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NPStat  5.10.0
npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >, including all inherited members.

AbsNtuple(const std::vector< std::string > &columnNames, const char *ntTitle)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
append(const AbsNtuple< T2 > &another)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
at(const unsigned long r, const unsigned long c) constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
classId() constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
classname() (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >static
clear()npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
column_begin(const Column &column) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
column_end() const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnContents(const Column &c, T *buf, unsigned long lenBuf) constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
columnIndices(const Column &c0) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3, const Column &c4) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3, const Column &c4, const Column &c5) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3, const Column &c4, const Column &c5, const Column &c6) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3, const Column &c4, const Column &c5, const Column &c6, const Column &c7) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3, const Column &c4, const Column &c5, const Column &c6, const Column &c7, const Column &c8) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const Column &c0, const Column &c1, const Column &c2, const Column &c3, const Column &c4, const Column &c5, const Column &c6, const Column &c7, const Column &c8, const Column &c9) const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnIndices(const std::vector< std::string > &colNames) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
columnName(const unsigned long i) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
columnNames() constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
columnNumber(const char *columnName) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
conditionalCycleOverRows(const Filter &f, Accumulator &acc) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
conditionalRowCount(const Filter &f) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
cycleOverRows(Accumulator &acc) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
element(unsigned long r, const Column &c) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
elementAt(unsigned long r, const Column &c) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
fill(const T *values, unsigned long lenValues)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6, const T &v7) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6, const T &v7, const T &v8) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
fill(const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6, const T &v7, const T &v8, const T &v9) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
InMemoryNtuple(const std::vector< std::string > &colNames, const char *ntTitle=0)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlineexplicit
isEqual(const AbsNtuple< T > &other) constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlineprotectedvirtual
length() constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
nColumns() constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
nRows() constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
operator!=(const AbsNtuple &r) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
operator()(const unsigned long r, const unsigned long c) constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
operator==(const AbsNtuple &r) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
read(const gs::ClassId &id, std::istream &in) (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >static
row_begin(unsigned long rowNumber) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
row_end() const (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
rowContents(unsigned long row, T *buf, unsigned long lenBuf) constnpstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >virtual
setColumnName(unsigned long i, const char *newname)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >virtual
setTitle(const char *newtitle)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
title() constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >inline
validColumn(const char *columnName) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
value_type typedef (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >
version() (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinestatic
weightedConditionalCycleOverRows(const Filter &f, Accumulator &acc, const WeightCalc &wcalc, bool skipZeroWeights=false) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
weightedConditionalRowCount(const Filter &f, const WeightCalc &wcalc) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
weightedCycleOverRows(Accumulator &acc, const WeightCalc &wcalc, bool skipZeroWeights=false) constnpstat::AbsNtuple< T >
write(std::ostream &) const (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >
~AbsNtuple() (defined in npstat::AbsNtuple< T >)npstat::AbsNtuple< T >inlinevirtual
~InMemoryNtuple() (defined in npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >)npstat::InMemoryNtuple< T >inlinevirtual