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NPStat  5.10.0
npstat::NtupleBuffer< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >, including all inherited members.

at(const unsigned long row, const unsigned long c) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
classId() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
classname() (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >static
clear() (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
columnContents(const unsigned long col, T *buf, const unsigned long lenBuf) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
columnOffsets() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
fill(const T *values, const unsigned long lenValues) (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
firstRow() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
isFull() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
itemsBuffered() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
maxrows() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
nColumns() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
nRows() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
NtupleBuffer() (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
NtupleBuffer(const unsigned long maxrows, const unsigned long ncols, const bool writeColumnByColumn) (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
operator!=(const NtupleBuffer &r) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
operator()(const unsigned long row, const unsigned long c) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
operator==(const NtupleBuffer &r) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
readColumn(const gs::ClassId &id, std::istream &in, unsigned long column, long long offset, T *buffer, unsigned long bufferLength) (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >static
restore(const gs::ClassId &id, std::istream &in, NtupleBuffer *buf) (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >static
rowContents(const unsigned long absRow, T *buf, const unsigned long lenBuf) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
rowInRange(const unsigned long row) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
setFirstRow(const unsigned long off) (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline
value_type typedef (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >
version() (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inlinestatic
write(std::ostream &) const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >
writeByColumn() const (defined in npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >)npstat::NtupleBuffer< T >inline