsigned maxFilterDegreeSupported ()
double integralOfSymmetricBetaSquared (int power)
double integralOfSymmetricBetaSquared (int power, double a, double b)
template<typename Numeric >
void arrayStats (const Numeric *arr, unsigned long arrLen, double *mean, double *stdev, double *skewness=0, double *kurtosis=0)
template<typename Numeric >
long double arrayMoment (const Numeric *arr, unsigned long arrLen, long double center, unsigned order)
template<typename Numeric >
void arrayMoments (const Numeric *arr, unsigned long arrLen, long double center, unsigned maxOrder, long double *moments)
template<typename Numeric >
void arrayCumulants (const Numeric *arr, unsigned long arrLen, unsigned maxOrder, long double *cumulants)
template<typename Numeric >
void arrayCentralMoments (const Numeric *arr, unsigned long arrLen, unsigned maxOrder, long double *moments, long double *momentUncertainties=0)
template<class Array >
void arrayCoordMean (const Array &a, const BoxND< double > &limits, double *mean, unsigned lengthMean)
template<class Array , unsigned Len>
void arrayCoordCovariance (const Array &a, const BoxND< double > &limits, Matrix< double, Len > *covarianceMatrix)
template<class Array >
void arrayShape1D (const Array &a, double xmin, double xmax, double *mean, double *stdev, double *skewness, double *kurtosis)
template<class Numeric >
void arrayQuantiles1D (const Numeric *data, unsigned long len, double xmin, double xmax, const double *qvalues, double *quantiles, unsigned nqvalues)
template<class Numeric >
double arrayEntropy (const Numeric *p, unsigned long len, bool normalize=false)
template<typename Real , typename Numeric >
double poissonLogLikelihood (const Real *means, const Numeric *counts, unsigned long len)
template<typename Real >
double betaKernelsBandwidth (double npoints, const Real *fvalues, unsigned long nValues, bool returnB2Star, double *expectedAmise=0)
template<class Point >
CPP11_auto_ptr< GridInterpolatedDistributionbuildInterpolatedCompositeDistroND (const std::vector< Point > &data, const unsigned *dimPredictors, unsigned nPredictors, const std::string *predictorNames, const unsigned *predictorNumBins, int predictorSymbetaPower, double effectiveEventsPerBin, bool stretchPredKernels, const unsigned *dimResponses, unsigned nResponseVars, const AbsCompositeDistroBuilder< Point > &builder, bool interpolateCopulas, unsigned reportFrequency=0)
template<class Point >
CPP11_auto_ptr< InterpolatedDistro1DNPbuildInterpolatedDistro1DNP (const std::vector< Point > &data, const unsigned *dimPredictors, unsigned nPredictors, const std::string *predictorNames, const unsigned *predictorNumBins, int predictorSymbetaPower, double effectiveEventsPerBin, bool stretchPredKernels, unsigned responseDimToUse, const AbsDistro1DBuilder< Point > &builder, bool interpolateVertically=false, unsigned reportFrequency=0)
void continuousDegreeTaper (double degree, std::vector< double > *vtaper)
HistoAxis convertToHistoAxis (const UniformAxis &gridAxis)
UniformAxis convertToGridAxis (const HistoAxis &histoAxis)
GridAxis convertToGridAxis (const NUHistoAxis &histoAxis)
NUHistoAxis convertToHistoAxis (const GridAxis &gridAxis, double xMin)
DualAxis convertToGridAxis (const DualHistoAxis &histoAxis)
void correctDensityEstimateGHU (const double *estimator, unsigned long len, double *corrected, unsigned long lenCorrected, double binSize)
template<typename Real >
void convertCumulantsToCentralMoments (const Real *cumulants, unsigned maxOrder, Real *centralMoments)
template<typename Real >
void convertCentralMomentsToCumulants (const Real *centralMoments, unsigned maxOrder, Real *cumulants)
template<typename Real >
void cumulantUncertainties (const Real *cumulants, unsigned maxCumOrder, unsigned long sampleSize, Real *uncertainties, unsigned maxUncertOrder)
template<class ConvergenceCalculator >
NeymanOSDE1DResult dampedNewtonForNeymanOSDE1D (const NeymanOSDE1D &nosde, const double *initialCoeffs, const unsigned nCoeffs, const double *shrinkages, const unsigned nShrinkages, const ConvergenceCalculator &conv, const unsigned maxIterations, const double dampingCoefficient=1.0, const bool useGradientDescent=false)
template<class Axis >
DensityAveScanND< Axis > makeDensityAveScanND (const AbsDistributionND &fcn, const std::vector< Axis > &axes, const unsigned nIntegPoints, double normfactor=1.0)
template<class IndexMapper >
DensityScanND< IndexMapper > makeDensityScanND (const AbsDistributionND &fcn, const std::vector< IndexMapper > &axes, double normfactor=1.0)
std::pair< double, double > directedCDTestCumulants (const double *direction, unsigned nTerms, unsigned sampleSize, bool memoize=false)
DiscreteTabulated1D pooledDiscreteTabulated1D (const DiscreteTabulated1D &d1, double sampleSize1, const DiscreteTabulated1D &d2, double sampleSize2, long first, long oneAfterLast)
template<class Axis >
double discretizationErrorND (const AbsDistributionND &fcn, const std::vector< Axis > &axes, const unsigned pointsPerBinWhenDiscretizing, const unsigned nIntegrationPoints, const bool normalize=true)
void distributionReadError (std::istream &in, const char *classname)
void distro1DStats (const AbsDistribution1D &distro, double xmin, double xmax, unsigned nPointsToUse, double *mean, double *stdev, double *skewness=0, double *kurtosis=0)
EdgeworthSeriesMethod parseEdgeworthSeriesMethod (const char *methodName)
const char * edgeworthSeriesMethodName (EdgeworthSeriesMethod m)
std::string validEdgeworthSeriesMethodNames ()
template<class Point , class Array >
void calculateEmpiricalCopula (const std::vector< Point > &data, const unsigned *dimsToUse, unsigned nDimsToUse, Array *result)
template<class Point , class Array >
void empiricalCopulaDensity (const std::vector< Point > &data, const unsigned *dimsToUse, unsigned nDimsToUse, Array *result)
template<class Point , typename Histo >
void empiricalCopulaHisto (std::vector< OrderedPointND< Point > > &data, Histo *result, bool useFillC=false)
template<class Histo >
bool fillHistoFromText (std::istream &asciiStream, Histo *histo, const unsigned *columnsToUse, bool hasCommasBetweenValues=false)
template<class Histo >
double densityFitLogLikelihood1D (const Histo &histo, const unsigned char *binMask, unsigned maskLength, const AbsDistribution1D &density, double minlog, double *workBuffer, unsigned workBufferLength, unsigned nQuad=6U, double *densityArea=0, double *enabledBinCount=0)
template<typename Numeric >
double unbinnedLogLikelihood1D (const Numeric *samplePonts, unsigned long sampleLength, const AbsDistribution1D &density, double minlog)
Matrix< double > gaussianResponseMatrix (double unfoldedMin, double unfoldedMax, unsigned nUnfolded, double observedMin, double observedMax, unsigned nObserved, const Functor1< double, double > &gaussMeanFunction, const Functor1< double, double > &gaussWidthFunction, unsigned nQuadraturePoints=8U)
Matrix< double > gaussianResponseMatrix (const NUHistoAxis &unfoldedAxis, const NUHistoAxis &observedAxis, const Functor1< double, double > &gaussMeanFunction, const Functor1< double, double > &gaussWidthFunction, unsigned nQuadraturePoints=8U)
template<class ConvergenceCalculator >
NeymanOSDE1DResult gradientDescentForNeymanOSDE1D (const NeymanOSDE1D &nosde, const double *initialCoeffs, const unsigned nCoeffs, const double *shrinkages, const unsigned nShrinkages, const ConvergenceCalculator &conv, const unsigned maxIterations)
template<unsigned MaxDim, unsigned MaxReplace>
unsigned long griddedRobustRegression (const ArrayND< double > &in, const unsigned *slidingWindowSize, unsigned slidingWindowDim, const AbsLossCalculator< MaxDim, MaxReplace > &lossCalc, const Functor2< bool, LocalLoss, unsigned long > &stopCallback, const Functor1< void, ArrayND< double > > *observationCallback, unsigned observationFrequency, ArrayND< double > *out, std::vector< std::pair< LocalLoss, ReplacementBlock< MaxDim, MaxReplace > > > *replacementHistory, bool verbose=false)
template<typename Histo >
void convertHistoToDensity (Histo *histogram, bool knownNonNegative=false)
template<typename Histo >
std::vector< LinearMapper1ddensityScanHistoMap (const Histo &histo)
template<typename Histo >
std::vector< CircularMapper1dconvolutionHistoMap (const Histo &histo, bool doubleDataRange)
template<class Histo >
void histoMean (const Histo &histo, double *mean, unsigned lengthMean)
template<class Histo >
void histoQuantiles (const Histo &histo, unsigned axisNumber, const double *qvalues, double *quantiles, unsigned nqvalues)
template<class Histo , unsigned Len>
void histoCovariance (const Histo &histo, Matrix< double, Len > *covariance)
template<class Histo >
CPP11_auto_ptr< BinnedDensity1DhistoDensity1D (const Histo &histo, unsigned interpolationDegree=0)
template<class Histo >
CPP11_auto_ptr< BinnedDensityNDhistoDensityND (const Histo &histo, unsigned interpolationDegree=0)
template<class Axis , class Collection , class CoordExtractor >
double fill1DHistoWithCDFWeights (const Collection &coll, const AbsScalableDistribution1D &weightCalc, CoordExtractor extractor, HistoND< double, Axis > *h)
template<class Axis , class Collection , class CoordWeightCalc >
std::pair< double, double > multiFill1DHistoWithCDFWeights (const Collection &coll, const AbsScalableDistribution1D &weightCalc, CoordWeightCalc coordWeightCalc, HistoND< double, Axis > *h)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, const double *coords, unsigned coordsDim, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, double x6, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, double x6, double x7, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, double x6, double x7, double x8, unsigned interpolationDegree)
template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float interpolateHistoND (const HistoND< Float, Axis > &histo, double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5, double x6, double x7, double x8, double x9, unsigned interpolationDegree)
double johnsonIntegral (const AbsDistribution1D &johnsonCurve, const Functor1< double, double > &fcn, unsigned nIntegrationPoints)
std::unique_ptr< AbsDistributionTransform1DjohnsonTransform (const AbsDistribution1D &distro)
template<typename Numeric >
KDE1DLSCVFunctorHelper< Numeric > KDE1DLSCVFunctor (const AbsKDE1DKernel &kernel, const double xmin, const double xmax, const unsigned nIntegIntervals, const unsigned nIntegPoints, const Numeric *coords, const unsigned long nCoords, const bool coordinatesSorted=false, const bool useReverseKde=false)
template<typename Numeric >
KDE1DRLCVFunctorHelper< Numeric > KDE1DRLCVFunctor (const AbsKDE1DKernel &kernel, const double plcvAlpha, const Numeric *coords, const unsigned long nCoords, const bool coordinatesSorted=false, const bool useReverseKde=false)
template<class Point >
double sampleKendallsTau (const std::vector< Point > &data, unsigned firstDim, unsigned secondDim)
template<class Array >
double kendallsTauFromCopula (const Array &copula)
std::vector< double > mixtureModelCumulants (LikelihoodStatisticType t, unsigned order, unsigned N, double gamma=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double rho=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double xi=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double zeta=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
std::vector< double > poissonProcessCumulants (LikelihoodStatisticType t, unsigned order, double mu, double gamma=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double rho=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double xi=std::numeric_limits< double >::max(), double zeta=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
LikelihoodStatisticType parseLikelihoodStatisticType (const char *name)
const char * likelihoodStatisticName (LikelihoodStatisticType t)
std::string validLikelihoodStatisticNames ()
CPP11_auto_ptr< LocalMultiFilter1DsymbetaMultiFilter1D (int m, double bandwidth, unsigned maxDegree, unsigned numberOfGridPoints, double xmin, double xmax, const BoundaryHandling &boundaryMethod, const unsigned char *exclusionMask=0, bool excludeCentralPoint=false)
CPP11_auto_ptr< LocalPolyFilter1DsymbetaLOrPEFilter1D (int m, double bandwidth, double maxDegree, unsigned numberOfGridPoints, double gridCellSize, const BoundaryHandling &boundaryMethod, const unsigned char *exclusionMask=0, bool excludeCentralPoint=false)
CPP11_auto_ptr< LocalPolyFilter1DsymbetaLOrPEFilter1D (const AllSymbetaParams1D &p)
double symbetaWeightAt0 (int m, double bandwidth)
LikelihoodSummary logLikelihoodPeak (const double *curve, unsigned npoints, double down, double leftPointCoordinate, double rightPointCoordinate)
template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn , class WFcn >
LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, BwFcn, WFcn > LOrPE1DLSCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const BwFcn &i_bandwidthFunctor, const WFcn &i_localizingWeight, const double i_localizingWeightXmin, const double i_localizingWeightXmax, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords)
template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn >
LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, BwFcn, double > LOrPE1DGlobLSCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const BwFcn &i_bandwidthFunctor, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords)
template<typename Numeric >
LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, double, double > LOrPE1DSimpleLSCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords)
template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn , class WFcn >
LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, BwFcn, WFcn > LOrPE1DRLCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const BwFcn &i_bandwidthFunctor, const WFcn &i_localizingWeight, const double i_localizingWeightXmin, const double i_localizingWeightXmax, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords, const double i_rlcvAlpha=0.5)
template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn >
LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, BwFcn, double > LOrPE1DGlobRLCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const BwFcn &i_bandwidthFunctor, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords, const double i_rlcvAlpha=0.5)
template<typename Numeric >
LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, double, double > LOrPE1DSimpleRLCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords, const double i_rlcvAlpha=0.5)
template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn , class WFcn >
std::unique_ptr< LOrPE1DCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, BwFcn, WFcn > > LOrPE1DCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const BwFcn &i_bandwidthFunctor, const WFcn &i_localizingWeight, const double i_localizingWeightXmin, const double i_localizingWeightXmax, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords, const double i_rlcvAlpha)
template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn >
std::unique_ptr< LOrPE1DCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, BwFcn, double > > LOrPE1DGlobCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const BwFcn &i_bandwidthFunctor, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords, const double i_rlcvAlpha)
template<typename Numeric >
std::unique_ptr< LOrPE1DCVFunctorHelper< Numeric, double, double > > LOrPE1DSimpleCVFunctor (const int i_symbetaPower, const double i_leftBoundary, const double i_rightBoundary, const BoundaryHandling &i_bh, const unsigned i_nIntegIntervals, const unsigned i_nIntegPoints, const bool i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate, const std::vector< Numeric > &i_coords, const double i_rlcvAlpha)
template<typename Numeric , class Fcn >
LOrPE1DFunctorHelper< Numeric, Fcn > LOrPE1DFunctor (const LOrPE1DSymbetaKernel &kernel, Fcn bandwidthFunctor, const Numeric *coords, const unsigned long nCoords, const bool coordinatesSorted=false)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumIn , typename NumOut >
unsigned lorpeBackground1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, AbsSymbetaFilterProvider &fbuilder, const BoundaryHandling &bm, const AbsDistribution1D &signal, double signalFraction, unsigned nIntegrationPoints, const NumIn *initialApproximation, unsigned lenApproximation, int m, double bandwidth, double maxDegree, double convergenceEpsilon, unsigned maxIterations, NumOut *signalDensity, unsigned lenSignalDensity, NumOut *bgDensity, unsigned lenBgDensity, std::vector< double > &workspace, NumOut *densityMinusOne=0, unsigned lenDensityMinusOne=0, unsigned cvmode=CV_MODE_LINEARIZED, double regularizationParameter=-1.0, double *lastDivergence=0)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double lorpeBgCVPseudoLogli1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double signalFraction, const NumOut *signalDensity, unsigned lenSignalDensity, const NumOut *bgDensity, unsigned lenBgDensity, const NumOut *densityMinusOne, unsigned lenDensityMinusOne, double minlog=log(DBL_MIN))
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double lorpeBgCVLeastSquares1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double signalFraction, const NumOut *signalDensity, unsigned lenSignalDensity, const NumOut *bgDensity, unsigned lenBgDensity, const NumOut *densityMinusOne, unsigned lenDensityMinusOne)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
unsigned lorpeRegularizeBgDensity1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double signalFraction, const NumOut *signalDensity, unsigned lenSignalDensity, NumOut *bgDensity, unsigned lenBgDensity, double minBgDensity1)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double lorpeBgLogli1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double signalFraction, const NumOut *signalDensity, unsigned lenSignalDensity, const NumOut *bgDensity, unsigned lenBgDensity, double minlog=log(DBL_MIN))
template<typename Numeric , typename NumIn >
double maxBgPointsInWindow1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, const AbsDistribution1D &signal, double signalFraction, unsigned nIntegrationPoints, double windowWidth, const NumIn *initialApproximation, unsigned lenApproximation, std::vector< double > &workspace)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
void lorpeBackgroundCVDensity1D (const LocalPolyFilter1D &filter, const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double signalFraction, const NumOut *signalDensity, unsigned lenSignalDensity, const NumOut *bgDensity, unsigned lenBgDensity, std::vector< double > &workspace, NumOut *densityMinusOne, unsigned lenDensityMinusOne)
double lorpeMise1D (int m, double lorpeDegree, double bandwidth, double sampleSize, unsigned nintervals, double xmin, double xmax, const AbsDistribution1D &distro, const BoundaryHandling &bm, unsigned oversample=10U, double *ISB=0, double *variance=0)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double weightedLorpeSmooth1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double effectiveSampleSize, int m, double maxDegree, NumOut *result, unsigned lenResult, const BoundaryHandling &bm, double bandwidthFactor=1.0)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double lorpeSmooth1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, int m, double maxDegree, NumOut *result, unsigned lenResult, const BoundaryHandling &bm, double bandwidthFactor=1.0)
CPP11_auto_ptr< AbsUnbinnedGOFTest1Dmake_UnbinnedGOFTest1D (const std::string &classname, const AbsDistribution1D &nullD, unsigned maxDegree, const std::vector< unsigned char > &degreeMask)
template<class H1 , class H2 , class H3 >
void mergeTwoHistos (const H1 &h1, const H2 &h2, const AbsMultivariateFunctor &w1, H3 *result, bool truncateWeight=true, unsigned interpolationDegree=1)
template<class Functor >
ModulatedDistribution1D< Functor > make_ModulatedDistribution1D (const AbsDistribution1D &distro, const Functor &fcn, const double fcnXmin=-DBL_MAX, const double fcnXmax=DBL_MAX, const unsigned nIntegPoints=1024, const unsigned nIntegIntervals=1)
Matrix< double > multinomialCovariance1D (const AbsDistribution1D &fcn, double sampleSize, unsigned nbins, double xmin, double xmax, unsigned nIntegrationPoints=0)
const char * neymanOSDEMinimizerName (unsigned minimizerCode)
int neymanPearsonWindow1D (const AbsDistribution1D &signal, const AbsDistribution1D &background, double searchStartCoordinate, double initialStepSize, double threshold, double *leftBound, NeymanPearson::Status *leftBoundStatus, double *rightBound, NeymanPearson::Status *rightBoundStatus)
int signalToBgMaximum1D (const AbsDistribution1D &signal, const AbsDistribution1D &background, double searchStartCoordinate, double initialStepSize, double *maximumPosition, double *maximumSignalToBgRatio, NeymanPearson::Status *searchStatus)
template<typename Ntuple >
NtNtupleFill< Ntuple > make_NtNtupleFill (Ntuple &destination, const std::vector< unsigned long > &columnMap)
template<typename Ntuple >
NtNtupleFill< Ntuple > make_NtNtupleFill (Ntuple &destination)
template<typename Numeric >
void ntupleMean (const AbsNtuple< Numeric > &nt, double *mean, const unsigned long lengthMean)
template<typename Numeric , class WeightCalc >
void ntupleWeightedMean (const AbsNtuple< Numeric > &nt, const WeightCalc &wcalc, double *mean, const unsigned long lengthMean)
template<typename Numeric >
Matrix< double > ntupleCovariance (const AbsNtuple< Numeric > &nt)
template<typename Numeric , class WeightCalc >
Matrix< double > ntupleWeightedCovariance (const AbsNtuple< Numeric > &nt, const WeightCalc &wcalc)
template<typename Point >
bool operator== (const OrderedPointND< Point > &l, const OrderedPointND< Point > &r)
template<typename Point >
bool operator!= (const OrderedPointND< Point > &l, const OrderedPointND< Point > &r)
template<class Point1 , class Point2 >
void fillOrderedPoints (const std::vector< Point1 > &data, const unsigned *dimsToUse, unsigned nDimsToUse, std::vector< OrderedPointND< Point2 > > *out)
template<typename Num2 , class Point >
void fillOrderedFromFlat (const std::vector< Num2 > &data, unsigned stride, const unsigned *dimsToUse, unsigned nDimsToUse, std::vector< OrderedPointND< Point > > *out)
template<typename Num2 , class Point >
void fillPointsFromFlat (const std::vector< Num2 > &data, unsigned stride, const unsigned *dimsToUse, unsigned nDimsToUse, std::vector< Point > *out)
template<typename Num1 , typename Num2 >
void fillFlatFromFlat (const std::vector< Num1 > &data, unsigned stride, const unsigned *dimsToUse, unsigned nDimsToUse, std::vector< Num2 > *out)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<class Quadrature >
double expectedVCovCov (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProduct (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProductExp (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProductExp (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVProductExp (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< double > sampleVCovarianceArray (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, unsigned maxdeg)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleVCovCov (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, UUPair ab, UUPair cd, UUPair ef, UUPair gh)
template<class Quadrature >
double oracleEpsExpectation (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, unsigned m, unsigned n, bool highOrder)
template<class Quadrature >
double oracleEpsCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, unsigned m1, unsigned n1, unsigned m2, unsigned n2, bool highOrder)
template<class Quadrature >
ArrayND< double > oracleEpsCovarianceArray (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Quadrature &quad, unsigned long nPoints, unsigned maxdeg, bool highOrder)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleEpsValue (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, unsigned m, unsigned n, bool highOrder)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleEpsExpectation (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, unsigned m, unsigned n, bool highOrder)
template<typename Numeric >
double sampleEpsCovariance (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, unsigned m1, unsigned n1, unsigned m2, unsigned n2, bool highOrder)
template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND< double > sampleEpsCovarianceArray (const AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D &poly, const Numeric *coords, unsigned long nCoords, unsigned maxdeg, bool highOrder)
const char * plOSDEMinimizerName (unsigned minimizerCode)
template<class Poly >
double polyExpectation (const AbsDistribution1D &distro, const Poly &poly, unsigned degree, unsigned nIntegrationPoints=256U, bool useFejerQuadrature=false)
template<class Triplet >
CPP11_auto_ptr< std::vector< Triplet > > productResponseMatrix (const npstat::BoxND< double > &unfoldedBox, const std::vector< unsigned > &unfoldedShape, const npstat::BoxND< double > &observedBox, const std::vector< unsigned > &observedShape, npstat::ProductDistributionND &distro, const std::vector< npstat::AbsMultivariateFunctor * > &shifts, const std::vector< npstat::AbsMultivariateFunctor * > &widthFactors)
template<class Histo >
void randomHistoFill1D (Histo *h, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const AbsDistribution1D &distro, unsigned long npoints)
template<class Histo >
void randomHistoFillC1D (Histo *h, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const AbsDistribution1D &distro, unsigned long npoints)
template<class Histo >
void randomHistoFillND (Histo *h, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const AbsDistributionND &distro, unsigned long npoints)
template<class Histo >
void randomHistoFillCND (Histo *h, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const AbsDistributionND &distro, unsigned long npoints)
npstat::Matrix< double > randomOrthogonalMatrix (npstat::AbsRandomGenerator &g, unsigned dim)
template<typename Real >
void randomTukeyDepth1 (const Matrix< Real > &sample, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const Matrix< double > &covmat, unsigned nRandom, double *depth, unsigned nDepth, bool usePointDirections=false)
template<typename Real1 , typename Real2 >
void randomTukeyDepth2 (const Matrix< Real1 > &sample, const Matrix< Real2 > &refSample, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const Matrix< double > &covmat, unsigned nRandom, double *depth, unsigned nDepth, bool usePointDirections=false)
CPP11_auto_ptr< Tabulated1DsaddlepointDistribution1D (const AbsCGF1D &cgf, unsigned saddlepointApproximationOrder, unsigned tableInterpolationDegree, unsigned nCoords, double xmin, double xmax)
template<class AcceptanceFunction >
npstat::Triple< double, double, double > sampleDistro1DWithWeight (const AbsDistribution1D &distro, const AcceptanceFunction &fcn, AbsRandomGenerator &rng, const double sampleSize, const SampleSizeInterpretation whichSize, std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > *sample)
CPP11_auto_ptr< ArrayND< double > > scanMultivariateDensityAsWeight (const AbsDistributionND &kernel, const unsigned *maxDim, const double *bandwidthSet, const double *stepSize, unsigned arrayLength)
double scannedKSDistance (const AbsDistribution1D &reference, const AbsDistribution1D &compared, unsigned nScanPoints)
CPP11_auto_ptr< ArrayND< double > > scanSymmetricDensityAsWeight (const AbsDistributionND &kernel, const unsigned *maxOctantDim, const double *bandwidthSet, const double *stepSize, unsigned arrayLength, bool fillOneOctantOnly=true)
template<typename Numeric , typename WFcn >
double semiMixLocalLogLikelihood (const std::vector< Numeric > &sortedCoords, const AbsDistribution1D &signal, const double alpha, const Functor1< double, double > &bgDensityFcn, const WFcn &localizingWeight, const double localizingWeightXmin, const double localizingWeightXmax)
template<class Lorpe , class CvRunner , class ConvergenceCalculator >
LOrPEWeightsResult solveForLOrPEWeights (Lorpe &lorpe, const CvRunner &cvRunner, const AbsDistribution1D &signal, const double alpha, const ConvergenceCalculator &conv, const unsigned maxIterations)
template<class Point >
double sampleSpearmansRho (const std::vector< Point > &data, unsigned firstDim, unsigned secondDim)
template<class Array >
double spearmansRhoFromCopula (const Array &copula)
template<class Array >
double spearmansRhoFromCopulaDensity (const Array &copulaDensity)
double meanUncertainty (double sigmaEstimate, unsigned long n)
double varianceUncertainty (double sigma, double kurtosis, unsigned long n)
double cdfUncertainty (double cdf, unsigned long n)
double quantileUncertainty (const AbsDistribution1D &distro, double cdf, unsigned long n)
double quantileDeltaUncertainty (const AbsDistribution1D &distro, double cdf1, double cdf2, unsigned long n)
double gaussianMedianUncertainty (double sigmaEstimate, unsigned long n)
double gaussianVarianceUncertainty (double sigmaEstimate, unsigned long n)
double gaussianStdevUncertainty (double sigmaEstimate, unsigned long n)
double gaussianSkewnessUncertainty (unsigned long n)
double gaussianKurtosisUncertainty (unsigned long n)
template<typename Data >
Data empiricalQuantile (const std::vector< Data > &data, double x, bool increaseRange=false)
template<typename Data >
double empiricalCdf (const std::vector< Data > &data, const Data &x)
template<typename Data >
double simpleEmpiricalCdf (const std::vector< Data > &data, const Data &x)
template<typename Data >
unsigned long quantileBinFromCdf (const Data *cdf, unsigned long arrLen, Data cdfValue, Data *remainder=0)
template<typename Real >
Real squaredDerivativeIntegral (Real *fvalues, unsigned long arrLen, unsigned n, Real h)
template<typename Real >
bool normalizeArrayAsDensity (Real *arr, unsigned long arrLen, double binwidth, double *normfactor=0)
double aicc (const double ndof, const double logli, const double n)
double AD (const double n, const double z)
template<typename Numeric , typename Num2 , typename NumOut >
void variableBandwidthSmooth1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, const Num2 *pilotDensityEstimate, unsigned lenEstimate, const AbsDistribution1D &kernel, double bandwidth, double alpha, bool increaseBandwidthAtBoundary, NumOut *result, unsigned lenResult)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double simpleVariableBandwidthSmooth1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, int symbetaPower, NumOut *result, unsigned lenResult, double bandwidthFactor=1.0)
template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double weightedVariableBandwidthSmooth1D (const HistoND< Numeric > &histo, double effectiveSampleSize, int symbetaPower, NumOut *result, unsigned lenResult, double bandwidthFactor=1.0)
double volumeDensityFromBinnedRadial (unsigned dim, double binWidth, double r, double radialDensity=1.0)
template<class Point , class Histo >
double weightedCopulaHisto (const std::vector< std::pair< const Point *, double > > &data, const unsigned *dimsToUse, const unsigned nDimsToUse, Histo *result, bool useFillC=false)
template<class Point , class Histo >
double weightedCopulaHisto_2 (const std::vector< Point > &data, const std::vector< double > &weights, const unsigned *dimsToUse, const unsigned nDimsToUse, Histo *result, bool useFillC=false)

Detailed Description

Namespace "npstat" (nonparametric statistics) is used for all classes and functions in the stand-alone part of the NPStat package

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArrayShape

typedef std::vector<unsigned> npstat::ArrayShape

This type will be used to specify array length in each dimension

◆ LinearMapper1d

Typedefs for typical template parameters

◆ StaticDiscreteDistribution1DReader

Factory for deserializing one-dimensional discrete distributions

◆ StaticDistribution1DReader

Factory for deserializing one-dimensional distribution functions

◆ StaticDistributionNDReader

Factory for deserializing multivariate distribution functions

◆ StaticDistributionTransform1DReader

Factory for deserializing one-dimensional distribution functions

◆ StaticLocalPolyFilter1DReader

Factory for deserializing one-dimensional distribution functions

◆ StaticStorableMultivariateFunctorReader

◆ StaticUnfoldingFilterNDReader

Factory for deserializing multivariate distribution functions

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Possible modes for cross validation calculations

◆ EigenMethod

EIGEN_SIMPLE: use simple LAPACK driver for calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors (such as DSYEV)

EIGEN_D_AND_C: use divide and conquer LAPACK driver (such as DSYEVD)

EIGEN_RRR: use "Relatively Robust Representations" driver (e.g., DSYEVR)

◆ OrthoPolyMethod

Method to generate the recurrence coefficients

◆ SvdMethod

SVD_SIMPLE: use simple LAPACK driver for calculating SVD (such as DGESVD)

SVD_D_AND_C: use divide and conquer LAPACK driver (such as DGESDD)

Function Documentation

◆ absDifference()

template<typename T >
Private::AbsReturnType<T>::type npstat::absDifference ( const T &  v1,
const T &  v2 

Absolute value of the difference between two numbers. Works for all standard numeric types, including unsigned and complex.

◆ absValue()

template<typename T >
Private::AbsReturnType<T>::type npstat::absValue ( const T &  v1)

Absolute value of a number. Works for all standard numeric types, including unsigned and complex.

◆ AD()

double npstat::AD ( const double  n,
const double  z 

The code for the distribution of Anderson-Darling test statistic comes from "Evaluating the Anderson-Darling Distribution" by G. Marsaglia and J. Marsaglia, Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 1-5 (2004).

◆ aicc()

double npstat::aicc ( const double  ndof,
const double  logli,
const double  n 

Akaike information criterion corrected for the sample size

◆ amiseOptimalBwGauss()

template<typename Real >
double npstat::amiseOptimalBwGauss ( unsigned  filterDegree,
double  npoints,
Real *  fvalues,
unsigned long  arrLen,
Real  h,
double *  expectedAmise = 0 

Estimate optimal bandwidth for filters generated by the Gaussian distribution used as the weight function. The arguments are as follows:

filterDegree – Degree of the filter (in the LOrPE sense). This degree is less by 2 than the order of the kernel in the Turlach's paper. For example, filter of degree 0 corresponds to kernel of order 2 (original Gaussian), filter of degree 2 corresponds to kernel of order 4, etc. Here, the degree must be even. Maximum possible filter degree is 42.

npoints – Number of points in the data sample.

fvalues – Array of scanned values of the reference density. Note that the contents of this array are NOT preserved.

arrLen – Number of elements in the array "fvalues".

h – Step with which the scan of the reference density was performed.

expectedAmise – If this argument is provided, it will be filled with the expected AMISE value.

The formulae used involve numerical evaluations of the derivatives of the scanned reference density. For a given filterDegree, the code needs to calculate the derivative of order filterDegree + 2. Make sure the scan step is chosen appropriately for this kind of calculation (see, for example, the "Numerical Recipes" book in order to understand the issues involved).

◆ amiseOptimalBwSymbeta()

template<typename Real >
double npstat::amiseOptimalBwSymbeta ( unsigned  power,
unsigned  filterDegree,
double  npoints,
Real *  fvalues,
unsigned long  arrLen,
Real  h,
double *  expectedAmise = 0 

Estimate optimal bandwidth for filters generated by the symmetric beta distribution used as the weight function. The "power" argument is the power of the symmetric beta, limited here to unsigned integers. Maximum possible power value is 10. The meaning of all other arguments is the same as in the function npstat::amiseOptimalBwGauss.

◆ amisePluginBwGauss()

double npstat::amisePluginBwGauss ( unsigned  filterDegree,
double  npoints,
double  sampleSigma,
double *  expectedAmise = 0 

Plug-in bandwidth for filters generated by the Gaussian distribution used as the weight function

◆ amisePluginBwSymbeta()

double npstat::amisePluginBwSymbeta ( unsigned  power,
unsigned  filterDegree,
double  npoints,
double  sampleSigma,
double *  expectedAmise = 0 

Plug-in bandwidth for filters generated by the symmetric beta distribution used as the weight function. The "power" argument is the power of the symmetric beta, limited here to unsigned integers. Maximum possible power value is 10.

◆ amisePluginDegreeGauss()

unsigned npstat::amisePluginDegreeGauss ( double  npoints)

AMISE-optimal filter degree for the Gaussian kernel

◆ amisePluginDegreeSymbeta()

unsigned npstat::amisePluginDegreeSymbeta ( unsigned  power,
double  npoints 

AMISE-optimal filter degree for symmetric beta kernels

◆ approxAmisePluginBwGauss()

double npstat::approxAmisePluginBwGauss ( double  filterDegree,
double  npoints,
double  sampleSigma 

Approximate version of "amisePluginBwGauss" for use with non-integer filter degrees

◆ approxSymbetaBandwidthRatio()

double npstat::approxSymbetaBandwidthRatio ( int  power,
double  filterDegree 

Approximate continuous version of "symbetaBandwidthRatio" for use with non-integer filter degrees (uses a polynomial fit to the original). Can be used in combination with "approxAmisePluginBwGauss" to derive a continuous version of symmetric beta bandwidth.

◆ arrayArgmax()

template<class Arr >
ArrayShape npstat::arrayArgmax ( const Arr &  arr)

Index of the maximum array element

◆ arrayArgmin()

template<class Arr >
ArrayShape npstat::arrayArgmin ( const Arr &  arr)

Index of the minimum array element

◆ arrayCentralMoments()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::arrayCentralMoments ( const Numeric *  arr,
unsigned long  arrLen,
unsigned  maxOrder,
long double *  moments,
long double *  momentUncertainties = 0 

Function for calculating multiple sample central moments and estimating their uncertainties (if requested). The array "moments" should have at least "maxOrder+1" elements. If provided, the array "momentUncertainties" should also have at least "maxOrder+1" elements. Upon exit, moments[0] will be set to 1 and moments[1] will be set to the sample mean. For k > 1, moments[k] will be set to the central moment of order k. The corresponding uncertainties will be estimated approximately, to O(1/n), by substituting the sample moments for the population moments in the asymptotic formulae. The relevant formulae can be found, for example, in the monograph "Mathematical Methods of Statistics" by Harald Cramer.

◆ arrayCoordCovariance()

template<class Array , unsigned Len>
void npstat::arrayCoordCovariance ( const Array &  a,
const BoxND< double > &  limits,
Matrix< double, Len > *  covarianceMatrix 

Calculate the array covariance matrix. The "limits" argument has the same meaning as in the arrayCoordMean function.

◆ arrayCoordMean()

template<class Array >
void npstat::arrayCoordMean ( const Array &  a,
const BoxND< double > &  limits,
double *  mean,
unsigned  lengthMean 

Calculate the mean along each coordinate using array values as weights. The coordinate ranges are defined by the given box, and the array points are assumed to be in the centers of the bins, like in a histogram. The results are stored in the "mean" array whose length (given by lengthMean) must not be smaller than the rank of the array.

For this function, the array dimensionality can not exceed CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned long) which is normally 64 on 64-bit machines.

◆ arrayCumulants()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::arrayCumulants ( const Numeric *  arr,
unsigned long  arrLen,
unsigned  maxOrder,
long double *  cumulants 

Function for calculating multiple sample cumulants (k-statistics). The array "cumulants" should have at least "maxOrder+1" elements. Upon exit, cumulants[k] will be set to the sample cumulant of order k. Currently, "maxOrder" argument can not exceed 6. Formulae for these can be found, for example, in "Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics" by Stuart and Ord.

◆ arrayEntropy()

template<class Numeric >
double npstat::arrayEntropy ( const Numeric *  p,
unsigned long  len,
bool  normalize = false 

This function returns negative sum of p_i ln(p_i) over array elements p_i, divided by the total number of array elements. All elements must be non-negative, and there must be at least one positive element present. Useful for calculating entropies of distributions represented on a grid. For example, mutual information of two variables is just the entropy of their copula.

◆ arrayIsDensity()

template<class Arr >
bool npstat::arrayIsDensity ( const Arr &  arr)

Check whether all array elements are non-negative and, in addition, there is at least one positive element

◆ arrayIsNonNegative()

template<class Arr >
bool npstat::arrayIsNonNegative ( const Arr &  arr)

Check if all array elements are non-negative

◆ arrayLengthFromShape()

unsigned long npstat::arrayLengthFromShape ( const ArrayShape sh)

The number of elements in the array with the given shape

◆ arrayMax()

template<class Arr >
Arr::value_type npstat::arrayMax ( const Arr &  arr)

Maximum array element

◆ arrayMin()

template<class Arr >
Arr::value_type npstat::arrayMin ( const Arr &  arr)

Minimum array element

◆ arrayMinMax()

template<class Arr >
std::pair<typename Arr::value_type, typename Arr::value_type> npstat::arrayMinMax ( const Arr &  arr)

Minimum and maximum array element

◆ arrayMoment()

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::arrayMoment ( const Numeric *  arr,
unsigned long  arrLen,
long double  center,
unsigned  order 

Function for calculating sample moments w.r.t. some point

◆ arrayMoments()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::arrayMoments ( const Numeric *  arr,
unsigned long  arrLen,
long double  center,
unsigned  maxOrder,
long double *  moments 

Function for calculating multiple sample moments w.r.t. some point. The array "moments" should have at least "maxOrder+1" elements. Upon exit, moments[k] will be set to moment of order k.

◆ arrayQuantiles1D()

template<class Numeric >
void npstat::arrayQuantiles1D ( const Numeric *  data,
unsigned long  len,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
const double *  qvalues,
double *  quantiles,
unsigned  nqvalues 

Quantiles for 1-d arrays in which array values are used as weights. Essentially, the values are treated as histogram bin contents. All input "qvalues" should be between 0 and 1. The results are returned in the corresponding elements of the "quantiles" array. The function will work faster if "qvalues" are sorted in the increasing order.

If you expect to call this function more than once using the same data, it is likely that you can obtain the same information more efficiently by creating the "BinnedDensity1D" object with its interpolationDegree argument set to 0 and then using its "quantile" method.

◆ arrayShape1D()

template<class Array >
void npstat::arrayShape1D ( const Array &  a,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double *  mean,
double *  stdev,
double *  skewness,
double *  kurtosis 

One-dimensional mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis using array values as weights. Any of the argument pointers can be NULL in which case the corresponding quantity is not calculated. The code estimates population shape quantities rather than sample quantities (so that it can be best used with equidistantly binned histograms and such).

◆ arrayStats()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::arrayStats ( const Numeric *  arr,
unsigned long  arrLen,
double *  mean,
double *  stdev,
double *  skewness = 0,
double *  kurtosis = 0 

This function estimates population mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. The array must have at least one element. A numerically sound two-pass algorithm is used.

Any of the output pointers can be specified as NULL if the corresponding quantity is not needed (this might speed the code up).

◆ assignResamplingWeights()

void npstat::assignResamplingWeights ( AbsRandomGenerator gen,
unsigned long  nPoints,
unsigned long  sampleSizeWanted,
std::vector< double > *  weightsToFill 

Imagine that you have a sample of size "nPoints". If you would resample it with replacement in the usuall manner, some points would be chosen a few times, and some not at all. On output of this function, the vector "weightsToFill" will be filled with counts how many times each point of the sample is chosen. Naturally, the size of the "weightsToFill" vector will be set to "nPoints".

This is an alternative representation of the resampling procedure which can be useful in certain scenarios.

◆ besselK()

double npstat::besselK ( double  nu,
double  z 

Modified Bessel function of the second kind

◆ betaKernelsBandwidth()

template<typename Real >
double npstat::betaKernelsBandwidth ( double  npoints,
const Real *  fvalues,
unsigned long  nValues,
bool  returnB2Star,
double *  expectedAmise = 0 

AMISE optimal bandwidth for density estimation by beta kernels. The arguments are as follows:

npoints – Number of points in the data sample.

fvalues – Array of scanned values of the reference density. It is assumed that the density is scanned at the bin centers on the [0, 1] interval.

nValues – Number of elements in the array "fvalues".

returnB2Star – If "true", the function will return b_2* from Chen's paper (and corresponding AMISE), otherwise it will return b_1* (using corrected algebra).

expectedAmise – If this argument is provided, it will be filled with the expected AMISE value.

The generalized Bernstein polynomial degree is simply the inverse of the bandwidth.

◆ bilinearSection()

unsigned npstat::bilinearSection ( double  z00,
double  z10,
double  z11,
double  z01,
double  level,
unsigned  nPointsToSample,
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > *  section1,
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > *  section2 

This function finds the contours of the intersection of a bilinear interpolation cell (specified by values at the corners of the unit square) with a given constant level. To be used as a low-level building block of contouring procedures which work with interpolated surfaces.

The function assumes that the parameters z00, z10, z11, and z01 are the values at the corners (x,y) = (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), and (0,1), respectively (i.e., in the counterclockwise order starting from the origin).

"level" is the crossing level for which the contours are found.

"nPointsToSample" is the number of points to have in each contour. If this is 1, a fast and crude check will be made and only one point produced (at the center of the cell) if the level crosses the cell anywhere. More reasonable curve representations typically need at least 5 points.

The return value of the function is the number of contours found (could be 0, 1, or 2). "section1" is filled with "nPointsToSample" points if this value is at least 1. "section2" is filled if this value is 2. All coordinates will be between 0 and 1. Appropriate shifting and scaling is left up to the user of this function.

◆ binomialCoefficient()

unsigned long npstat::binomialCoefficient ( unsigned  N,
unsigned  M 

This code calculates the binomial coefficient C(N, M) trying to avoid overflows. Throws either std::overflow_error or std::invalid_argument if things go wrong.

◆ bivariateNormalIntegral()

double npstat::bivariateNormalIntegral ( double  rho,
double  x,
double  y 

Bivariate normal cumulative probability

◆ calculateEmpiricalCopula()

template<class Point , class Array >
void npstat::calculateEmpiricalCopula ( const std::vector< Point > &  data,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
unsigned  nDimsToUse,
Array *  result 

In the "calculateEmpiricalCopula" function the assumption is that the result index 0 corresponds to copula argument 0.0 and that the maximum array index corresponds to copula argument 1.0. Class Point should be subscriptable.

◆ canFillArrayCentersPreservingAreas()

template<typename Num1 , unsigned StackLen1, unsigned StackDim1, typename Num2 , unsigned StackLen2, unsigned StackDim2>
bool npstat::canFillArrayCentersPreservingAreas ( const ArrayND< Num1, StackLen1, StackDim1 > &  from,
const ArrayND< Num2, StackLen2, StackDim2 > &  to 

Check whether the shapes of two arrays are compatible for running the "fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas" function on them

◆ cdfUncertainty()

double npstat::cdfUncertainty ( double  cdf,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of a cdf value (binomial)

◆ cdKernelSensitivityMatrix() [1/2]

template<class Fcn2D >
Matrix<double> npstat::cdKernelSensitivityMatrix ( const Fcn2D &  kernel,
const ContOrthoPoly1D inputPoly,
unsigned  maxdegInputPoly,
unsigned  maxdegOutPoly,
long double  ymin,
long double  ymax,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D yIntegrator,
unsigned  chebyshevDegree,
bool  normalizeKernel = true 

Template class Fcn2D should provide a method "Real operator()(Real x, Real y) const", where "Real" is one of floating point types (long double works best).

In the returned matrix, row numbers correspond to the "output" polynomial degrees (y space) and column numbers to the "input" polynomial degrees (x space).

"chebyshevDegree" is the degree to use for modeling the convolved density with Chebyshev polynomials (this is needed for fast calculation of its cumulative distribution function).

Set "normalizeKernel" parameter to "false" if the kernel is already known to be normalized, that is, Int_ymin^ymax K(x, y) dy = 1 for every x.

◆ cdKernelSensitivityMatrix() [2/2]

template<class Fcn2D , class InPoly >
Matrix<double> npstat::cdKernelSensitivityMatrix ( const Fcn2D &  kernel,
const InPoly &  inputPoly,
unsigned  maxdegInputPoly,
unsigned  maxdegOutPoly,
long double  ymin,
long double  ymax,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D xIntegrator,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D yIntegrator,
unsigned  chebyshevDegree,
bool  normalizeKernel = true 

Template class Fcn2D should provide a method "Real operator()(Real x, Real y) const", where "Real" is one of floating point types (long double works best).

It is assumed that the interface of class "InPoly" is similar to that of npstat classes AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D or ScalableClassicalOrthoPoly1D.

In the returned matrix, row numbers correspond to the "output" polynomial degrees (y space) and column numbers to the "input" polynomial degrees (x space).

"chebyshevDegree" is the degree to use for modeling the convolved density with Chebyshev polynomials (this is needed for fast calculation of its cumulative distribution function).

Set "normalizeKernel" parameter to "false" if the kernel is already known to be normalized, that is, Int_ymin^ymax K(x, y) dy = 1 for every x.

◆ chebyshevDerivativeCoeffs()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::chebyshevDerivativeCoeffs ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  xmin,
long double  xmax,
Numeric *  derivativeCoeffs 

Converts Chebyshev series coefficients into coefficients for the function derivative. The array of coefficients must be at least degree+1 long, and the buffer for the derivative coefficients must be at least degree long.

◆ chebyshevIntegralCoeffs()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::chebyshevIntegralCoeffs ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  xmin,
long double  xmax,
Numeric *  integralCoeffs 

Converts Chebyshev series coefficients into coefficients for the function integral. The 0's degree coefficient will be chosen in such a way that the integral is 0 at xmin. The array of coefficients must be at least degree+1 long, and the buffer for the integral coefficients must be at least degree+2 long.

◆ chebyshevMonomialCoeffs()

template<typename Numeric1 , typename Numeric2 >
void npstat::chebyshevMonomialCoeffs ( const Numeric1 *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
Numeric2 *  monoCoeffs 

Convert series for the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind into the series for monomials. The arrays of coefficients must be at least degree+1 long.

◆ chebyshevSeriesCoeffs()

template<typename Functor , typename Numeric >
void npstat::chebyshevSeriesCoeffs ( const Functor &  f,
long double  xmin,
long double  xmax,
unsigned  degree,
Numeric *  coeffs 

Generate Chebyshev series coefficients for a given functor on the interval [xmin, xmax]. The array of coefficients must be at least degree+1 long. The functor will be given a long double argument.

◆ chebyshevSeriesSum() [1/2]

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::chebyshevSeriesSum ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  x 

Series for the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. The array of coefficients must be at least degree+1 long.

◆ chebyshevSeriesSum() [2/2]

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::chebyshevSeriesSum ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  xmin,
long double  xmax,
long double  x 

Series for the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind on the given interval [xmin, xmax]

◆ clearBuffer()

template<typename T >
void npstat::clearBuffer ( T *  buf,
const unsigned long  len 

Clear a buffer (set all elements to the value produced by the default constructor)

◆ closeWithinTolerance()

bool npstat::closeWithinTolerance ( const double &  a,
const double &  b,
const double &  tol 

Check if two doubles are within certain relative tolerance from each other. The "tol" argument which specifies the tolerance must be non-negative.

◆ ComboFunctor1()

template<typename Result1 , typename Arg1 , typename Result2 , typename Arg2 , template< typename > class Operator>
ComboFunctor1Helper<Result1, Arg1, Result2, Arg2, Operator<Result1> > npstat::ComboFunctor1 ( const Functor1< Result1, Arg1 > &  f1,
const Functor1< Result2, Arg2 > &  f2,
const Operator< Result1 > &  op 

Create a functor which operates on the results produced by two other functors. Note that only references to f1 and f2 are stored. Lifetimes of f1 and f2 must be longer than the lifetime of this functor. The combo functor will have the result type and the argument type of f1.

◆ constrained_least_squares()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::constrained_least_squares ( const Numeric *  mat,
unsigned  nrows,
unsigned  ncols,
const Numeric *  rhs,
const Numeric *  constraintMatrix,
unsigned  constrRows,
unsigned  constrCols,
const Numeric *  constrRhs,
Numeric *  solution 

Constrained least squares problem (DGGLSE is used for doubles). "true" is returned on success and "false" on failure.

◆ continuousDegreeTaper()

void npstat::continuousDegreeTaper ( double  degree,
std::vector< double > *  vtaper 

The input argument "degree" must be non-negative (an exception will be thrown if a negative value is given).

If "degree" is an exact integer, the resulting vector "vtaper" will have size degree + 1, with all elements set to 1.0.

If "degree" is not an exact integer, the resulting vector "vtaper" will have size ceil(degree) + 1, with all elements except the last one set to 1.0. The last element will be set to sqrt(degree - floor(degree)). For a certain definition of the number of effective degrees of freedom, this results in a direct correspondence between the poly degree and the number of degrees of freedom at large bandwidth values.

The resulting vector can be used as an argument of the LocalPolyFilter1D constructor, with constructor "taper" argument set to &vtaper[0] and "maxDegree" argument set to (vtaper.size() - 1).

◆ convertCentralMomentsToCumulants()

template<typename Real >
void npstat::convertCentralMomentsToCumulants ( const Real *  centralMoments,
unsigned  maxOrder,
Real *  cumulants 

Arrays "cumulants" and "centralMoments" should have at least maxOrder+1 elements, with centralMoments[2] set to the variance. On exit, cumulants[0] will be set to 0, and cumulants[1] to centralMoments[1].

Currently, maxOrder can not exceed 20.

◆ convertCumulantsToCentralMoments()

template<typename Real >
void npstat::convertCumulantsToCentralMoments ( const Real *  cumulants,
unsigned  maxOrder,
Real *  centralMoments 

Arrays "cumulants" and "centralMoments" should have at least maxOrder+1 elements, with cumulants[2] set to the variance. On exit, centralMoments[0] will be set to 1, and centralMoments[1] to cumulants[1].

Currently, maxOrder can not exceed 20.

◆ convertHistoToDensity()

template<typename Histo >
void npstat::convertHistoToDensity ( Histo *  histogram,
bool  knownNonNegative = false 

Reset negative histogram bins to zero and then divide histogram bin contents by the histogram integral. If the "knownNonNegative" argument is true, it will be assumed that there are no negative bins, and their explicit reset is unnecessary.

This function will throw std::runtime_error in case the histogram is empty after all negative bins are reset.

This function is not a member of the HistoND class itself because these operations do not necessarily make sense for all bin types. Making such operation a member would make creation of HistoND scripting API (e.g., for python) more difficult.

◆ convertToGridAxis() [1/3]

DualAxis npstat::convertToGridAxis ( const DualHistoAxis histoAxis)

Convert dual histogram axis into dual grid axis

◆ convertToGridAxis() [2/3]

UniformAxis npstat::convertToGridAxis ( const HistoAxis histoAxis)

Convert uniform histogram to uniform grid axis axis

◆ convertToGridAxis() [3/3]

GridAxis npstat::convertToGridAxis ( const NUHistoAxis histoAxis)

Note that conversion from non-uniform histogram axis into the grid axis is always possible, but it is loosing information (we are writing the positions of bin centers only, not edges)

◆ convertToHistoAxis() [1/2]

NUHistoAxis npstat::convertToHistoAxis ( const GridAxis gridAxis,
double  xMin 

The conversion from non-uniform grid axis to non-uniform histogram axis is only unambiguous when some additional info is available. Here, in particular, we are asking for the position of the axis minimum. This function will throw std::invalid_argument in case the conversion is impossible.

◆ convertToHistoAxis() [2/2]

HistoAxis npstat::convertToHistoAxis ( const UniformAxis gridAxis)

Convert uniform grid axis to uniform histogram axis

◆ convertToSphericalRandom()

double npstat::convertToSphericalRandom ( const double *  rnd,
unsigned  dim,
double *  direction,
bool  getRadialRandom = true 

This function converts an N-dimensional random number set from a unit hypercube into a random direction in the N-dim space and a random number between 0 and 1 which can be later used to generate the distance from the origin.

The method implementation depends crucially on the numerical accuracies of the "inverseGaussCdf" and "incompleteGamma" special functions (it is likely that both can be improved, especially the latter).

The function returns the "remaining" random number. The "direction" array which must have at least "dim" elements is filled with the random direction vector of unit length.

If "getRadialRandom" argument is set to "false", the radial random number is not generated and -1 is returned. Use this to increase the code speed if only the random direction itself is needed.

◆ convolutionHistoMap()

template<typename Histo >
std::vector<CircularMapper1d> npstat::convolutionHistoMap ( const Histo &  histo,
bool  doubleDataRange 

Generate a density scanning map for subsequent use with the "DensityScanND" template when a density is to be convolved with the histogram data. Only histograms with uniform binning can be used here.

The "doubleDataRange" should be set "true" in case the data will be mirrored (or just empty range added) to avoid circular spilling after convolution.

◆ copyBuffer()

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void npstat::copyBuffer ( T1 *  dest,
const T2 *  source,
const unsigned long  len 

Copy a buffer (with possible type conversion on the fly)

◆ correctDensityEstimateGHU()

void npstat::correctDensityEstimateGHU ( const double *  estimator,
unsigned long  len,
double *  corrected,
unsigned long  lenCorrected,
double  binSize 

Normalize and correct a discretized density estimate which might not be non-negative everywhere. The method comes from the paper by Ingrid K. Glad, Nils Lid Hjort and Nikolai G. Ushakov, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2003), pp. 415-427.

◆ covmatFromHessian()

Matrix<double> npstat::covmatFromHessian ( const Matrix< double > &  hessian,
double  negativeScaleLimit 

Make a guess about the covariance matrix. This will be just the inverse of the Hessian in case the Hessian is positive-definite.

◆ cumulantUncertainties()

template<typename Real >
void npstat::cumulantUncertainties ( const Real *  cumulants,
unsigned  maxCumOrder,
unsigned long  sampleSize,
Real *  uncertainties,
unsigned  maxUncertOrder 

Array "cumulants" should have at least maxCumOrder+1 elements. Array "uncertainties" should have at least maxUncertOrder+1 elements. maxCumOrder must be larger than or equal to 2*maxUncertOrder. On exit, uncertainties[1] will contain the expected uncertainty of the first cumulant (i.e., the mean) for the sample of size "sampleSize", uncertainties[2] will contain the expected uncertainty of the second cumulant, etc.

The formulae used can be found in Chapter 12 of Stuart and Ord.

◆ dawsonIntegral()

long double npstat::dawsonIntegral ( long double  x)

Dawson's integral exp(-x^2) Int_0^x exp(t^2) dt

◆ definiteIntegral_1()

double npstat::definiteIntegral_1 ( double  a,
double  b,
double  xmin,
double  xmax 

Integrate[(a x + b)/Sqrt[x (1-x)], {x, xmin, xmax}] for the case both xmin and xmax are inside the [0, 1] interval

◆ densityFitLogLikelihood1D()

template<class Histo >
double npstat::densityFitLogLikelihood1D ( const Histo &  histo,
const unsigned char *  binMask,
unsigned  maskLength,
const AbsDistribution1D density,
double  minlog,
double *  workBuffer,
unsigned  workBufferLength,
unsigned  nQuad = 6U,
double *  densityArea = 0,
double *  enabledBinCount = 0 

This function calculates log-likelihood of a 1-d histogram fit by a 1-d density (the value can then be maximized – see, for example, MinuitDensityFitFcn1D.hh header in the "interfaces" section).

The length of the "binMask" array should be the same as the number of bins in the histogram. Only those bins will be used for which corresponding mask values are not 0.

The "workBuffer" array should be at least as long as the number of bins in the histogram.

"minlog" is the minimal value of log-likelihood which can be contributed by one data point (that is, by a part of the bin height which corresponds to 1 point). This should normally be a negative number with reasonably large magnitude.

"nQuad" is the number of quadrature points to use for calculating the density integral inside each bin (should be supported by GaussLegendreQuadrature class). If this parameter is set to 0, cumulative density function will be used.

"densityArea" and "enabledBinCount" can be used to obtain the area of the density and the bin count for masked bins.

The code essentially assumes Poisson distribution of counts for each bin, constrained by the requirement that the sum of expected events should be equal to the sum of events observed (all of this is relevant for unmasked bins only). Note that, although histogram scaling will not affect the central value of the fit, it will affect the fit error determination. Therefore, it is important to use histograms with actual event counts rather than any kind of a scaled version.

◆ densityScanHistoMap()

template<typename Histo >
std::vector<LinearMapper1d> npstat::densityScanHistoMap ( const Histo &  histo)

Generate a density scanning map for subsequent use with the "DensityScanND" template. Naturally, only histograms with uniform binning can be used here.

◆ destroyBuffer()

template<typename T >
void npstat::destroyBuffer ( T *  thisBuffer,
const T *  stackBuffer 

Function for freeing memory buffers allocated by "makeBuffer"

◆ deviationsRestrictedSize()

template<typename Numeric , unsigned Len>
unsigned npstat::deviationsRestrictedSize ( const Matrix< Numeric, Len > &  mat,
double  tolerance 

The following function returns the size of the leading principal submatrix whose absolute deviations from the unit matrix do not exceeed the requested tolerance.

◆ diag() [1/2]

template<typename Numeric >
Matrix<Numeric> npstat::diag ( const Numeric *  data,
unsigned  dataLen 

Utility for making square diagonal matrices from the given array

◆ diag() [2/2]

template<typename Numeric >
Matrix<Numeric> npstat::diag ( const Numeric *  data,
unsigned  nrows,
unsigned  ncols 

Utility for making rectangular diagonal matrices from the given array. The length of the array must be at least min(nrows, ncols).

◆ distributionReadError()

void npstat::distributionReadError ( std::istream &  in,
const char *  classname 

Simple utility function which throws an appropriate IOException when "read" function fails for some I/O-capable statistical distribution class

◆ divideTransforms()

void npstat::divideTransforms ( const fftw_complex *  numer,
const fftw_complex *  denom,
fftw_complex *  result,
const unsigned long  len 

Divide two arrays of FFTW complex numbers

◆ doubleShape()

ArrayShape npstat::doubleShape ( const ArrayShape inputShape)

Multiply the size in each dimension by 2

◆ dumpNtupleAsText()

template<typename T >
bool npstat::dumpNtupleAsText ( const AbsNtuple< T > &  ntuple,
std::ostream &  asciiStream,
bool  insertCommasBetweenValues = false,
unsigned long  firstRowToDump = 0,
unsigned long  maxRowsToDump = ULONG_MAX 

Function for dumping ntuples into text files, one row per line. By default, column values will be separated by a single white space. If "insertCommasBetweenValues" is "true" then column values will be separated by ", ". Only the data is dumped, not the info about the ntuple structure.

This function will only work with T objects that have default constructors. "true" is returned on success, "false" on failure.

◆ dumpVectorAsText()

template<typename T >
bool npstat::dumpVectorAsText ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
std::ostream &  asciiStream,
const unsigned long  firstElementToDump = 0,
const unsigned long  nElementsToDump = ULONG_MAX 

Function for dumping vectors into text files, one element per line.

Note that, while this function will work with T objects that do not have default constructors, it will not be possible to read such objects back.

"true" is returned on success, "false" on failure. Dumping less than "nElementsToDump" elements is considered a success.

◆ edgeworthSeriesMethodName()

const char* npstat::edgeworthSeriesMethodName ( EdgeworthSeriesMethod  m)

Method names corresponding to enums

◆ eigenMethodName()

const char* npstat::eigenMethodName ( EigenMethod  m)

Method names corresponding to enums

◆ empiricalCdf()

template<typename Data >
double npstat::empiricalCdf ( const std::vector< Data > &  data,
const Data &  x 

The inverse to the npstat::empiricalQuantile (if there are no duplicate entries in the data). The data vector must be sorted.

◆ empiricalCopulaDensity()

template<class Point , class Array >
void npstat::empiricalCopulaDensity ( const std::vector< Point > &  data,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
unsigned  nDimsToUse,
Array *  result 

In the "empiricalCopulaDensity" function the assumption is that the result indices correspond to points equdistant inside the unit hypercube. That is, array index 0 corresponds to copula argument 0.5/N, where N is the length of relevant dimension. Array index N-1 corresponds to 1.0 - 0.5/N. Class Point should be subscriptable.

◆ empiricalCopulaHisto()

template<class Point , typename Histo >
void npstat::empiricalCopulaHisto ( std::vector< OrderedPointND< Point > > &  data,
Histo *  result,
bool  useFillC = false 

Function for building copula density out of sets of points by ordering the points and remembering the order in each dimension. The histogram is filled with point counts. All histogram axes should normally have minimum at 0.0 and maximum at 1.0.

The input "data" vector will be reordered by this function. It is assumed that the "data" items have correct coordinates but that their order has not been established yet. A typical way to fill such a vector is to use the "fillOrderedPoints" function declared in the "OrderedPointND.hh" header.

See also functions declared in the empiricalCopula.hh header which can perform similar tasks.

This function assumes (but does not check) that the argument histogram is defined on the unit multivariate cube. The histogram will be reset before it is filled from the provided data. The histogram contents will not be normalized after the histogram is filled. If you want normalized result, call the "convertHistoToDensity" function (declared in the HistoND header).

The dimensionality of the points can be larger than the dimensionality of the histogram. In this case only the leading dimensions are used.

◆ empiricalQuantile()

template<typename Data >
Data npstat::empiricalQuantile ( const std::vector< Data > &  data,
double  x,
bool  increaseRange = false 

This function calculates an empirical quantile from a sorted vector of data points. If the "increaseRange" parameter is "true" then the value returned for x = 0.0 will be smaller than data[0] and the value returned for x = 1.0 will be larger than the largest data value.

◆ externalMemArrayND()

template<typename Numeric >
ArrayND<Numeric> npstat::externalMemArrayND ( Numeric *  data,
const unsigned *  shape,
unsigned  dim 

This function allows you to manage external data memory using ArrayND objects. It can be used, for example, to create arrays which live completely on the stack and still manage sizeable chunks of already allocated memory. It is up to the user of this function to ensure that the size of the memory buffer is consistent with the shape of the array.

Note that the responsibility to manage external data passes to another ArrayND through a move constructor or through a move assignment operator but not through a normal copy constructor or assignment operator. Because of this feature, this function works only with compilers supporting C++11.

◆ factorial()

unsigned long npstat::factorial ( unsigned  n)

Simple factorial. Will generate a run-time error if n! is larger than the largest unsigned long.

◆ fill1DHistoWithCDFWeights()

template<class Axis , class Collection , class CoordExtractor >
double npstat::fill1DHistoWithCDFWeights ( const Collection &  coll,
const AbsScalableDistribution1D weightCalc,
CoordExtractor  extractor,
HistoND< double, Axis > *  h 

Fill histogram with weighted values. Weights are calculated on the basis of position of an entry in a sorted collection (typically, std::vector). If the collection has length N, the entry with number m is assigned the "coordinate" x = m/(N - 1). Then the argument density is used to calculate a weight from this "coordinate".

The coordinate with which the histogram is filled is calculated from each entry by a functor. This functor (represented by the CoordExtractor template parameter) should take (a const reference to) a collection element as its argument and return a double.

It is assumed that the density has a finite bandwidth. The collection scan starts near the "coordinate" obtained from the density "location" function and proceeds up and down only until the first point with 0 weight is encountered. Typical densities useful with this function are TruncatedGauss1D and SymmetricBeta1D.

The function returns the Kish's effective sample size for the histogram fills performed.

◆ fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas()

template<typename Num1 , unsigned StackLen1, unsigned StackDim1, typename Num2 , unsigned StackLen2, unsigned StackDim2>
void npstat::fillArrayCentersPreservingAreas ( const ArrayND< Num1, StackLen1, StackDim1 > &  from,
ArrayND< Num2, StackLen2, StackDim2 > *  to 

Fill the second array from the first one in a special way. It is assumed that, in each dimension, the number of elements in the second array is a multiple of the number of elements in the first one. Only the "central" element in the target array will be filled, with the value increased in the proportion of the number of elements factor. Other elements of the target array will be filled with zeros. This function is useful in certain rebinning and smoothing scenarios.

◆ fillFlatFromFlat()

template<typename Num1 , typename Num2 >
void npstat::fillFlatFromFlat ( const std::vector< Num1 > &  data,
unsigned  stride,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
unsigned  nDimsToUse,
std::vector< Num2 > *  out 

Fill a flat vector from another flat vector

◆ fillHistoFromText()

template<class Histo >
bool npstat::fillHistoFromText ( std::istream &  asciiStream,
Histo *  histo,
const unsigned *  columnsToUse,
bool  hasCommasBetweenValues = false 

Fill a histogram with data from a text file. The text file must contain columns of numbers. The array "columnsToUse" defines which columns to histogram. The dimensionality of this array is assumed to be equal to the dimensionality of the histogram.

Empty lines, lines which consist of pure white space, and lines which start with an arbitrary amount of white space (including none) followed by '#' are ignored (considered comments).

"true" is returned on success, "false" on failure.

◆ fillNtupleFromText()

template<typename T >
bool npstat::fillNtupleFromText ( std::istream &  asciiStream,
AbsNtuple< T > *  ntuple,
bool  hasCommasBetweenValues = false,
unsigned long  maxRowsToFill = ULONG_MAX 

Function for filling ntuples from text files, one row per line. Will work with T objects that have default constructors. "true" is returned on success, "false" on failure.

There may be more columns (but not less) in the file than in the ntuple. In this case extra columns are ignored.

Empty lines, lines which consist of pure white space, and lines which start with an arbitrary amount of white space (including none) followed by '#' are ignored (considered comments).

◆ fillOrderedFromFlat()

template<typename Num2 , class Point >
void npstat::fillOrderedFromFlat ( const std::vector< Num2 > &  data,
unsigned  stride,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
unsigned  nDimsToUse,
std::vector< OrderedPointND< Point > > *  out 

Fill a vector of ordered points using flat data. Flat data is divided into chunks "stride" elements long. Then numbers are picked up from these chunks according to "dimsToUse" and "nDimsToUse" arguments.

◆ fillOrderedPoints()

template<class Point1 , class Point2 >
void npstat::fillOrderedPoints ( const std::vector< Point1 > &  data,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
unsigned  nDimsToUse,
std::vector< OrderedPointND< Point2 > > *  out 

Fill a vector of ordered points using unordered points (but do not order them yet). Note that the output vector is not cleared before filling. Class Point1 should be subscriptable.

Parameters "dimsToUse" and "nDimsToUse" specify how dimensions of Point2 should be constructed out of those in Point1.

◆ fillPointsFromFlat()

template<typename Num2 , class Point >
void npstat::fillPointsFromFlat ( const std::vector< Num2 > &  data,
unsigned  stride,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
unsigned  nDimsToUse,
std::vector< Point > *  out 

Fill a vector of points using flat data

◆ fillVectorFromText()

template<typename T >
bool npstat::fillVectorFromText ( std::istream &  asciiStream,
std::vector< T > *  v,
const unsigned long  maxElementsToFill = ULONG_MAX 

Function for filling vectors from text files, one element per line. Will only work with T objects that have default constructors. "true" is returned on success, "false" on failure.

Empty lines, lines which consist of pure white space, and lines which start with an arbitrary amount of white space (including none) followed by '#' are ignored (considered comments).

◆ findPeak3by3()

bool npstat::findPeak3by3 ( const double  gridValues[3][3],
Peak2D peak 

The "findPeak3by3" function assumes that the grid locations are -1, 0, and 1 in both directions. Correct shifting and scaling is up to the user of this function (use the "rescaleCoords" method of the Peak2D class). The function returns "true" if a valid peak is found inside the 3x3 mask and "false" otherwise.

◆ findPeak5by5()

bool npstat::findPeak5by5 ( const double  gridValues[5][5],
Peak2D peak 

The "findPeak5by5" function assumes that the grid locations are -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2 in both directions. Correct shifting and scaling is up to the user of this function (use the "rescaleCoords" method of the Peak2D class). The function returns "true" if a valid peak is found inside the 5x5 mask and "false" otherwise.

◆ findRootInLogSpace()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
bool npstat::findRootInLogSpace ( const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &  f,
const Result &  rhs,
const Arg1 &  x0,
double  tol,
Arg1 *  x,
double  logstep = 0.5 

Numerical equation solving for 1-d functions using interval division.

Input arguments are as follows:

f – The functor making up the equation to solve: f(x) == rhs. The comparison operator "<" must be defined for the Result type.

rhs – The "right hand side" of the equation.

x0 – The starting point for the search. For Arg1, operation of multiplication by a double must be defined. The space searched for solution will be x0*c, where c is a positive constant (for example, Arg1 can be a vector).

tol – Tolerance parameter. Typically, the found solution will be within a factor of 1 +- tol of the real one.

x – Location where the solution will be stored.

logstep – Initial step in the log space. The code will first try the points x0*exp(logstep) and x0/exp(logstep) to bound the root, and will descend along the slope from there.

The function returns "true" if it finds the root, "false" otherwise.

◆ findRootNewtonRaphson()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::findRootNewtonRaphson ( const PairFunctor< Numeric > &  f,
Numeric  rhs,
Numeric  x0,
Numeric  tol,
Numeric *  x,
Numeric *  deriv = 0 

Numerical equation solving for 1-d functions using the Newton–Raphson method.

Input arguments are as follows:

f – The functor making up the equation to solve, returning a pair. The first element of the pair is the function value (for which "rhs" is the desired value) and the second element is the derivative.

rhs – The "right hand side" of the equation.

x0 – The starting point for the search.

tol – Tolerance parameter. Typically, the found solution will be within a factor of 1 +- tol of the real one.

x – Location where the solution will be stored.

deriv – Location to store the derivative at x (if desired).

The function returns "true" if it finds the root, "false" otherwise.

Typically, "Numeric" should be ether float or double.

◆ findRootUsingBisections()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
bool npstat::findRootUsingBisections ( const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &  f,
Result  rhs,
Arg1  x0,
Arg1  x1,
Arg1  tol,
Arg1 *  root 

Numerical equation solving for 1-d functions using interval division.

Input arguments are as follows:

f – The functor making up the equation to solve: f(x) == rhs. The comparison operator "<" must be defined for the Result type.

rhs – The "right hand side" of the equation.

x0, x1 – The starting interval for the search.

tol – Tolerance parameter. Typically, the found solution will be within a factor of 1 +- tol of the real one.

root – Location where the root will be written. This could also be a discontinuity point of f(x) or a singularity.

The function returns "false" in case the initial interval does not bracket the root. In this case *root is not modified.

◆ findScanMinimum1D()

ScanExtremum1D npstat::findScanMinimum1D ( const double *  xcoords,
unsigned long  xLen,
const double *  yvalues,
unsigned long  yLen 

The input arrays must have at least two elements. Coordinates must be monotonously increasing.

◆ Functor0Ref()

template<typename Result >
Functor0RefHelper<Result> npstat::Functor0Ref ( const Functor0< Result > &  ref)

Convenience function for creating Functor0RefHelper instances

◆ Functor1Ref()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
Functor1RefHelper<Result,Arg1> npstat::Functor1Ref ( const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &  ref)

Convenience function for creating Functor1RefHelper instances

◆ Functor2Ref()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 >
Functor2RefHelper<Result,Arg1,Arg2> npstat::Functor2Ref ( const Functor2< Result, Arg1, Arg2 > &  ref)

Convenience function for creating Functor2RefHelper instances

◆ Functor3Ref()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 , typename Arg2 , typename Arg3 >
Functor3RefHelper<Result,Arg1,Arg2,Arg3> npstat::Functor3Ref ( const Functor3< Result, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > &  ref)

Convenience function for creating Functor3RefHelper instances

◆ FunctorPowerFcn()

template<class Functor >
FunctorPowerFcnHelper<Functor> npstat::FunctorPowerFcn ( const Functor &  fcn,
const double  power 

Utility function for making FunctorPowerFcnHelper objects

◆ FunctorPowerFcnCp()

template<class Functor >
FunctorPowerFcnCpHelper<Functor> npstat::FunctorPowerFcnCp ( const Functor &  fcn,
const double  power 

Utility function for making FunctorPowerFcnCpHelper objects

◆ Gamma()

double npstat::Gamma ( double  x)

The gamma function for positive real arguments

◆ gaussianKurtosisUncertainty()

double npstat::gaussianKurtosisUncertainty ( unsigned long  n)

Kurtosis uncertainty for the Gaussian distribution

◆ gaussianMedianUncertainty()

double npstat::gaussianMedianUncertainty ( double  sigmaEstimate,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of the median estimate for the Gaussian distribution

◆ gaussianResponseMatrix() [1/2]

Matrix<double> npstat::gaussianResponseMatrix ( const NUHistoAxis unfoldedAxis,
const NUHistoAxis observedAxis,
const Functor1< double, double > &  gaussMeanFunction,
const Functor1< double, double > &  gaussWidthFunction,
unsigned  nQuadraturePoints = 8U 

Function arguments are as follows:

unfoldedAxis – Discretization of the "unfolded" (that is, physical) space. Binning is expected to be non-uniform.

observedAxis – Discretization of the "observed" space. Binning is expected to be non-uniform.

gaussMeanFunction – this functor calculates the mean of the observed gaussian for the given value in the physical space. Use "npstat::Same<double>()" as an argument if you not not want to add an extra shift to the point location.

gaussWidthFunction – this functor calculates the width of the observed gaussian for the given value in the physical space. Use "npstat::ConstValue1<double,double>(width)" as an argument if you want a constant width.

nQuadraturePoints – the number of points to use for integration in each dimension. This should be one of the numbers of points supported by the GaussLegendreQuadrature class.

This function will integrate the Gaussian density in the observed space and average it in the unfolded space using Gauss-Legendre quadratures with the given number of points in each space.

◆ gaussianResponseMatrix() [2/2]

Matrix<double> npstat::gaussianResponseMatrix ( double  unfoldedMin,
double  unfoldedMax,
unsigned  nUnfolded,
double  observedMin,
double  observedMax,
unsigned  nObserved,
const Functor1< double, double > &  gaussMeanFunction,
const Functor1< double, double > &  gaussWidthFunction,
unsigned  nQuadraturePoints = 8U 

Function arguments are as follows:

unfoldedMin, unfoldedMax – boundaries for the "unfolded" (that is, physical) space.

nUnfolded – number of subdivisions for the unfolded space. Uniform binning is used.

observedMin, observedMax – boundaries for the "observed" space.

nObserved – number of subdivisions for the observed space. Uniform binning is used.

gaussMeanFunction – this functor calculates the mean of the observed gaussian for the given value in the physical space. Use "npstat::Same<double>()" as an argument if you not not want to add an extra shift to the point location.

gaussWidthFunction – this functor calculates the width of the observed gaussian for the given value in the physical space. Use "npstat::ConstValue1<double,double>(width)" as an argument if you want a constant width.

nQuadraturePoints – the number of points to use for integration in each dimension. This should be one of the numbers of points supported by the GaussLegendreQuadrature class.

This function will integrate the Gaussian density in the observed space and average it in the unfolded space using Gauss-Legendre quadratures with the given number of points in each space.

◆ gaussianSkewnessUncertainty()

double npstat::gaussianSkewnessUncertainty ( unsigned long  n)

Skewness uncertainty for the Gaussian distribution

◆ gaussianStdevUncertainty()

double npstat::gaussianStdevUncertainty ( double  sigmaEstimate,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of the standard deviation estimate for the Gaussian distribution

◆ gaussianVarianceUncertainty()

double npstat::gaussianVarianceUncertainty ( double  sigmaEstimate,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of the variance (not standard deviation!) estimate for the Gaussian distribution

◆ gegenbauerSeriesSum()

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::gegenbauerSeriesSum ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  lambda,
long double  x 

Series for Gegenbauer polynomials. "lambda" is the parameter.

◆ gen_matrix_eigensystem()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::gen_matrix_eigensystem ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
typename GeneralizedComplex< Numeric >::type *  ev,
Numeric *  rightEigenvectors,
Numeric *  leftEigenvectors 

Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general matrix (LAPACK DGEEV routine is used for doubles)

◆ gen_matrix_eigenvalues()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::gen_matrix_eigenvalues ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
typename GeneralizedComplex< Numeric >::type *  eigenvalues 

Determine eigenvalues of a general matrix (LAPACK DGEEV routine is used for doubles)

◆ gen_matrix_svd()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::gen_matrix_svd ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  M,
unsigned  N,
Numeric *  U,
Numeric *  singularValues,
Numeric *  VT 

Singular value decomposition (by DGESVD, etc) of M x N matrix. This function returns "true" on success or "false" on failure.

◆ gen_matrix_svd_dc()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::gen_matrix_svd_dc ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  M,
unsigned  N,
Numeric *  U,
Numeric *  singularValues,
Numeric *  VT 

Divide and conquer SVD (by DGESDD, etc) of M x N matrix. This function returns "true" on success or "false" on failure.

◆ getBoundaryFilter1DBuilder()

CPP11_auto_ptr<AbsBoundaryFilter1DBuilder> npstat::getBoundaryFilter1DBuilder ( const BoundaryHandling boundaryHandling,
const AbsDistribution1D distro,
double  stepSize,
const unsigned char *  exclusionMask = 0,
unsigned  exclusionMaskLen = 0,
bool  excludeCentralPoint = false 

A factory method for creating AbsBoundaryFilter1DBuilder objects. Parameters are as follows:

boundaryHandling – Definition of the boundary handling method.

distro – Function to use as the weight for generating LOrPE polynomials. This weight is expected to be even and to peak at 0. Note that the filter builder will not own this pointer. It is the responsibility of the user of this code to make sure that the function exists at all times when the builder is used.

stepSize – Step size (bin width) for the data grid on which density estimation will be performed.

exclusionMask – Set values of "exclusionMask" != 0 if corresponding data points have to be excluded when weights are generated. If no exclusions are necessary, just leave this array as NULL.

exclusionMaskLen – Length of the "exclusionMask" array. If it is not 0 then it must coinside with the "datalen" argument given to all future invocations of the "makeFilter" method.

excludeCentralPoint – If "true", the central point of the weight will be set to zero. This can be useful for certain types of cross validation calculations.

◆ goldenSectionSearchInLogSpace()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 >
bool npstat::goldenSectionSearchInLogSpace ( const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &  f,
const Arg1 &  x0,
double  tol,
Arg1 *  minimum,
Result *  fmin = 0,
double  logstep = 0.5 

Search for 1-d function minimum using the golden section method.

Input arguments are as follows:

f – The functor whose value we are minimizing. The comparison operator "<" must be defined for the Result type.

x0 – The starting point for the search. For Arg1, operation of multiplication by a double must be defined. The space searched for minimum will be x0*c, where c is a positive constant (for example, Arg1 can be a vector).

tol – Tolerance parameter. It will often be reasonable to set tol = sqrt(DBL_EPSILON). Typically, the found minimum will be within a factor of 1 +- tol of the real one.

minimum – Location where the found minimum will be stored.

fmin – Provide this if you want the function value at the minimum.

logstep – Initial step in the log space. The code will first try the points x0*exp(logstep) and x0/exp(logstep) to bound the minimum, and will descend along the slope from there. "false" will be returned if the initial interval bounds a maximum instead.

The function returns "true" if it finds the minimum, "false" otherwise.

◆ goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid()

MinSearchStatus1D npstat::goldenSectionSearchOnAGrid ( const Functor1< double, double > &  f,
const DualAxis axis,
unsigned  i0,
unsigned  initialStep,
unsigned *  imin,
double *  fMinusOne,
double *  fmin,
double *  fPlusOne 

Search for 1-d function minimum using the golden section method on a discrete grid. The purpose is to find a 3-cell interval whose middle cell corresponds to the lowest function value. This search can be useful for functions that are expensive to evaluate: it memoizes the results internally and will never call the function twice with the same argument. The function returns the search status.

Input arguments are as follows:

f – The functor whose value we are minimizing.

axis – The axis which defines locations of the grid points.

i0 – The starting grid cell for the search.

initialStep – The initial step, in units of cells.

imin – Location where the found minimum will be stored in case returned status in not MIN_SEARCH_FAILED.

fMinusOne, fmin, fPlusOne – In case the status is MIN_SEARCH_OK, these will contain function values the at the grid cell which precedes the minimum, at the minimum cell, and at the next cell, respectively. In case the status is MIN_ON_LEFT_EDGE, *fMinusOne will be set to *fmin. In case the status is MIN_ON_RIGHT_EDGE, *fPlusOne will be set to *fmin. In case the status is MIN_SEARCH_FAILED, the results are undefined.

◆ griddedRobustRegression()

template<unsigned MaxDim, unsigned MaxReplace>
unsigned long npstat::griddedRobustRegression ( const ArrayND< double > &  in,
const unsigned *  slidingWindowSize,
unsigned  slidingWindowDim,
const AbsLossCalculator< MaxDim, MaxReplace > &  lossCalc,
const Functor2< bool, LocalLoss, unsigned long > &  stopCallback,
const Functor1< void, ArrayND< double > > *  observationCallback,
unsigned  observationFrequency,
ArrayND< double > *  out,
std::vector< std::pair< LocalLoss, ReplacementBlock< MaxDim, MaxReplace > > > *  replacementHistory,
bool  verbose = false 

A generic framework for local robust regression on regular grids. It is designed, in particular, in order to implement local least trimmed squares (LLTS) but can be used with other loss types as well. Works by replacing (i.e., adjusting) grid values with the highest local loss in the whole grid by values fitted from local surroundings using, for example, local orthogonal polynomials.

A two-run use is envisioned: during the first run, the user accumulates the "history" of grid replacements. Then the history is analyzed (typically, the local loss time series will exhibit a characteristic "knee" when all outliers have been detected and adjusted). During the second run, the regression is performed up to the desired history point. Automatic history analyzers might be added in the future, but for now it is best to just eyeball the history with the help of some convenient ploting package.

Compared to other statistical methods in this package, this function is expected to be very slow (which is not atypical for robust techniques).

Function template arguments are as follows. These parameters should be the same as those in the provided loss calculator.

MaxDim – Maximum dimensionality of the data grid. The actual dimensionality must not exceed this parameter.

MaxReplace – Maximum number of grid point adjustments performed in a single local adjustment cycle.

Function arguments are as follows:

in – Input data for regression.

slidingWindowSize – Size of the local window for use by the loss calculator. The size in each dimension must be odd and larger than 1.

slidingWindowDim – Number of elements in the slidingWindowSize array (and dimensionality of the predictor space). Naturally, the code will check that the input data dimensionality is compatible with this parameter.

lossCalc – Local loss calculator. Will be called on data in all possible local windows. Should calculate local least trimmed squares or some other such quantity. See "WeightedLTSLoss.hh" and "TwoPointsLTSLoss.hh" for examples of such calculators.

stopCallback – The function stops when this returns "true". The arguments will be the largest remaining loss and the number of replacements made so far. See the "GriddedRobustRegressionStop.hh" header for a simple example of such a callback.

observationCallback – Callback to call with the current values of data (to monitor progress). Can be NULL.

observationFrequency – How often to call the above callback. Set this argument to 0 to disable these calls completely.

out – Replaced array (on exit). Can point to the same area as "in" (naturally, "in" will be destroyed in this case).

replacementHistory – History of replacements. This argument can be NULL in which case the history is not generated. This function will not clear a previously filled history but will append to it.

verbose – If "true", will print the location of the local window in which the replacements are made to the standard output.

This function returns the total number of replacements made.

◆ halfShape()

ArrayShape npstat::halfShape ( const ArrayShape inputShape)

Divide the size in each dimension by 2 (generate dynamic fault if odd)

◆ hermiteSeriesSumPhys()

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::hermiteSeriesSumPhys ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  x 

Series for Hermite polynomials orthogonal with weight exp(-x*x). These are sometimes called the "physicists' Hermite polynomials". The weight exp(-x*x) is also used in the "GaussHermiteQuadrature" class.

◆ hermiteSeriesSumProb()

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::hermiteSeriesSumProb ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  x 

Series for Hermite polynomials orthogonal with weight exp(-x*x/2). These are sometimes called the "probabilists' Hermite polynomials".

◆ histoCovariance()

template<class Histo , unsigned Len>
void npstat::histoCovariance ( const Histo &  histo,
Matrix< double, Len > *  covariance 

Calculate covariance matrix for the histogrammed data. Upon exit, the size of the matrix will be N x N, where N is the histogram dimensionality.

◆ histoDensity1D()

template<class Histo >
CPP11_auto_ptr<BinnedDensity1D> npstat::histoDensity1D ( const Histo &  histo,
unsigned  interpolationDegree = 0 

Construct a "BinnedDensity1D" object out of a uniformly binned 1-d histogram. All histogram bins must be non-negative.

◆ histoDensityND()

template<class Histo >
CPP11_auto_ptr<BinnedDensityND> npstat::histoDensityND ( const Histo &  histo,
unsigned  interpolationDegree = 0 

Construct a "BinnedDensityND" object out of a uniformly binned multivariate histogram. All histogram bins must be non-negative.

◆ histoMean()

template<class Histo >
void npstat::histoMean ( const Histo &  histo,
double *  mean,
unsigned  lengthMean 

Calculate the mean of histogrammed data. The length of the "mean" array should be equal to or exceed the dimensionality of the histogram.

◆ histoQuantiles()

template<class Histo >
void npstat::histoQuantiles ( const Histo &  histo,
unsigned  axisNumber,
const double *  qvalues,
double *  quantiles,
unsigned  nqvalues 

Calculate quantiles for the given histogram axis assuming that the histogram contents are non-negative. All other variables are marginalized. Overflow bins are ignored.

◆ incompleteBeta()

double npstat::incompleteBeta ( double  a,
double  b,
double  x 

Regularized incomplete beta function

◆ incompleteGamma()

double npstat::incompleteGamma ( double  a,
double  x 

Incomplete gamma ratio

◆ incompleteGammaC()

double npstat::incompleteGammaC ( double  a,
double  x 

Incomplete gamma ratio complement

◆ integralOfSymmetricBetaSquared() [1/2]

double npstat::integralOfSymmetricBetaSquared ( int  power)

Integral of kernel squared for Gaussian (power < 0) and symmetric Beta kernels

◆ integralOfSymmetricBetaSquared() [2/2]

double npstat::integralOfSymmetricBetaSquared ( int  power,
double  a,
double  b 

Integral of kernel squared for Gaussian (power < 0) and symmetric Beta kernels within some definite limits

◆ interpolate_cubic()

template<typename T >
T npstat::interpolate_cubic ( const double  x,
const T &  f0,
const T &  f1,
const T &  f2,
const T &  f3 

Cubic interpolation. Assume that the function values are given at 0, 1, 2, and 3.

◆ interpolate_linear()

template<typename T >
T npstat::interpolate_linear ( const double  x,
const T &  f0,
const T &  f1 

Linear interpolation. Assumes that the function values are given at 0 and 1.

◆ interpolate_quadratic()

template<typename T >
T npstat::interpolate_quadratic ( const double  x,
const T &  f0,
const T &  f1,
const T &  f2 

Quadratic interpolation. Assume that the function values are given at 0, 1, and 2.

◆ interpolateHistoND() [1/2]

template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float npstat::interpolateHistoND ( const HistoND< Float, Axis > &  histo,
const double *  coords,
unsigned  coordsDim,
unsigned  interpolationDegree 

The interpolation degree in this method can be set to 0, 1, or 3 which results, respectively, in closest bin lookup, multilinear interpolation, or multicubic interpolation. Value of the closest bin inside the histogram range is used if some coordinate is outside of the corresponding axis limits.

◆ interpolateHistoND() [2/2]

template<typename Float , class Axis >
Float npstat::interpolateHistoND ( const HistoND< Float, Axis > &  histo,
double  x0,
unsigned  interpolationDegree 

Convenience function for interpolating histograms, with an explicit coordinate argument for each histogram dimension

◆ interpolation_coefficients()

template<typename T >
unsigned npstat::interpolation_coefficients ( T *  buffer,
unsigned  bufLen,
const T &  f0,
const T &  f1 

Get the coefficients of the interpolating polynomial. The interpolated function values are provided at 0, 1, ... The return value of the function is the number of coefficients (i.e., the polynomial degree plus one). On exit, the coefficients are placed into the "buffer" array in the order of increasing monomial degree. The length of the provided buffer must be sufficient to hold all these coefficients.

◆ intPower()

unsigned long npstat::intPower ( unsigned  a,
unsigned  n 

Precise integer function for the power. Will generate a run-time error if a^n exceeds the largest unsigned long.

◆ inverseExpsqIntegral()

long double npstat::inverseExpsqIntegral ( long double  x)

Inverse of the integral Int_0^x exp(t^2) dt

◆ inverseGaussCdf()

double npstat::inverseGaussCdf ( double  cdf)

Inverse cumulative distribition function for 1-d Gaussian

◆ inverseIncompleteBeta()

double npstat::inverseIncompleteBeta ( double  a,
double  b,
double  x 

Inverse regularized incomplete beta function

◆ inverseIncompleteGamma()

double npstat::inverseIncompleteGamma ( double  a,
double  x 

Inverse incomplete gamma ratio

◆ inverseIncompleteGammaC()

double npstat::inverseIncompleteGammaC ( double  a,
double  x 

Inverse incomplete gamma ratio complement

◆ invert_general_matrix()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::invert_general_matrix ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  out 

Invert a general matrix (LAPACK DGETRF/DGETRI routines are used for doubles)

◆ invert_posdef_sym_matrix()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::invert_posdef_sym_matrix ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  out 

Invert a positive definite symmetric matrix (LAPACK DPOTRF/DPOTRI routines are used for doubles)

◆ invert_sym_matrix()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::invert_sym_matrix ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  out 

Invert a symmetric matrix (LAPACK DSYTRF/DSYTRI routines are used for doubles)

◆ invert_td_matrix()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::invert_td_matrix ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  out 

Invert a tridiagonal matrix (LAPACK routines DGTSV/SGTSV are used for doubles)

◆ isMonotonous()

template<class Iter >
bool npstat::isMonotonous ( Iter const  begin,
Iter const  end 

Check if the sequence of values is either non-increasing or non-decreasing

◆ isNonDecreasing()

template<class Iter >
bool npstat::isNonDecreasing ( Iter  begin,
Iter const  end 

Check if the sequence of values is not decreasing

◆ isNonIncreasing()

template<class Iter >
bool npstat::isNonIncreasing ( Iter  begin,
Iter const  end 

Check if the sequence of values is not increasing

◆ isStrictlyDecreasing()

template<class Iter >
bool npstat::isStrictlyDecreasing ( Iter  begin,
Iter const  end 

Check if the sequence of values is strictly decreasing

◆ isStrictlyIncreasing()

template<class Iter >
bool npstat::isStrictlyIncreasing ( Iter  begin,
Iter const  end 

Check if the sequence of values is strictly increasing

◆ isStrictlyMonotonous()

template<class Iter >
bool npstat::isStrictlyMonotonous ( Iter const  begin,
Iter const  end 

Check if the sequence of values is strictly increasing or decreasing

◆ isSubShape()

bool npstat::isSubShape ( const ArrayShape sh1,
const ArrayShape sh2 

This function returns true if the number of elements is the same in both vectors and every element of the first vector does not exceed corresponding element of the second

◆ KDE1DFunctor()

template<typename Numeric >
KDE1DFunctorHelper<Numeric> npstat::KDE1DFunctor ( const AbsKDE1DKernel kernel,
const double  bandwidth,
const Numeric *  coords,
const unsigned long  nCoords,
const bool  coordinatesSorted = false,
const bool  useReverseKde = false 

A convenience function for making lightweight KDE functors

◆ KDE1DLSCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric >
KDE1DLSCVFunctorHelper<Numeric> npstat::KDE1DLSCVFunctor ( const AbsKDE1DKernel kernel,
const double  xmin,
const double  xmax,
const unsigned  nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  nIntegPoints,
const Numeric *  coords,
const unsigned long  nCoords,
const bool  coordinatesSorted = false,
const bool  useReverseKde = false 

A convenience function for creating KDE1DLSCVFunctorHelper objects

◆ KDE1DRLCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric >
KDE1DRLCVFunctorHelper<Numeric> npstat::KDE1DRLCVFunctor ( const AbsKDE1DKernel kernel,
const double  plcvAlpha,
const Numeric *  coords,
const unsigned long  nCoords,
const bool  coordinatesSorted = false,
const bool  useReverseKde = false 

A convenience function for creating KDE1DRLCVFunctorHelper objects

◆ kendallsTauFromCopula()

template<class Array >
double npstat::kendallsTauFromCopula ( const Array &  copula)

Estimate Kendall's tau from an empirical copula.

In this function, the array should represent an empirical 2-d copula (constructed, for example, by the calculateEmpiricalCopula function – see header file empiricalCopula.hh). Do not confuse it with the copula density.

◆ kernelSensitivityMatrix() [1/2]

template<class Fcn2D , class OutPoly >
Matrix<double> npstat::kernelSensitivityMatrix ( const Fcn2D &  kernel,
const ContOrthoPoly1D inputPoly,
unsigned  maxdegInputPoly,
const OutPoly &  outPoly,
unsigned  maxdegOutPoly,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D yIntegrator,
bool  normalizeKernel = true 

Template class Fcn2D should provide a method "Real operator()(Real x, Real y) const", where "Real" is one of floating point types (long double works best).

It is assumed that the interface of class "OutPoly" is similar to that of npstat classes AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D or ScalableClassicalOrthoPoly1D.

In the returned matrix, row numbers correspond to the "output" polynomial degrees (y space) and column numbers to the "input" polynomial degrees (x space).

Set "normalizeKernel" parameter to "false" if the kernel is already known to be normalized, that is, Int_ymin^ymax K(x, y) dy = 1 for every x.

◆ kernelSensitivityMatrix() [2/2]

template<class Fcn2D , class InPoly , class OutPoly >
Matrix<double> npstat::kernelSensitivityMatrix ( const Fcn2D &  kernel,
const InPoly &  inputPoly,
unsigned  maxdegInputPoly,
const OutPoly &  outPoly,
unsigned  maxdegOutPoly,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D xIntegrator,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D yIntegrator,
bool  normalizeKernel = true 

Template class Fcn2D should provide a method "Real operator()(Real x, Real y) const", where "Real" is one of floating point types (long double works best).

It is assumed that the interfaces of classes "InPoly" and "OutPoly" are similar to those of npstat classes AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D or ScalableClassicalOrthoPoly1D.

In the returned matrix, row numbers correspond to the "output" polynomial degrees (y space) and column numbers to the "input" polynomial degrees (x space).

Set "normalizeKernel" parameter to "false" if the kernel is already known to be normalized, that is, Int_ymin^ymax K(x, y) dy = 1 for every x.

◆ ldBinomialCoefficient()

long double npstat::ldBinomialCoefficient ( unsigned  N,
unsigned  M 

Binomial coefficient as a long double. Has much larger dynamic range than the version which returns unsigned long.

◆ ldfactorial()

long double npstat::ldfactorial ( unsigned  n)

Factorial as a long double. Although imprecise, this has much larger dynamic range than "factorial".

◆ legendreSeriesSum()

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::legendreSeriesSum ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  x 

Series using Legendre polynomials. 0th degree coefficient comes first. Although any value of x can be specified, the result is not going to be terribly meaningful in case |x| > 1.

◆ likelihoodStatisticName()

const char* npstat::likelihoodStatisticName ( LikelihoodStatisticType  t)

Statistic names corresponding to enums

◆ linear_least_squares()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::linear_least_squares ( const Numeric *  mat,
unsigned  nrows,
unsigned  ncols,
const Numeric *  rhs,
Numeric *  solution 

Solve an overdetermined linear system in the least squares sense (DGELSD is used for doubles). This function returns "true" on success or "false" on failure.

◆ logfactorial()

long double npstat::logfactorial ( unsigned long  n)

Natural log of a factorial (using Stirling's series for large n)

◆ logLikelihoodPeak()

LikelihoodSummary npstat::logLikelihoodPeak ( const double *  curve,
unsigned  npoints,
double  down,
double  leftPointCoordinate,
double  rightPointCoordinate 

Function which summarizes properties of one-dimensional log-likelihoods.

The number of points in the curve must be at least 3. Typical value of "down" is 0.5 for 1 sigma, 2.0 for 2 sigmas, 4.5 for 3 sigmas, etc.

leftPointCoordinate and rightPointCoordinate are the leftmost and rightmost coordinates which correspont to the first and the last value of the "curve" array, respectively. It is assumed that all other point coordinates are equidistantly spaced in between.

◆ LOrPE1DFunctor()

template<typename Numeric , class Fcn >
LOrPE1DFunctorHelper<Numeric, Fcn> npstat::LOrPE1DFunctor ( const LOrPE1DSymbetaKernel kernel,
Fcn  bandwidthFunctor,
const Numeric *  coords,
const unsigned long  nCoords,
const bool  coordinatesSorted = false 

A convenience function for making lightweight LOrPE functors

◆ LOrPE1DGlobLSCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn >
LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper<Numeric, BwFcn, double> npstat::LOrPE1DGlobLSCVFunctor ( const int  i_symbetaPower,
const double  i_leftBoundary,
const double  i_rightBoundary,
const BoundaryHandling i_bh,
const BwFcn &  i_bandwidthFunctor,
const unsigned  i_nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  i_nIntegPoints,
const bool  i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate,
const std::vector< Numeric > &  i_coords 

A convenience function for creating LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper objects that perform global cross-validation (i.e., without CV localization function).

◆ LOrPE1DGlobRLCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn >
LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper<Numeric, BwFcn, double> npstat::LOrPE1DGlobRLCVFunctor ( const int  i_symbetaPower,
const double  i_leftBoundary,
const double  i_rightBoundary,
const BoundaryHandling i_bh,
const BwFcn &  i_bandwidthFunctor,
const unsigned  i_nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  i_nIntegPoints,
const bool  i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate,
const std::vector< Numeric > &  i_coords,
const double  i_rlcvAlpha = 0.5 

A convenience function for creating LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper objects that perform global cross-validation (i.e., without CV localization function).

◆ LOrPE1DLSCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn , class WFcn >
LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper<Numeric, BwFcn, WFcn> npstat::LOrPE1DLSCVFunctor ( const int  i_symbetaPower,
const double  i_leftBoundary,
const double  i_rightBoundary,
const BoundaryHandling i_bh,
const BwFcn &  i_bandwidthFunctor,
const WFcn &  i_localizingWeight,
const double  i_localizingWeightXmin,
const double  i_localizingWeightXmax,
const unsigned  i_nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  i_nIntegPoints,
const bool  i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate,
const std::vector< Numeric > &  i_coords 

A convenience function for creating LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper objects

◆ LOrPE1DRLCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric , class BwFcn , class WFcn >
LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper<Numeric, BwFcn, WFcn> npstat::LOrPE1DRLCVFunctor ( const int  i_symbetaPower,
const double  i_leftBoundary,
const double  i_rightBoundary,
const BoundaryHandling i_bh,
const BwFcn &  i_bandwidthFunctor,
const WFcn &  i_localizingWeight,
const double  i_localizingWeightXmin,
const double  i_localizingWeightXmax,
const unsigned  i_nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  i_nIntegPoints,
const bool  i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate,
const std::vector< Numeric > &  i_coords,
const double  i_rlcvAlpha = 0.5 

A convenience function for creating LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper objects

◆ LOrPE1DSimpleLSCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric >
LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper<Numeric, double, double> npstat::LOrPE1DSimpleLSCVFunctor ( const int  i_symbetaPower,
const double  i_leftBoundary,
const double  i_rightBoundary,
const BoundaryHandling i_bh,
const unsigned  i_nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  i_nIntegPoints,
const bool  i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate,
const std::vector< Numeric > &  i_coords 

A convenience function for creating LOrPE1DLSCVFunctorHelper objects that perform global cross-validation (i.e., without CV localization function) and use constant bandwidth.

◆ LOrPE1DSimpleRLCVFunctor()

template<typename Numeric >
LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper<Numeric, double, double> npstat::LOrPE1DSimpleRLCVFunctor ( const int  i_symbetaPower,
const double  i_leftBoundary,
const double  i_rightBoundary,
const BoundaryHandling i_bh,
const unsigned  i_nIntegIntervals,
const unsigned  i_nIntegPoints,
const bool  i_normalizeLOrPEEstimate,
const std::vector< Numeric > &  i_coords,
const double  i_rlcvAlpha = 0.5 

A convenience function for creating LOrPE1DRLCVFunctorHelper objects that perform global cross-validation (i.e., without CV localization function) and use constant bandwidth.

◆ lorpeBackground1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumIn , typename NumOut >
unsigned npstat::lorpeBackground1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
AbsSymbetaFilterProvider fbuilder,
const BoundaryHandling bm,
const AbsDistribution1D signal,
double  signalFraction,
unsigned  nIntegrationPoints,
const NumIn *  initialApproximation,
unsigned  lenApproximation,
int  m,
double  bandwidth,
double  maxDegree,
double  convergenceEpsilon,
unsigned  maxIterations,
NumOut *  signalDensity,
unsigned  lenSignalDensity,
NumOut *  bgDensity,
unsigned  lenBgDensity,
std::vector< double > &  workspace,
NumOut *  densityMinusOne = 0,
unsigned  lenDensityMinusOne = 0,
unsigned  cvmode = CV_MODE_LINEARIZED,
double  regularizationParameter = -1.0,
double *  lastDivergence = 0 

A driver function for density estimation from histograms using LOrPE in a composite signal plus background model in which signal is represented by a parametric distribution. The function arguments are:

histo – Naturally, the histogram to fit. It is assumed that the histogram bins are not scaled and contain the actual unweighted event counts.

fbuilder – This object will generate local polynomial filters using densities from the symmetric beta family as weights. This argument is not a LocalPolyFilter1D already so that some memoization is allowed (this might be useful for speeding up the calculation).

bm – Boundary handling method.

signal – Distribution to use for modeling the signal. Will be internally renormalized to that it integrates to 1 on the histogram support interval.

signalFraction – Fraction of the signal in the sample. Must belong to the (-1, 1) interval.

nIntegrationPoints – How many points to use in order to integrate the parametric signal density across each bin. If this is specified as 0 then the difference of cumulative densities at the bin edges will be used, otherwise Gauss-Legendre quadrature will be employed (so that the number of points must be either 1 or one of the numbers supported by the "GaussLegendreQuadrature" class). For properly implemented densities, 0 should be the best option.

initialApproximation – Initial approximation for the background density (one array element per input histogram bin). Can be specified as NULL in which case the uniform density is used as the initial approximation.

lenApproximation – Length of the initial approximation array. Must be equal to the number of histogram bins.

m – Choose the kernel from the symmetric beta family proportional to (1 - x^2)^m. If m is negative, Gaussian kernel will be used, truncated at +- 12 sigma.

bandwidth – The bandwidth for the kernel used to generate the LOrPE polynomials.

maxDegree – Degree of the LOrPE polynomial. Interpretation of non-integer arguments is by the "continuousDegreeTaper" function.

convergenceEpsilon – We will postulate that the iterations have converged if the L1 distance between the background distributions obtained in two successive iterations is less than this number. Must be non-negative.

maxIterations – Maximum number of iterations allowed.

signalDensity – Buffer for storing the signal density integrated over histogram bins. This result will be normalized to 1 on the histogram support interval. Can be specified as NULL if not needed.

lenSignalDensity – Length of the "signalDensity" buffer.

bgDensity – Buffer for storing the background density estimate. This result will be normalized to 1 on the histogram support interval. Can be specified as NULL if not needed.

lenBgDensity – Length of the "bgDensity" buffer.

workspace – If this function is called many times on the same histogram, it is recommended to reuse the same workspace buffer. This will save a few memory allocation calls for various internal needs.

densityMinusOne – If provided, a buffer for storing the results in which the background density is estimated for every bin after removing one event from that bin (assuming that at least one event is present in that bin) or, depending on "cvmode", after removing the whole bin. Intended for subsequent use in cross validation. Note that requesting this calculation will slow the code down considerably. Strictly speaking, the returned numbers are calculated for non-empty bins only, they are not really a density, and they are intended purely for cross validation (there should be no attempt to normalize them).

lenDensityMinusOne – Length of the "densityMinusOne" buffer.

cvmode – If "densityMinusOne" array is provided, this parameter affects calculation of this density. For binned densities, this calculation can be performed in a number of ways which differ in their treatment of discretization effects. Possible modes are:

CV_MODE_FAST – Remove the bin and use the same global background approximation to construct the EDF weights for each such bin.

CV_MODE_MINUSBIN – Remove the bin and recalculate the background approximation without this bin by iterations.

CV_MODE_MINUSONE – Reduce the bin value by 1 and recalculate the background approximation by iterations.

CV_MODE_LINEARIZED – Faster, linearized version of CV_MODE_MINUSONE calculation (but might be less reliable).

regularizationParameter – If this parameter is non-negative, the code will attempt to figure out the minimum reasonable value of "densityMinusOne" if that density is estimated to be zero at some point which has data present. This minimum density will be inversely proportional to pow(N, regularizationParameter). This feature can be useful in pseudo-likelihood cross validation scenarios.

lastDivergence – If provided, *lastDivergence will be filled by the actual divergence between the two most recent iterations used to calculate the background density. The absolute value tells the difference. If the value is negative, this means that there were negative entries that were truncated to zero (in this case one should not expect very good convergence anyway).

The function returns the iteration number for which convergence was established. If it is equal to "maxIterations" then the convergence target was not reached.

◆ lorpeBgCVLeastSquares1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double npstat::lorpeBgCVLeastSquares1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
double  signalFraction,
const NumOut *  signalDensity,
unsigned  lenSignalDensity,
const NumOut *  bgDensity,
unsigned  lenBgDensity,
const NumOut *  densityMinusOne,
unsigned  lenDensityMinusOne 

Function that can calculate the least squares cross validation quantity using the output generated by "lorpeBackground1D". This function is using a subset of "lorpeBackground1D" arguments. It is assumed that "lorpeBackground1D" calculations have converged and that "densityMinusOne" was calculated.

◆ lorpeBgCVPseudoLogli1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double npstat::lorpeBgCVPseudoLogli1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
double  signalFraction,
const NumOut *  signalDensity,
unsigned  lenSignalDensity,
const NumOut *  bgDensity,
unsigned  lenBgDensity,
const NumOut *  densityMinusOne,
unsigned  lenDensityMinusOne,
double  minlog = log(DBL_MIN) 

Function that can calculate pseudo log-likelihood for cross validation using the output generated by "lorpeBackground1D". This function is using a subset of "lorpeBackground1D" arguments. It is assumed that "lorpeBackground1D" calculations have converged and that "densityMinusOne" was calculated. The "minlog" parameter limits the contribution into the log-likelihood from any single bin.

◆ lorpeBgLogli1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double npstat::lorpeBgLogli1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
double  signalFraction,
const NumOut *  signalDensity,
unsigned  lenSignalDensity,
const NumOut *  bgDensity,
unsigned  lenBgDensity,
double  minlog = log(DBL_MIN) 

Function that can calculate log-likelihood (for maximizing likelihood) using the output generated by "lorpeBackground1D" (possibly, after processing by "lorpeRegularizeBgDensity"). This function is using a subset of "lorpeBackground1D" arguments. It is assumed that "lorpeBackground1D" calculations have converged. The "minlog" parameter limits the contribution into the log-likelihood from any single bin.

◆ lorpeMise1D()

double npstat::lorpeMise1D ( int  m,
double  lorpeDegree,
double  bandwidth,
double  sampleSize,
unsigned  nintervals,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
const AbsDistribution1D distro,
const BoundaryHandling bm,
unsigned  oversample = 10U,
double *  ISB = 0,
double *  variance = 0 

Function arguments are as follows:

m – Choose the kernel from the symmetric beta family proportional to (1 - x^2)^m. If m is negative, Gaussian kernel will be used, truncated at +- 12 sigma.

lorpeDegree – Degree of the LOrPE polynomial. Interpretation of non-integer arguments is by the "continuousDegreeTaper" function (see header file continuousDegreeTaper.hh).

bandwidth – Kernel bandwidth.

sampleSize – Number of data points in the sample.

nintervals – Number of discretization intervals. The CPU time of the algorithm is O(nintervals^3).

xmin, xmax – The support of the distribution. Can be arbitrary as long as the distribution is not 0 somewhere on it.

distro – The distribution for which the MISE will be determined.

bm – Method used to handle LOrPE weight at the boundary.

oversample – The number of points to use for calculating the density integral on each discretization interval. Can be 0 (use cdf method for the density), 1 (use density value in the middle of the interval) or any number of integration points supported by the GaussLegendreQuadrature class.

ISB – If provided, the location to which this pointer refers will be filled with the integrated squared bias.

variance – If provided, the location to which this pointer refers with the variance component of the MISE.

This function returns the estimated LOrPE MISE.

◆ lorpeRegularizeBgDensity1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
unsigned npstat::lorpeRegularizeBgDensity1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
double  signalFraction,
const NumOut *  signalDensity,
unsigned  lenSignalDensity,
NumOut *  bgDensity,
unsigned  lenBgDensity,
double  minBgDensity1 

Function that can "regularize" the background density estimate generated by "lorpeBackground1D" for subsequent log-likelihood estimation. This procedure may be necessary in case there are data points at the locations in which the density was estimated to be 0 (or just too low).

Parameter "minBgDensity1" specifies the minimum background-only density which is expected for any bin which has at least one background entry.

The return value of the function tells in how many bins the background density had to be adjusted.

◆ make_ModulatedDistribution1D()

template<class Functor >
ModulatedDistribution1D<Functor> npstat::make_ModulatedDistribution1D ( const AbsDistribution1D distro,
const Functor &  fcn,
const double  fcnXmin = -DBL_MAX,
const double  fcnXmax = DBL_MAX,
const unsigned  nIntegPoints = 1024,
const unsigned  nIntegIntervals = 1 

Convenience function for creating ModulatedDistribution1D objects

◆ make_NtNtupleFill()

template<typename Ntuple >
NtNtupleFill<Ntuple> npstat::make_NtNtupleFill ( Ntuple &  destination,
const std::vector< unsigned long > &  columnMap 

Helper utility function for making NtNtupleFill objects

◆ make_Triple()

template<class First , class Second , class Third >
Triple<First, Second, Third> npstat::make_Triple ( const First &  f,
const Second &  s,
const Third &  t 

Utility function for triples similar to std::make_pair

◆ makeBuffer()

template<typename T >
T* npstat::makeBuffer ( unsigned  sizeNeeded,
T *  stackBuffer,
unsigned  sizeofStackBuffer 

Function for allocating memory buffers if their size exceeds the size of the buffer available on the stack

◆ makeShape()

ArrayShape npstat::makeShape ( )

This convenience function will construct an array shape using an explicit list of indices

◆ maxBgPointsInWindow1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumIn >
double npstat::maxBgPointsInWindow1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
const AbsDistribution1D signal,
double  signalFraction,
unsigned  nIntegrationPoints,
double  windowWidth,
const NumIn *  initialApproximation,
unsigned  lenApproximation,
std::vector< double > &  workspace 

Estimate the maximum number of background points contained inside the sliding window with the width "windowWidth". All other parameters have the same meaning as in the "lorpeBackground1D" function.

◆ maxFilterDegreeSupported()

unsigned npstat::maxFilterDegreeSupported ( )

Maximum filter degree supported by AMISE calculations

◆ meanUncertainty()

double npstat::meanUncertainty ( double  sigmaEstimate,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of the mean estimate

◆ mergeTwoHistos()

template<class H1 , class H2 , class H3 >
void npstat::mergeTwoHistos ( const H1 &  h1,
const H2 &  h2,
const AbsMultivariateFunctor w1,
H3 *  result,
bool  truncateWeight = true,
unsigned  interpolationDegree = 1 

This function merges two histograms using a variable weight which usually changes smoothly from 0 to 1 (or from 1 to 0) along a certain direction in the space spanned by histogram axes. Here, the histograms are basically treated as uniform data grids.

The function arguments are as follows:

h1, h2 – The histograms to merge. Their axes do not have to be the same.

w1 – Functor which calculates the weight for histogram 1 (histogram 2 will be assigned weight equal to 1.0 - w1).

result – Points to the result histogram (its bin contents will be modified). Dimensionalities of h1, h2, and the result histogram must be the same.

truncateWeight – If true, weights calculated by w1 will be truncated so that they are between 0 and 1.

interpolationDegree – This argument will be passed to the "interpolateHistoND" functions which will be employed to determine bin contents of h1 and h2 at the bin locations of the result histo.

◆ mixtureModelCumulants()

std::vector<double> npstat::mixtureModelCumulants ( LikelihoodStatisticType  t,
unsigned  order,
unsigned  N,
double  gamma = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(),
double  rho = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(),
double  xi = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(),
double  zeta = std::numeric_limits< double >::max() 

The meaning of the "order" argument is the same as in the constructor of the EdgeworthSeries1D class.

"N" is the sample size.

The default values of the shape parameters play essenstially the same role as "None" does in Python. A sufficient number of shape parameters should be provided in order to generate the cumulants up to the order requested.

The returned vector of cumulants can be used as the corresponding constructor argument of the EdgeworthSeries1D class.

◆ modifiedGramSchmidt()

template<typename Real , class SprodFunctor >
void npstat::modifiedGramSchmidt ( Real *  data,
unsigned  nVectors,
unsigned  dim,
const SprodFunctor &  sprodCalc,
bool  vector0AlreadyNormalized = false 

Numerically stable modified Gram-Schmidt procedure. Builds the orthogonal vectors in-place. All rows will be orthonormal on exit.

The input data should represent a collection of input vectors, row-by-row. If this is treated as a matrix, input parameter "nVectors" is the number of rows, and "dim" is the number of columns. Normally, we must have nVectors <= dim.

SprodFunctor is a functor which should have a method with the signature that looks something like Real operator()(const Real*, const Real*, unsigned long) const

The parameter "vector0AlreadyNormalized" should normally be set to "true" if we are creating an orthogonal polynomial system. For OPSs, the first vector should consist of 1s, while the normalization is performed instead on the weight function.

◆ multiFill1DHistoWithCDFWeights()

template<class Axis , class Collection , class CoordWeightCalc >
std::pair<double,double> npstat::multiFill1DHistoWithCDFWeights ( const Collection &  coll,
const AbsScalableDistribution1D weightCalc,
CoordWeightCalc  coordWeightCalc,
HistoND< double, Axis > *  h 

Similar function which fills the histogram with a product of weights calculated by "weightCalc" and "coordWeightCalc". "weightCalc" works just like in the previous function. "coordWeightCalc" is a functor which is given two arguments: the collection element and the coordinate of the bin center. For each collection element, each bin of the histogram is filled with the product of the weights returned by "weightCalc" and "coordWeightCalc".

The function returns the sum of the weights calculated by "weightCalc" as the first element of the pair and the sum of these weights squared as the second element.

◆ multinomialCovariance1D()

Matrix<double> npstat::multinomialCovariance1D ( const AbsDistribution1D fcn,
double  sampleSize,
unsigned  nbins,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
unsigned  nIntegrationPoints = 0 

Input arguments are:

fcn – the distribution to discretize

sampleSize – the number of points in the sample

nbins – number of discretization intervals

xmin, xmax – discretization region. The input density will be normalized on this region.

nIntegrationPoints – determines how many points per bin will be used to calculate the bin average. Can be 0 (use cdf difference at the bin edges), 1 (use density value at the center of the bin), or one of the numbers of points supported by the "GaussLegendreQuadrature" class.

The returned matrix will have dimensions nbins x nbins.

◆ MultiplyByConst()

template<typename Result , typename Arg1 , typename Numeric >
MultiplyByConstHelper<Result, Arg1> npstat::MultiplyByConst ( const Functor1< Result, Arg1 > &  fcn,
const Numeric &  factor 

Utility function for making MultiplyByConstHelper objects

◆ multiplyTransforms()

void npstat::multiplyTransforms ( const fftw_complex *  l,
const fftw_complex *  r,
fftw_complex *  result,
const unsigned long  len 

Multiply two arrays of FFTW complex numbers

◆ ndUnitSphereArea()

double npstat::ndUnitSphereArea ( unsigned  n)

Area of the sphere of unit radius embedded in the n-dimensional space. Should be multuplied by R^(n-1) to get the area of the sphere with arbitrary radius.

◆ ndUnitSphereVolume()

double npstat::ndUnitSphereVolume ( unsigned  n)

Volume of the n-dimensional sphere of unit radius. Should be multuplied by R^n to get the volume of the sphere with arbitrary radius.

◆ neymanPearsonWindow1D()

int npstat::neymanPearsonWindow1D ( const AbsDistribution1D signal,
const AbsDistribution1D background,
double  searchStartCoordinate,
double  initialStepSize,
double  threshold,
double *  leftBound,
NeymanPearson::Status *  leftBoundStatus,
double *  rightBound,
NeymanPearson::Status *  rightBoundStatus 

neymanPearsonWindow1D function assumes that the signal density is unimodal and that the background density does not vary too quickly so that the S/B density ratio crosses the threshold only twice (once on each side of the signal peak).

Function input arguments are as follows:

signal – the signal distribution

background – the background distribution

searchStartCoordinate – starting point for the search. At this point the signal/background density ratio should be above the threshold.

initialStepSize – initial step size for the search (in either direction)

threshold – ratio of signal/background densities to search for. Must be positive.

On exit, this function fills out the contents of leftBound, leftBoundStatus, rightBound, and rightBoundStatus. Checking the status of the window boundary calculation should be considered essential. The meaning of status values is as follows:

OK – Found a good solution. The boundary corresponds to the given signal/background density ratio.

SUPPORT_BOUNDARY – Support boundary of either signal or background density was reached before solution could be found.

INDETERMINATE – The signal/background density ratio became indeterminate (for example, 0/0) before solution could be found.

INVALID – The function was called with invalid input values. For example, the density ratio was below the threshold at the starting point.

The function returns 0 in case the input arguments pass all sanity checks and an error code otherwise. For precise meaning of different error codes see comments to the return statements inside file.

Before calling this function, it may be useful to call "signalToBgMaximum1D". Then the "searchStartCoordinate" could be set to the position of S/B maximum determined by "signalToBgMaximum1D" while the threshold must be set to something smaller than the S/B density ratio at the maximum.

◆ normalDensityDerivative()

long double npstat::normalDensityDerivative ( unsigned  n,
long double  x 

Order n derivative of Gaussian density with mean 0 and sigma 1

◆ normalizeArrayAsDensity()

template<typename Real >
bool npstat::normalizeArrayAsDensity ( Real *  arr,
unsigned long  arrLen,
double  binwidth,
double *  normfactor = 0 

This function sets all negative elements of the input array to zero and normalizes it so that the sum of the elements times the "binwidth" argument becomes 1. If the input array is nowhere positive, std::runtime_error is thrown. "true" is returned in case any negative array elements are found, otherwise the function returns "false". Upon exit (and if the "normfactor" pointer is not NULL), value of *normfactor is set to the factor by which array elements are multiplied so that they become normalized.

◆ ntupleColumns()

std::vector<std::string> npstat::ntupleColumns ( const char *  v0)

Convenience function for creating vectors of std::string using variable number of arguments (from 1 to 10 here)

◆ opsRootsFromJacobiMatrix()

template<class OPS >
std::vector<double> npstat::opsRootsFromJacobiMatrix ( const OPS &  ops,
const unsigned  degree 

The roots are returned in the increasing order

◆ orderedPermutation()

void npstat::orderedPermutation ( unsigned long  permutationNumber,
unsigned *  permutation,
unsigned  permLen 

On output, array "permutation" will be filled by the permutation of numbers from 0 to permLen-1 which correspond to the given permutation number. The input permutation number must be less than factorial(permLen).

◆ orthoPolyMethodName()

const char* npstat::orthoPolyMethodName ( OrthoPolyMethod  m)

Method names corresponding to enums

◆ PairFunctorRef()

template<typename Numeric >
PairFunctorRefHelper<Numeric> npstat::PairFunctorRef ( const PairFunctor< Numeric > &  ref)

Convenience function for creating PairFunctorRefHelper instances

◆ parabolicExtremum()

bool npstat::parabolicExtremum ( double  x0,
double  y0,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
double *  extremumCoordinate,
double *  extremumValue 

Find an extremum of a parabola passing through the three given points. The returned value is "true" for minimum and "false" for maximum. std::invalid_argument will be thrown in case some of the x values coincide or if the coordinates describe a straight line.

◆ parseEdgeworthSeriesMethod()

EdgeworthSeriesMethod npstat::parseEdgeworthSeriesMethod ( const char *  methodName)

Enums corresponding to method names

◆ parseEigenMethod()

EigenMethod npstat::parseEigenMethod ( const char *  methodName)

Enums corresponding to method names

◆ parseLikelihoodStatisticType()

LikelihoodStatisticType npstat::parseLikelihoodStatisticType ( const char *  name)

Enums corresponding to simplified statistic names

◆ parseOrthoPolyMethod()

OrthoPolyMethod npstat::parseOrthoPolyMethod ( const char *  methodName)

Enums corresponding to method names

◆ parseSvdMethod()

SvdMethod npstat::parseSvdMethod ( const char *  methodName)

Enums corresponding to method names

◆ permutationNumber()

unsigned long npstat::permutationNumber ( const unsigned *  permutation,
unsigned  permLen 

A mapping from a permuted set into a linear sequence. factorial(permLen) should be less than the largest unsigned long.

◆ poissonLogLikelihood()

template<typename Real , typename Numeric >
double npstat::poissonLogLikelihood ( const Real *  means,
const Numeric *  counts,
unsigned long  len 

This function assumes that Poisson distribution parameters are given in the "means" array while the array "counts" contains corresponding observations. "len" is the length of both "means" and "counts" arrays.

◆ poissonProcessCumulants()

std::vector<double> npstat::poissonProcessCumulants ( LikelihoodStatisticType  t,
unsigned  order,
double  mu,
double  gamma = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(),
double  rho = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(),
double  xi = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(),
double  zeta = std::numeric_limits< double >::max() 

The meaning of the "order" argument is the same as in the constructor of the EdgeworthSeries1D class.

"mu" is the background rate.

The default values of the shape parameters play essenstially the same role as "None" does in Python. A sufficient number of shape parameters should be provided in order to generate the cumulants up to the order requested.

The returned vector of cumulants can be used as the corresponding constructor argument of the EdgeworthSeries1D class.

◆ polyAndDeriv()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::polyAndDeriv ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  x,
long double *  value,
long double *  deriv 

Sum and derivative of polynomial series. The length of the array of coefficients should be at least degree+1.

◆ polyIntegralCoeffs()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::polyIntegralCoeffs ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
Numeric *  integralCoeffs 

Coefficients for the integral of polynomial series. The integration constant is set to 0. The length of the array of coefficients should be at least degree+1, and the length of the buffer for the integral coefficients should be at least degree+2.

◆ polySeriesSum()

template<typename Numeric >
long double npstat::polySeriesSum ( const Numeric *  coeffs,
unsigned  degree,
long double  x 

Sum of polynomial series. The length of the array of coefficients should be at least degree+1. The highest degree coefficient is assumed to be the last one in the "coeffs" array (0th degree coefficient comes first).

◆ pooledDiscreteTabulated1D()

DiscreteTabulated1D npstat::pooledDiscreteTabulated1D ( const DiscreteTabulated1D d1,
double  sampleSize1,
const DiscreteTabulated1D d2,
double  sampleSize2,
long  first,
long  oneAfterLast 

Function which pools together two discrete tabulated distributions. Arguments "sampleSize1" and "sampleSize2" define the proportions with which the input distributions are combined. Arguments "first" and "oneAfterLast" define the support of the combined distribution. "First" is the first argument for which the combined density can be be positive (whether it will actually be positive also depends on the supports of the combined distribitions). "OneAfterLast" will be larger by one than the last value of the support.

◆ productResponseMatrix()

template<class Triplet >
CPP11_auto_ptr<std::vector<Triplet> > npstat::productResponseMatrix ( const npstat::BoxND< double > &  unfoldedBox,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  unfoldedShape,
const npstat::BoxND< double > &  observedBox,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  observedShape,
npstat::ProductDistributionND distro,
const std::vector< npstat::AbsMultivariateFunctor * > &  shifts,
const std::vector< npstat::AbsMultivariateFunctor * > &  widthFactors 

Function arguments are as follows:

unfoldedBox – boundaries for the "unfolded" (that is, physical) space.

unfoldedShape – number of subdivisions for each dimension of the unfolded space. Uniform binning is used.

observedBox – boundaries for the "observed" space.

observedShape – number of subdivisions for each dimension of the observed space. Uniform binning is used.

distro – distribution to use in order to build the response matrix. The method "isScalable" of this distribution must return "true". Locations and scales of "distro" components will be modified while this function runs but will be restored to their initial values upon exit.

shifts – these functors should calculate shifts in the physical space, as a function of point location in that space. If the function pointer is NULL, the shift is set to 0. In order to calculate the response in the obseved space, locations of the marginals will be set to the coordinate of the physical space point plus this shift.

widthFactors – these functors should calculate width factors used to mutiply the original scales, as a function of point location in the physical space. If the function pointer is NULL, the factor is set to 1.

It is expected that some or all of the "distro" marginals will have finite support, otherwise the returned collection of triplets will not be sparse. The first index of each triplet will correspond to the cell number in the observed space, and the second index will correspond to the cell number in the physical space.

◆ quantileBinFromCdf()

template<typename Data >
unsigned long npstat::quantileBinFromCdf ( const Data *  cdf,
unsigned long  arrLen,
Data  cdfValue,
Data *  remainder = 0 

Find the bin number corresponding to the given cdf value in an array which represents a cumulative distribution function (the numbers in the array must increase). It is expected that the "cdfValue" input is between cdf[0] and cdf[arrLen-1].

◆ quantileDeltaUncertainty()

double npstat::quantileDeltaUncertainty ( const AbsDistribution1D distro,
double  cdf1,
double  cdf2,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of a difference between two quantile values (asymptotic)

◆ quantileUncertainty()

double npstat::quantileUncertainty ( const AbsDistribution1D distro,
double  cdf,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of a quantile value (asymptotic)

◆ randomPermutation()

void npstat::randomPermutation ( AbsRandomGenerator gen,
unsigned *  permutation,
unsigned  permLen 

On output, array "permutation" will be filled by a random permutation of numbers from 0 to permLen-1. "permLen" can be as large as the largest unsigned integer (but you will probably run into memory limitations of your computer first).

◆ randomTukeyDepth1()

template<typename Real >
void npstat::randomTukeyDepth1 ( const Matrix< Real > &  sample,
AbsRandomGenerator rng,
const Matrix< double > &  covmat,
unsigned  nRandom,
double *  depth,
unsigned  nDepth,
bool  usePointDirections = false 

Random Tukey depth calculated within the sample. Function arguments are as follows:

sample should be dimensioned n x d, where d is the point dimensionality and n is the sample size.

rng random number generator in 1 or d dimensions.

covmat should be dimensioned d x d. The random directions will be generated by a multivariate normal distribution with this covariance matrix.

nRandom is the number of random directions to generate. In addition to random directions, the ordering will also be perfomed according to the marginals.

depth this array will be filled with depth values on exit (in the same order of points as in the "sample" argument).

nDepth is the length of the "depth" array. Should be at least as large as the sample size.

usePointDirections if this argument is set to "true", directions from the center of the cloud to each sample point will also be utilized in the depth calculation.

The CPU time used by this function will scale as O(nRandom*n*log(n)) if "usePointDirections" is false. If "usePointDirections" is true, another step will be added that scales as O(n^2*log(n)).

◆ randomTukeyDepth2()

template<typename Real1 , typename Real2 >
void npstat::randomTukeyDepth2 ( const Matrix< Real1 > &  sample,
const Matrix< Real2 > &  refSample,
AbsRandomGenerator rng,
const Matrix< double > &  covmat,
unsigned  nRandom,
double *  depth,
unsigned  nDepth,
bool  usePointDirections = false 

Random Tukey depth for each point in a sample calculated using another (reference) sample. Function arguments are as follows:

sample should be dimensioned n x d, where d is the point dimensionality and n is the sample size.

refSample the depth of each point in the "sample" argument will be defined with respect to this "reference" sample. The size of this sample should normally be substantialy larger than n.

rng random number generator in 1 or d dimensions.

covmat should be dimensioned d x d. The random directions will be generated by a multivariate normal distribution with this covariance matrix.

nRandom is the number of random directions to generate. In addition to random directions, the ordering will also be perfomed according to the marginals.

depth this array will be filled with depth values on exit (in the same order of points as in the "sample" argument).

nDepth is the length of the "depth" array. Should be at least as large as the "sample" size.

usePointDirections if this argument is set to "true", directions from the center of the "refSample" cloud to each point of the "sample" will also be utilized in the depth calculation.

Assuming that the size of the reference sample is m, the CPU time used by this function will scale as O(nRandom*(m+n)*log(m)) if "usePointDirections" is false. If "usePointDirections" is true, another step will be added that scales as O(n*(m+n)*log(m)).

◆ rectangleIntegralCenterAndSize()

double npstat::rectangleIntegralCenterAndSize ( const AbsMultivariateFunctor f,
const double *  rectangleCenter,
const double *  rectangleSize,
unsigned  dim,
unsigned  integrationPoints 

The "integrationPoints" parameter below must be one of the number of points supported by the GaussLegendreQuadrature class. See the corresponding header file for the list of allowed values.

Naturally, length of the "rectangleCenter" and "rectangleSize" arrays (with obvious meaning) should be at least "dim".

◆ resampleWithReplacement()

template<typename T >
void npstat::resampleWithReplacement ( AbsRandomGenerator gen,
const std::vector< T > &  from,
std::vector< T > *  to,
const unsigned long  sampleSizeWanted 

On output, vector "to" will be filled by a random sample of elements of the vector "from", chosen with replacement, according to the sample size requested. Note that, due to the simplicity of the algorithm and for very large "from" vectors, discreteness of random doubles on [0, 1) can affect resampling uniformity.

◆ rescanArray()

template<typename Num1 , unsigned Len1, unsigned Dim1, typename Num2 , unsigned Len2, unsigned Dim2>
void npstat::rescanArray ( const ArrayND< Num1, Len1, Dim1 > &  from,
ArrayND< Num2, Len2, Dim2 > *  to,
unsigned  interpolationDegree = 0 

A utility for filling one array using values of another. The array shapes do not have to be the same but the ranks have to be. Roughly, the arrays are treated as values of histogram bins inside the unit box. The array "to" is filled either with the closest bin value of the array "from" or with an interpolated value (if "interpolationDegree" parameter is not 0).

interpolationDegree parameter must be one of 0, 1, or 3.

◆ sampleDistro1DWithWeight()

template<class AcceptanceFunction >
npstat::Triple<double,double,double> npstat::sampleDistro1DWithWeight ( const AbsDistribution1D distro,
const AcceptanceFunction &  fcn,
AbsRandomGenerator rng,
const double  sampleSize,
const SampleSizeInterpretation  whichSize,
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > *  sample 

AcceptanceFunction is a functor which takes a double as an argument and returns a double on the [0, 1] interval.

The elements of the returned triple are:

first – sum of weights

second – the Kish's effective sample size of the generated sample

third – the efficiency of the generator (the ratio between the number of points generated and the number of points attempted)

In each generated point (the vector "sample" is filled with them), the first element of the pair is the point coordinate and the second element is the point weight.

◆ sampleKendallsTau()

template<class Point >
double npstat::sampleKendallsTau ( const std::vector< Point > &  data,
unsigned  firstDim,
unsigned  secondDim 

Estimate Kendall's tau from a sample of multivariate points. Class Point should be subscriptable.

◆ sampleSpearmansRho()

template<class Point >
double npstat::sampleSpearmansRho ( const std::vector< Point > &  data,
unsigned  firstDim,
unsigned  secondDim 

Estimate Spearman's rho from a sample of multivariate points. Class Point should be subscriptable.

◆ scalesFromHessian()

void npstat::scalesFromHessian ( const Matrix< double > &  hessian,
double  negativeScaleLimit,
double *  scales,
unsigned  nScales 

Make a guess about typical scales in various directions by looking at the Hessian diagonal elements. The Hessian matrix must be square, and the size of the "scales" array must be at least as large as the number of hessian rows.

The diagonal elements of the Hessian are expected to be mostly positive. If they are negative, the "negativeScaleLimit" limit (on the maximum scale) will be imposed on them.

◆ scaleTransform()

void npstat::scaleTransform ( const fftw_complex *  l,
double  scale,
fftw_complex *  result,
const unsigned long  len 

Multiply by a scalar. "l" and "result" can be the same.

◆ scanMultivariateDensityAsWeight()

CPP11_auto_ptr<ArrayND<double> > npstat::scanMultivariateDensityAsWeight ( const AbsDistributionND kernel,
const unsigned *  maxDim,
const double *  bandwidthSet,
const double *  stepSize,
unsigned  arrayLength 

Utility function for scanning multivariate kernels and returning ArrayND of minimal size which encloses the complete density support region.

Arguments are as follows:

kernel – the density to scan

maxDim – maximum number of steps to make in each dimension. All values must be odd.

bandwidthSet – density function bandwidth values in each dimension

stepSize – scan step size in each dimension

arrayLength – number of elements in each of the arrays maxOctantDim, bandwidthSet, and stepSize

◆ scannedKSDistance()

double npstat::scannedKSDistance ( const AbsDistribution1D reference,
const AbsDistribution1D compared,
unsigned  nScanPoints 

The x values at which the cumulative density functions are compared are determined by spliting the [0, 1] interval into "nScanPoints" subintervals (bins) and then calculating the quantile function of the reference distribution at the center of each subinterval.

◆ scanSymmetricDensityAsWeight()

CPP11_auto_ptr<ArrayND<double> > npstat::scanSymmetricDensityAsWeight ( const AbsDistributionND kernel,
const unsigned *  maxOctantDim,
const double *  bandwidthSet,
const double *  stepSize,
unsigned  arrayLength,
bool  fillOneOctantOnly = true 

Utility function for scanning multivariate kernels and returning ArrayND of minimal size which encloses the complete density support region. It is assumed that the density is symmetric under all possible mirror reflections (i.e., whenever the sign of any "x" component changes, the density does not change).

Arguments are as follows:

kernel – the density to scan. Assumed to be even in any coordinate.

maxOctantDim – maximum number of steps to make in each dimension while scanning the hyperoctant

bandwidthSet – density function bandwidth values in each dimension

stepSize – scan step size in each dimension

arrayLength – number of elements in each of the arrays maxOctantDim, bandwidthSet, and stepSize

fillOneOctantOnly – set "true" to scan one octant only (including central grid points), "false" to scan the complete support region of the density. In the latter case, array size in the n-th dimension can become as large as 2*maxOctantDim[n] - 1.

◆ signalToBgMaximum1D()

int npstat::signalToBgMaximum1D ( const AbsDistribution1D signal,
const AbsDistribution1D background,
double  searchStartCoordinate,
double  initialStepSize,
double *  maximumPosition,
double *  maximumSignalToBgRatio,
NeymanPearson::Status *  searchStatus 

This function attempts to locate the position of the maximum of S/B density ratio. It returns 0 in case the input arguments pass all sanity checks and an error code otherwise.

Note that, if a point is found for which background density is 0 and signal density is not, this point will be returned as a result. In this case *maximumSignalToBgRatio will be set to DBL_MAX.

◆ simpleColumnNames()

std::vector<std::string> npstat::simpleColumnNames ( unsigned  ncols)

Generate column names "c0", "c1", ..., "cM", where M = ncols - 1

◆ simpleEmpiricalCdf()

template<typename Data >
double npstat::simpleEmpiricalCdf ( const std::vector< Data > &  data,
const Data &  x 

Returns the number of points in the data with values below or equal to x divided by the data size. The data vector must be sorted.

◆ simpleVariableBandwidthSmooth1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double npstat::simpleVariableBandwidthSmooth1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
int  symbetaPower,
NumOut *  result,
unsigned  lenResult,
double  bandwidthFactor = 1.0 

High-level driver routine for "variableBandwidthSmooth1D". It is assumed that one of the symmetric beta family kernels (including the Gaussian for which "symbetaPower" parameter can be set to any negative number) is used to build both the pilot and the final density estimates. The "alpha" parameter is set to 0.5 and the bandwidth is not increased at the boundary. The pilot estimate is generated using the AMISE plugin bandwidth multiplied by the "bandwidthFactor". It is assumed that the correct sample size can be obtained by summing the histogram bin contents, so the histogram should not be scaled.

The function returns the pilot bandwidth used.

◆ sineTransformMatrix()

Matrix<double> npstat::sineTransformMatrix ( unsigned  nTerms,
unsigned  nDiscrete 

nTerms is the number of sine terms in the transform. The basis functions are sqrt(2)*sin(k*Pi*x), k = 1, 2, ..., nTerms.

nDiscrete is the number of points to use for discretizing the [0, 1] interval. Should normally be substantially larger than "nTerms".

The returned matrix will have nTerms rows and nDiscrete columns.

◆ solve_linear_system()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::solve_linear_system ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
const Numeric *  rhs,
Numeric *  solution 

Solve a linear system (LAPACK DGETRF/DGETRS routines are used for doubles). This function returns "true" on success or "false" in case the matrix is degenerate.

◆ solve_linear_systems()

template<typename Numeric >
bool npstat::solve_linear_systems ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  nrows,
unsigned  ncols,
const Numeric *  rhs,
Numeric *  solution 

Solve multiple linear systems (LAPACK DGETRF/DGETRS routines are used for doubles). This function returns "true" on success or "false" in case the matrix is degenerate.

◆ solveCubic()

unsigned npstat::solveCubic ( double  p,
double  q,
double  r,
double  v3[3] 

Find the real roots of the cubic: x**3 + p*x**2 + q*x + r = 0 The number of real roots is returned, and the roots are placed into the "v3" array. Original code by Don Herbison-Evans (see his article "Solving Quartics and Cubics for Graphics" in the book "Graphics Gems V", page 3), with minimal adaptation for this package by igv.

◆ solveQuadratic()

unsigned npstat::solveQuadratic ( double  b,
double  c,
double *  x1,
double *  x2 

Solve the quadratic equation x*x + b*x + c == 0 in a numerically sound manner. Return the number of roots.

◆ spearmansRhoFromCopula()

template<class Array >
double npstat::spearmansRhoFromCopula ( const Array &  copula)

Estimate Spearman's rho from an empirical copula.

In this function, the array should represent an empirical 2-d copula (constructed, for example, by the calculateEmpiricalCopula function – see header file empiricalCopula.hh). Do not confuse it with the copula density.

◆ spearmansRhoFromCopulaDensity()

template<class Array >
double npstat::spearmansRhoFromCopulaDensity ( const Array &  copulaDensity)

Estimate Spearman's rho from an empirical copula density.

In this function, the array should represent an empirical 2-d copula density (constructed, for example, by the empiricalCopulaDensity function – see header file empiricalCopula.hh). Do not confuse it with the copula.

◆ squaredDerivativeIntegral()

template<typename Real >
Real npstat::squaredDerivativeIntegral ( Real *  fvalues,
unsigned long  arrLen,
unsigned  n,
Real  h 

This function returns the mathematical functional R(d^n f(x)/d x^n), where function f(x) is given by its tabulated values on a grid with constant distance h between points (it is assumed that each value is given in the middle of a cell, like in a histogram). The functional R(y(x)) is, by definition, the integral of y(x) squared. d^n f(x)/d x^n is the derivative of order n.

Note that the table of function values is NOT preserved.

◆ svdMethodName()

const char* npstat::svdMethodName ( SvdMethod  m)

Method names corresponding to enums

◆ sym_matrix_eigensystem()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::sym_matrix_eigensystem ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues,
Numeric *  eigenvectors 

Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (LAPACK DSYEV routine is used for doubles)

◆ sym_matrix_eigensystem_dc()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::sym_matrix_eigensystem_dc ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues,
Numeric *  eigenvectors 

Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix using the divide and conquer LAPACK driver (DSYEVD routine is used for doubles)

◆ sym_matrix_eigensystem_rrr()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::sym_matrix_eigensystem_rrr ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues,
Numeric *  eigenvectors 

Determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix using the "Relatively Robust Representations" (RRR) LAPACK driver (DSYEVR routine is used for doubles)

◆ sym_matrix_eigenvalues()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::sym_matrix_eigenvalues ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues 

Determine eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix (LAPACK DSYEV routine is used for doubles)

◆ sym_matrix_eigenvalues_dc()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::sym_matrix_eigenvalues_dc ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues 

Determine eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix using the divide and conquer LAPACK driver (DSYEVD routine is used for doubles)

◆ sym_matrix_eigenvalues_rrr()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::sym_matrix_eigenvalues_rrr ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues 

Determine eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix using the "Relatively Robust Representations" (RRR) LAPACK driver (DSYEVR routine is used for doubles)

◆ symbetaBandwidthRatio()

double npstat::symbetaBandwidthRatio ( int  power,
unsigned  filterDegree 

Ratio of the symmetric beta kernel AMISE bandwidth to the Gaussian kernel AMISE bandwidth (as in the concept of "canonical bandwidth").

1.0 will be returned in case the "power" argument is negative.

◆ symbetaLOrPEFilter1D()

CPP11_auto_ptr<LocalPolyFilter1D> npstat::symbetaLOrPEFilter1D ( int  m,
double  bandwidth,
double  maxDegree,
unsigned  numberOfGridPoints,
double  gridCellSize,
const BoundaryHandling boundaryMethod,
const unsigned char *  exclusionMask = 0,
bool  excludeCentralPoint = false 

The utility function that generates the most common filters using kernels from the symmetric beta family. The arguments are as follows:

m – Choose the kernel from the symmetric beta family proportional to (1 - x^2)^m. If m is negative, Gaussian kernel will be used, truncated at +- 12 sigma.

bandwidth – Kernel bandwidth.

maxDegree – Degree of the LOrPE polynomial. Interpretation of non-integer arguments is by the "continuousDegreeTaper" function.

numberOfGridPoints – Length of the data array to be used with this filter (typically, number of histogram bins and such).

gridCellSize – Cell size or histogram bin width.

boundaryMethod – Method for handling the weight function at the boundary of the density support region.

exclusionMask – If provided, array with numberOfGridPoints elements. If an element of this array is not 0, corresponding data point will be excluded from the filtering process.

excludeCentralPoint – If "true", the weight will be set to 0 for the central bin of the filter. This can be useful in some cross validation scenarios.

◆ symbetaMultiFilter1D()

CPP11_auto_ptr<LocalMultiFilter1D> npstat::symbetaMultiFilter1D ( int  m,
double  bandwidth,
unsigned  maxDegree,
unsigned  numberOfGridPoints,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
const BoundaryHandling boundaryMethod,
const unsigned char *  exclusionMask = 0,
bool  excludeCentralPoint = false 

The utility function that generates the most common filters using kernels from the symmetric beta family. The arguments are as follows:

m – Choose the kernel from the symmetric beta family proportional to (1 - x^2)^m. If m is negative, Gaussian kernel will be used, truncated at +- 12 sigma.

bandwidth – Kernel bandwidth.

maxDegree – Maximum degree of the LOrPE polynomial.

numberOfGridPoints – Length of the data array to be used with this filter (typically, number of histogram bins and such)

xmin, xmax – Data grid limits (as in a histogram).

boundaryMethod – Method for handling the weight function at the boundary of the density support region.

exclusionMask – If provided, array with numberOfGridPoints elements. If an element of this array is not 0, corresponding data point will be excluded from the filtering process.

excludeCentralPoint – If "true", the weight will be set to 0 for the central bin of the filter. This can be useful in some cross validation scenarios.

◆ td_sym_matrix_eigenvalues_rrr()

template<typename Numeric >
void npstat::td_sym_matrix_eigenvalues_rrr ( const Numeric *  in,
unsigned  dim,
Numeric *  eigenvalues 

Determine eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix using the "Relatively Robust Representations" (RRR) LAPACK driver (DSTEVR routine is used for doubles)

◆ transposeBuffer() [1/2]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void npstat::transposeBuffer ( T1 *  dest,
const T2 *  source,
const unsigned long  dim 

Copy a buffer (with possible type conversion on the fly) transposing it in the process (treating as a square matrix)

◆ transposeBuffer() [2/2]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void npstat::transposeBuffer ( T1 *  dest,
const T2 *  source,
const unsigned long  M,
const unsigned long  N 

Copy a buffer (with possible type conversion on the fly) transposing it in the process (treating as an M x N matrix)

◆ truncatedInverseSqrt()

double npstat::truncatedInverseSqrt ( const Matrix< lapack_double > &  covmat,
unsigned  nEigenvectorsToKeep,
double  eigenvaluePrecision,
Matrix< lapack_double > *  result,
unsigned *  numEigenvaluesAdjusted = 0,
EigenMethod  m = EIGEN_SIMPLE 

The following function constructs an inverse square root of a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix (given by the "covmat" argument) by keeping only a certain number of eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalues. The number of eigenvectors to keep is given by the "nEigenvectorsToKeep" argument. The "result" matrix will have each row set to a kept eigenvector multiplied by the inverse square root of the corresponding eigenvalue.

If the egenvalue to keep is 0 or negative, it will be converted into the product of the largest eigenvalue times "eigenvaluePrecision". "eigenvaluePrecision" argument must not be negative.

The function returns the ratio of the sum of the rejected eigenvalues of the "covmat" matrix to the total sum of its eigenvalues. In this calculation, all negative eigenvalues are assumed to be due to round-off, so they are converted to 0.

std::invalid_argument will be thrown in case something is wrong with the arguments (e.g., the input matrix is not square) and if the largest eigenvalue is not positive.

Intended for use in linear least squares problems with degenerate covariance matrices when the "proper" number of degrees of freedom is known in advance.

If desired, the function can return the number of eigenvalues affected by the "eigenvaluePrecision" cutoff.

◆ unbinnedLogLikelihood1D()

template<typename Numeric >
double npstat::unbinnedLogLikelihood1D ( const Numeric *  samplePonts,
unsigned long  sampleLength,
const AbsDistribution1D density,
double  minlog 

Simple unbinned log-likelihood for a 1-d sample of points

◆ unitMatrixDeviations()

template<typename Numeric , unsigned Len, typename T >
void npstat::unitMatrixDeviations ( const Matrix< Numeric, Len > &  mat,
std::vector< T > *  result 

The following function returns the size of the maximum absolute deviation as a function of leading principal submatrix size. result[0] will contain the deviation for 1 x 1 submatrix, result[1] will contain the deviation for 2 x 2 submatrix, etc.

◆ validEdgeworthSeriesMethodNames()

std::string npstat::validEdgeworthSeriesMethodNames ( )

All valid method names for use in error messages, etc

◆ validEigenMethodNames()

std::string npstat::validEigenMethodNames ( )

All valid method names for use in error messages, etc

◆ validLikelihoodStatisticNames()

std::string npstat::validLikelihoodStatisticNames ( )

All valid statistic names or use in error messages, etc

◆ validOrthoPolyMethodNames()

std::string npstat::validOrthoPolyMethodNames ( )

All valid method names for use in error messages, etc

◆ validSvdMethodNames()

std::string npstat::validSvdMethodNames ( )

Valid method names for use in error messages, etc

◆ variableBandwidthSmooth1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename Num2 , typename NumOut >
void npstat::variableBandwidthSmooth1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
const Num2 *  pilotDensityEstimate,
unsigned  lenEstimate,
const AbsDistribution1D kernel,
double  bandwidth,
double  alpha,
bool  increaseBandwidthAtBoundary,
NumOut *  result,
unsigned  lenResult 

This function performs kernel density estimation with variable bandwidth which changes for each bin of the data histogram in the inverse proportion to the pilot density estimate at that bin to some power given by the parameter "alpha" (it seems 0.5 works well as "alpha" argument in many contexts). The pilot estimate must be positive for any bin that has any data in it. This pilot can be created, for example, using fixed bandwidth polynomial filter of degree 0 (which is equivalent to KDE with boundary kernels).

It is assumed that the kernel has its "center" at 0. It should normally be symmetric around 0. Boundary kernel adjustment is performed automatically.

The variable bandwidth values will be adjusted in such a way that their geometric mean will be equal to the argument "bandwidth".

The "increaseBandwidthAtBoundary" argument allows the user to use wider kernels at the boundaries of density support region (to compensate for kernel leakage outside the support region). This adjustment comes after the geometric mean normalization, so that geometric mean normalization will not hold strictly in this case.

Number of bins in the input histogram, length of the pilot density estimate array, and length of the result array must all be the same.

◆ varianceUncertainty()

double npstat::varianceUncertainty ( double  sigma,
double  kurtosis,
unsigned long  n 

Uncertainty of the variance (not standard deviation!) estimate. Parameters "sigma" and "kurtosis" are population sigma and kurtosis, not sample estimates.

◆ volumeDensityFromBinnedRadial()

double npstat::volumeDensityFromBinnedRadial ( unsigned  dim,
double  binWidth,
double  r,
double  radialDensity = 1.0 

The function arguments are as follows:

dim – Dimensionality of the space.

binWidth – The width of the bins used originally to construct the density estimate. Typically, the value of r would be histogrammed and then smoothed. This argument must be non-negative.

r – The distance from the origin. This argument must be non-negative. In addition, "binWidth" and "r" can not simultaneously be 0s.

radialDensity – The value of density in r, i.e., (d Prob)/(d r). If the default value of 1.0 is used, the function returns the density conversion factor.

◆ weightedCopulaHisto()

template<class Point , class Histo >
double npstat::weightedCopulaHisto ( const std::vector< std::pair< const Point *, double > > &  data,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
const unsigned  nDimsToUse,
Histo *  result,
bool  useFillC = false 

Function for building copula density out of sets of points by ordering the points and remembering the order in each dimension. The histogram is filled with point weights. All histogram axes should normally have minimum at 0.0 and maximum at 1.0. This function assumes (but does not check) that the argument histogram is defined on the unit multivariate cube. The histogram will be reset before it is filled from the provided data. The histogram contents will not be normalized after the histogram is filled. If you want normalized result, call the "convertHistoToDensity" function (declared in the HistoND header).

Note that ties are not resolved by this function (i.e., their mutual order is arbitrary).

The function arguments are as follows:

data – Input data. The pointers (the first element of the pair) assume to point to objects which have a subscripting operator. The second element of the pair is the weight.

dimsToUse – Point dimensions to use for building the copula. This array should have at least "nDimsToUse" elements.

nDimsToUse – Number of copula dimensions.

result – The histogram to fill.

useFillC – Specifies whether "fillC" histogram method should be used instead of the "fill" method.

The function returns the Kish's effective sample size.

◆ weightedCopulaHisto_2()

template<class Point , class Histo >
double npstat::weightedCopulaHisto_2 ( const std::vector< Point > &  data,
const std::vector< double > &  weights,
const unsigned *  dimsToUse,
const unsigned  nDimsToUse,
Histo *  result,
bool  useFillC = false 

A version of "weightedCopulaHisto" with a slightly different interface. Here, point weights are given in a separate vector. It is assumed that the element weights[i] corresponds to the point data[i].

◆ weightedLorpeSmooth1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double npstat::weightedLorpeSmooth1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
double  effectiveSampleSize,
int  m,
double  maxDegree,
NumOut *  result,
unsigned  lenResult,
const BoundaryHandling bm,
double  bandwidthFactor = 1.0 

Simple driver function for density estimation from histograms using LOrPE. It is assumed that the histogram fill counts correspond to the actual number of points in the sample. The function arguments are:

m – Choose the kernel from the symmetric beta family proportional to (1 - x^2)^m. If m is negative, Gaussian kernel will be used, truncated at +- 12 sigma.

maxDegree – Degree of the LOrPE polynomial. Interpretation of non-integer arguments is by the "continuousDegreeTaper" function.

result – Buffer for storing the results. This can coincide with the input histogram bin contents (so that they will be changed in-place – this makes sense only if the histogram contents are real).

lenResult – Length of the "result" buffer.

bm – Method used to handle LOrPE weight at the boundary.

bandwidthFactor – The plugin bandwidth estimate will be multiplied by this factor to make the actual kernel bandwidth.

The function returns the actual bandwidth used.

◆ weightedVariableBandwidthSmooth1D()

template<typename Numeric , typename NumOut >
double npstat::weightedVariableBandwidthSmooth1D ( const HistoND< Numeric > &  histo,
double  effectiveSampleSize,
int  symbetaPower,
NumOut *  result,
unsigned  lenResult,
double  bandwidthFactor = 1.0 

High-level driver routine for "variableBandwidthSmooth1D". It is assumed that one of the symmetric beta family kernels (including the Gaussian for which "symbetaPower" parameter can be set to any negative number) is used to build both the pilot and the final density estimates. The "alpha" parameter is set to 0.5 and the bandwidth is not increased at the boundary. The pilot estimate is generated using the AMISE plugin bandwidth multiplied by the "bandwidthFactor". This code can be used with histograms that are scaled or filled with weighted points as long as the correct effective sample size is provided.

The function returns the pilot bandwidth used.